November 03/13
So yesterday I was doing some stuff around the house getting ready for winter - things like a final rake of the leaves, cleaning out the eaves troughs (again), putting the cover on the central ac unit, and changing the floor mats on the car.
I didn't get winter mats for the my old Tucson and they took a beating so when I traded it in and got a new Accent hatchback I told myself to treat this one better so I could pass it down to my son when he starts driving in a few years.
Well when I was changing them I forgot that the Accent has a lower frame and after pulling out the old mats I turned around to put the new ones in and slammed my head into the door frame - literally slammed it so hard I was seeing stars and pretty much gave myself a slight concussion. I've been battling headaches, some dizziness, and a little nausea ever since the incident.
Needless to say all my plans for the weekend have been tossed to the side as I try and right the ship that is my mental acuity and clear the constant cobwebs that seem to make everything a little fuzzy around the edges. Shame there isn't a mental Swiffer for cleaning out the corners of ones mind now and than.
I was doing pretty good until tonight when I convinced myself that going to watch my sons hockey game wouldn't cause me any problems - I couldn't have been more wrong as the sounds in the arena were way too loud for my head, the glare off the ice made my eyes hurt, and once again I just want to curl up around the porcelain God and worship till my stomach is settled.
All this being said to say that the really cool blog posting I started to write yesterday morning is on hold for the moment while I recover.
This one feels worse than the one I got back in 2001 when I literally lost track of my son goofing around in the garage as I sat on the front step for about 30 minutes, me thinks a visit to my doctor might be in order tomorrow and I'll probably see if I can skip coaching the soccer game tomorrow night as I can't see how my yelling is going to do my head any good and it took all of my efforts not to yell tonight - they would have been words of support tonight versus instructions tomorrow night.
Wishing every one a good week and hopefully some warmth as it has been a wee bit cold the last few days :)
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