Thursday, November 28, 2013

The curious mind of a teenager rears it's head once again.......

November 28/13

Well another week of repeating grade nine is coming to an end as my son rotates back to his mom starting tomorrow and I can honestly say I have nothing planned for the weekend other than some much needed rest.

This past weekend he asked for my help on completing on a science project that I can honestly say was far in excess of anything I tackled when I was actually back in grade nine for real. This is my 3rd go-round in grade nine having done so before with my daughter and now once more with my son, hopefully this is the last time too lol

We were out on Saturday picking up supplies, just chatting about this and that, no real topic driving the conversation when out of the blue he told me he wasn't seeing anyone but rather just being the class stud. I laughed so hard I almost wet myself and caught him smiling, knowing that had been his objective all along, he tends to think I'm too serious and don't laugh anywhere near enough, once more showing how attentive he is to the small things.

I asked if he even knew what the word meant and he gave me one of those patented teenager to parent looks that pretty much says "you've got to be kidding right old man" and than asked me something that made me take a moment and think before replying "Dad, when you were in your twenties you slept with a lot of women right?"

I think I took longer to respond than he expected as he asked me if I was OK and I didn't have to answer the question if it made me uncomfortable. As I pulled into the parking spot at our next stop I looked over and told him that the question caught me off guard but the promise I made him many, many years ago to answer any all questions he asked me as honestly as possible still stood and would do so till I take my last breathe. That made him smile and raise an eyebrow as if to say "so...."

By this time we were getting out of the car and heading into Michael's Arts & Crafts and as we walked towards the front door I said that the number of women I dated in my twenties was more than I liked to admit but that the number I slept with was far far lower than what he or anyone thought.

His next question was why didn't I sleep with more if I dated a lot of women. I stopped to face him and said that going out with someone doesn't mean and should never mean there is an expectation of sleeping together, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a platonic friendship with a woman who you find interesting without a physical click. We walked a bit filling our list of things we needed and than he bumped me and said that was why he was unwilling to really get involved with any of the girls he knows as he likes them all as friends. I leaned over and asked if he realized that probably more than one or two had a thing for him, as he fought back a blush he said he knew a couple who did but he didn't want to hurt any one's feelings and felt it better to stay single and have them as friends.

As we were checking out he did something that made me want to gag him....without thinking he asked me "so how many women have you slept with?" right in front of about 8-10 women, including the rather attractive woman ringing up our order.

As I turned to stare at him in dumbfounded amazement he realized what he had done and sheepishly said "That was my outside voice wasn't it?" and everyone started to laugh, much to my relief lol

I grabbed the bag and handed it to him just as the cashier leaned over and said to him "Don't forget to make your dad answer your question" and smiled at me............

After we were in the car I told him that the number of women I've slept with number less than the fingers on my two hands, that while that might not make me a stud by any definition, it was something I was proud of and hoped he would take to heart as things developed with him in that area over the coming years.

He asked me if I had ever discussed this with his mom when we were together and I said no, we had both approached our history before we met as just that, water under the bridge, and that I would do so with anyone I might meet in the future. I was looking to date the here and now woman and not her past.

We didn't really say much more on the drive home but I could tell from the look on his face that there were things going on upstairs in his head and decided to wait him out.

What came out later both upset me and made me proud of the young man I am raising.....but that is a story for another day..............

I have not slept around at any point in my life as for me I need to feel something inside before letting the little head make any guy friends have teased me about this for years but in the long run they don't see my face in the mirror in the morning, I do and I need to be able to look myself in the mirror and respect the person I see.....and so far in life I can......

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