Sunday, November 5, 2017

Online Dating is Exciting and Fun

November 05/17

Online dating is exciting and fun........said no one ever!!!!!

I was never part of the whole bar or club scene but have heard my fair share of horror stories but think I've now found my own version of these dating environments via online dating.

Now don't get me wrong, not all of my experiences have been bad as I did get an opportunity to meet C and have a relationship for a little while.

But I'm starting to wonder if that might have been the exception rather than the rule to online dating where I am concerned as some of my most recent experiences have left me wondering just who the hell I've pissed off in the dating department to deserve some of these encounters (names have not been changed as I don't really care if they ever stumble across this blog and read about themselves, that alone should tell you something about them given how I've always been protective of the identities of those I write about).

Let's start with Michelle or as I like to call her TMIM. That stands for Too Much Information Michelle. I have to say that she is one of the few poor experiences I've had with someone from eHarmony.

We chatted a bit before agreeing to meet for a drink. Things started off well enough but towards the middle of the meeting she reached across the table and placed her hand on top of mine and told me that she found me very interesting and would be open to some more dates to see how things might go. Sounds pretty good doesn't it without any reason to feel any trepidation right? Looks can be deceiving as I've learned over the years. What you can't see from the words was the "but" that was tagged to that statement but one I knew was there.  "But I like to know what a guy is expecting from me and thus have to ask you a very critical question" Now you might be sitting there thinking her question was going to center around sex or some such thing, and I guess it sort of did.

"So what I'm wondering is what you are expecting to see when we are intimate the first time"

Now keep it in mind that we haven't even shared a hug let alone kissed yet and this is the question she thinks needs to be addressed right now. Of course a couple of things went through my mind, was she post gender reassignment surgery, did she have multiple piercings or tattoos in her nether region, or did she have an extra nipple or some such thing.

I'll give her credit for not letting that pause last too long before she explained what she meant.

"I'm wondering if you are expecting to see hardwood, maybe a landing strip/tuft, or shag carpet?, if you know what I mean?"

Now I'll admit that I've dated my fair share, see an earlier post on my numbers, but I am kind of proud that I'll never be called a man whore or player based on my experiences but I've also not given too much consideration to the grooming habits of anyone I've just met for the first time.

I admitted as much to Michelle and think she took this as a lack of interest in my part, which it had sort of become. She smiled at me and looked me in the eyes as she told me that she had perfect hardwood throughout and expected the same in return.  I'll admit that I once did that but the chaffing as things grew back made it easy to never want to do it again, not to say I don't follow a grooming regime so that I don't look like someone whose never seen a pair of scissors before.

We wound things up and went our separate ways after I settled up the tab. I got a text later that night saying she was still interested in seeing me but I replied that I thought that last bit about grooming habits was maybe at best a 3rd or 4th date topic and not one to have so early on and wished her well but thought we were in different places. The last thing I got from her was "Your loss as I rock in bed!"

Confidence is sexy but bragging is a total turn off to this guy.

I'm going to close this entry out and wonder if this is normal to bring up so quickly or am I just too old and not up to date on things.

My name is Marcus and I like the surprise of finding things out in due time and not knowing before hand what to expect. I'm still seeking the one and hoping she sort of has some of the same views I do about certain things :)

Today's musical suggestion is "Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Moide.  I've been doing a lot of YouTube viewing the past few weeks and have really enjoyed some of Depeche's  videos.

here is the link to the video I've watched a few times this week:

One thing I love about this song is the beat of the song, it just make me want to move, and the best part of the video is the back up singers, those two ladies never stop dancing and it is so cool to watch how much they get into it.

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