Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Happy Birthday

Wednesday, November 29/17

Today marks the birthday of someone very special to me and I want to wish her a very happy birthday.

I hope both A and N are able to talk to you today to let you know how much they love and miss you, that your parents B & D are able to do the same, as well as all of your friends and comrades spread far and wide across Canada and around the world.

The circle of people who like, admire, and dare I say love you far exceeds that which you think you know and understand. I learned that from my evening at a certain Ball that left me shaking my head at how someone so damn smart could be so oblivious to the feeling of those around and above her in the hierarchy of her own organization.

It is a silly cliche but far more true than I ever realized at the time but you made me a better person for our time together and I'll always hold you in my heart if for no other reason than that alone.

I view the world in a much clearer perspective and strive my best to see the good all around me, working to minimize those things that irritate me or cause me stress.

I am much more willing to let my explorer out when it comes to trying to new things and yet still take the time to savor the simple taste of a chilled glass of the one particular Pinot Grigio you introduced me to a few years back, yes, the one with the horse on the front that I used to so elegantly refer to as the "Horsey Wine" from the LCBO  ;-)

I was not able to express these thoughts last year when this day rolled around but I did raise a glass to you and silently wished you a happy birthday.

These days finds me feeling a tad bit more in control of myself and able to think about you, me, and us without letting it overwhelm me and so with nothing but the truest feelings I shall close by saying......

Happy Birthday, Ma'am

I can hear you softly swearing at me as you read that last line but also know that there is a twinkle in your eyes and a smile parting your lips as it was always the one way I could sort of tease you and get away with it, other than with some soft kisses to the back of that sweet neck when you least expected them.

My name is Marcus and this blog entry is for one person and one person alone.

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