Sunday, November 5, 2017

Full Circle

Sunday, November 05/17

So this past week I received notification that someone on eHarmony had sent me a smile and was interested in me. Smiles are how you let someone know they've caught your eye and you want to chat and see what happens.

Now I was at work and couldn't log in in to my profile as our firewall blocks those kinds of sites, but lets us watch YouTube so you figure that one out, and had to wait till I got home as for some reason my iPhone doesn't sync up with the Internet when I use the eHarmony application.

Once I got home, took Moki for her walk, and got things generally squared away I logged in and checked out the profile.

Now for those readers who have been following the blog for any length of time, you'll know that I met C on this site and pretty much our whole relationship started with the simple sending of smiles back and forth, so you can imagine my shock when I saw who sent me the smile.......

No, it wasn't C as she is down in D.C. and I'm sure getting hit on by every single guy who meets her as well as some married guys to boot.

No, but the woman was from the exact same organization as C although a little bit younger and working downtown. Now if that isn't some form of deja vu than I don't know what is.

How do I know they are from the same organization you ask? Her outfit pretty much said it all as did her stated profession. Oddly enough, she also resides in the east end of Ottawa in the exact same neighborhood and also has 2 sons, a bit younger I think given she is in her late 30's.

I didn't respond that night but waited till the next day, not because I was playing games but more so I had some time to decide if I wanted to respond or let this one go by the wayside. In the end I sent a smile back and we've exchanged some questions to get to know more about one another.

It seems almost like I've traveled back to the fall of 2015 and am reliving that part of my life once again, full circle if you will.

No clue what is going to happen but the odds aren't great as given her profession it means she'll be getting a new position at some point and the whole long distance issue comes up once again. The nice thing is that it looks like she isn't too far up the organizational ladder so to speak and that won't cause me any issues as I won't be as limited in how I address people when around her, should it even get to that stage, as I found it hard not to call people sir or ma'am around C given how I was raised but understood the reason I couldn't do so given her own position.

My name is Marcus and the one thing my dating life is these days is anything but boring. The search for my one continues and with the golf season almost officially over it will be on my mind more and more, not always a good thing if you ask me :)

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