Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Father's Day

Sunday, June 18/17

I would like to wish all the dad's out there a Happy Father's Day!!!

This means all the dad's in traditional families with both a mom and dad, all the dad's in the new modern family that mean's two dads, all the single men who are raising their children on their own, all the mom's pulling double duty as both mom and dad, all the uncles and brothers stepping up to do the right thing......well pretty much anyone who is acting like a dad and making sure children are safe, sound, and feeling loved in this day and age.

I'll be having dinner with my kids later and get to see both my daughter and son as well as my adorable grandson so all is well with me today.

Practice a random act of kindness today and see how just awesome you feel when you bring a smile to someone you don't even know :)


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