Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Q & A

November 19/13

I received the following message and thought I'd post the exchange in case anyone else has the same thoughts.

"Hi Marcus

I love the blog but am wondering two things: Why do you take so long sometimes to post entries and are you really a guy as there are times it seems like you really see things more from a females perspective than a males.

Thanks and look forward to hearing back from you.


Let me address these in the order asked.

I don't have any schedule to live by in regards to the blog but rather post entries when something piques my interest, sparks a thought, or needs to be addressed in order to re balance my inner Qi.

I will say that there are many times I have a thought and begin to write an entry only to stop before completion as it just doesn't feel right to me, so I take the time to set is aside and wait until I can make it whole. At this point in time I have 5 draft postings on the go on a number of topics. The process is somewhat helter skelter as some of the topics hit me out of the blue and I mentally write them if pen and paper aren't available, this can be kind of hit or miss as I can usually remember the key points but some of the supporting verbiage is lost, these lost words are necessary to tie everything together into a neat and readable post. I'm getting better at using the record function on my iPhone and iPod but it takes me some time to incorporate new technology into my day to day life.

As to my expressed views and the mistaken belief that I must not be male because some of them resonate the female point of view , let me assure you I am 100% male and only write from the heart. Maybe I've just been lucky in life that I never embraced the mantra that real men don't cry or let feelings interfere with life. Real men do cry, we feel pain, and we are equally scared of a lot of the same things women are. There have been a few times, like less than five, where I've run a post past a friend and incorporated her feedback in the final form, but the underlying basis is and always has been mine.

I'm not a meta sexual, new age man, or any other such thing. I'm just your average run of the mill, kind of guy who you see literally every day as you make your way through life. This isn't some self deprecating put down on my part, something I've been more than guilty of doing in the past. It is just the reality of life. For every Ryan Reynolds there are thousands of guys like me who go through life being the best we can be, for ourselves, for our families, and for our communities.

I think this pretty saying pretty much sums it up best in regards to moi:

         I am who I am, nothing less, nothing more

It is Tuesday so mistakes will be made.....I'm good with it as it is part of life and an ever ongoing learning process



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