November 22/13
Déjà vu hit me like a freight train today when I got a text from my son while I was at work......
There was a bunch of his buddies going to see the new Hunger Games tonight and seems there were also some young ladies meeting the guys there and he wanted to know if he could go.
I told him of course and when I asked what time the movie was and who all was going he dropped a few names that I knew and said he wasn't sure of the times yet, being the helpful dad that I am I checked the website and let him know starting times and that I'd be home around 5:30 and could drive him to the theatre. He responded saying they were seeing the one near 7pm and one of the guys dad's was driving a few there and could go with them as they wanted to leave around 5:30....I said of course and to use some of the money in his wallet and I'd replace it over the weekend.
When I got home he was just getting ready to and said they had decided to do the pick up for 6pm and he was glad to see me, coming over to give me a hug. Now some of you might not think that a big deal but anytime a fourteen year is willing to give his dad a hug and say I love you it is a huge deal....something I look forward to each Friday when he is with me.
We sat and talked a bit about his week at school, the hockey tournament this weekend, and his request that I help him with a science project because as he put it "we get to make a cool replica of an atom".........just another moment with him I'll grab onto every chance I get.
The door bell rang and as I answered it he went to get his shoes on and grab his jacket, at the door were two of his buddies and I asked which one's dad was driving and told him to let his dad know I'd pick them up and run them home after the movie so one parent wasn't stuck doing car duty, the boys laughed and said thank you, and as my son walked down the front steps I called out to make sure he had his cell phone and money, he turned and as he rolled his eyes said "yes, now stop worrying"
As they got into the car I heard one of the other lads say "your dad is just like mine, always making sure I'm good to go and staying safe" and than there was some good hearted laughter.
I went and sat on the couch and as I rubbed Moki the Wonder Puppy's back said to her "Seems like only yesterday that was me out there doing the exact same thing on a Friday with my friends"
Now that I think about it that is exactly what used to happen with me and my friends. Sometimes my mom would drive and either Rich's or Steve's mom would pick us up after watching a movie down at the old AMC theatre in Fashion Valley......heck I think we even used to hope to meet some nice girls and maybe get a number or two for a future movie
No matter how much things change in our lives, some things really don't change do they.........
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