Wednesday, November 08/17
I've always found it kind of interesting which of my blog entries garner the most views and was kind of shocked when I logged in yesterday to see the two most recent entries "Online Dating" and "Full Circle" were blowing up with each hitting over 200 views after being up for a short time.
I guess they hit the spot as both revolve around dating in some way, the good and the bad as you will.
My most viewed entry is "Pros and Cons to Being Single" with almost 1,000 views.
ZFG & ZFG II rank up there as well with approximately 700 hits combined.
The funny thing is that some of what I consider my best entries are hardly even read, and no I'm not going to mention them by name as I'm just that kind of guy, tease and torment you the readers.
I've been doing this for about 6 years between this site and another and am now closing in on almost 25K views, something that makes me sit back and ask myself how the hell did this even come about.
The answer is just an overall sense of frustration with life at some point and my desire to basically vent about things with the thought that if some of them were bothering me they might also be doing the same for others.
I try my best to cover off current events that I find interesting or thought provoking as well as those near and dear to my own heart. Sometimes I feel like I've gotten my message across and other times not so much but the one thing I've never done or will ever do is mail it in, meaning just post an entry to pad my numbers.
Think that has partially been the problem the last little while, I've had some fucking wicked topics running through my head but when it came time to sit down to put them into words I just didn't feel like the finished product was worthy of any one's time and backed off to reconsider things.
Topics come to me at the strangest times, driving to work, playing a round of golf, in the shower, observing something I see going on around me, and sometimes I have paper and pen handy and can jot down the thought but unfortunately I find I don't more often than not and the thought is so fleeting that I lose it......
So here is to all my blog entries written and posted and those yet to come as this little adventure has really just started, for better or worse, and I'll do my best to keep you interested and maybe every now and again post something that will have you either scratching your head in confusion or fist pumping as you think to yourself "damn if he didn't just hit it right on the head"
My name is Marcus and these are my stories about being a parent, working, golfing, watching my awesome grandson baby Jack grow up, and possibly falling in love one last time.
Today's musical suggestion is "Down" by Marion Hill. Love the keyboards on this and think her voice hits all the right notes.
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