Sunday, November 05/17
So this weekend was pretty busy on the family front as it was the Stag & Doe for my daughter and her fiance which translated into time with my most incredible grandson, aka baby Jack.
Actually, it was an interesting week or so in regards to Jack and some of his firsts.
His first Halloween was both good and bad. Good in that he totally rocked his little monkey costume and bad in that he managed to get a trip to CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) when he was on his fathers shoulders and slammed his head into a light fixture. My son sent me a text on the last one letting me know they were heading to CHEO as he had a gash just inside his hairline that was going to need stitches.
Now to say I was freaking out would be putting it mildly but I knew he was in good hands with his parents and I'd learn more as things developed, which I did when she called me to let me know he was going to be fine but he now had 6 staples to close the wound. She told me she'd never been so scared in her life as there was just blood everywhere and he was screaming in pain and fright. She sent me a picture of him and the little trooper was sucking on a cold clothe and looked so adorable, even with red eyes and the staples visible in his light brown hair.
I stopped by on Tuesday on my way home as much to see my future son-in-law as to see my grandson as I was worried the son-in-law was going to be blaming himself for the accident, having been there myself with my son the time I wasn't paying attention while drying him off after a bath and he turned his head right into the q-tip and almost perforated his ear drum. I helped my daughter get him ready for bed and than spent some time talking to him to let him know his son is one tough cookie and that as bad as it was it wasn't going to be the last time they visited CHEO as it was part of raising busy and fearless children. I can't count the number of times we visited there between my son and my daughter.
Come Wednesday things were back to normal with the exception that Jack had decided that he'd had enough of crawling and started to walk, albeit tentatively. Again my daughter sent me a video of him walking across the room and asked if I was ready for the weekend as I was down to watch him Friday night while they went to her mom's to prep some stuff for Saturday's Stag & Doe and again on Saturday during the actual party.
Now some might wonder why I wasn't actually at the party and the simple truth is that my family knows I don't handle crowds very well and do all they can to protect me, knowing I'd have been there if asked but not feeling all that comfortable in that setting, so instead I got the joy of spending some one on one time with my grandson, one of the best nights of my life!!!
I got there early and played with him in his room and helped with his bath, something he loves almost as much as loves throwing balls so the dogs can play fetch. Around 6 pm he started getting tired so upstairs we went to have a bottle and snuggle. Laying next to him reminded me how much I enjoyed those times with my son when he was that age, actually it made me think how alike those two are and the special bond they are already developing. Soon he was sound asleep so I made sure he was covered up and his soosie was close at hand. I watched some movies and kept an eye on him on the monitor as he pretty much slept the night away for me. I received a few texts from my daughter asking how he was doing and one from her fiance saying I needed to babysit more often as he only seems to sleep the night away when grandpa is around, made me feel so good inside as I read that one.
Around 12:30 am I started to feel pretty sleepy myself and went upstairs and layed down next to Jack and fell asleep, knowing that if I tried to stay awake on the couch I was doomed lol
My daughter woke me up at 1:40 when they got home and told me they'd almost left me alone as the sight of Jack and his grandpa sleeping was so cute. I made it home by 2 to see my son watching a video of his nephew scooching over to snuggle up to me that my daughter had sent out to the family.
My ex texted me to say she was so jealous but there was nobody else she'd rather see him do that with than me, other then herself of course lol
I'm 55 and have never once felt my age, probably one reason why I've always tended to date younger, and now I know that my grandson is going to continue letting me feel that way as he totally makes me feel energized.
I know that we aren't supposed to have favourites when it comes to family but I'd be lying if I didn't say that little boy is the jewel in my eyes and the single most important person to this blogger.
My name is Marcus and I'm searching for my one, but in the meantime I'll be spending as much time as possible with baby Jack and soaking up all the energy and love that little boy brings to my world.
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