Friday, November 22, 2013

Great way to start the weekend

November 22/13

TGIF everyone and happy Saturday to those across the international date line reading the blog :)

So today I had an appointment at the Apple Store at Bayshore and had the funniest thing happen on my way there, well as I was leaving my office that is.

As I was walking down the stairs from the 3rd floor a woman came into the stairwell from the second floor and glanced at me as she started down towards the ground floor. As she made the turn half way down she paused to look at me again, I took this as a sign she wanted me to go first and smiled at her and said "I'm in no rush" and we proceeded to walk down side by side.

She turned and smiled at me and said she knew me from somewhere, thought for a moment and asked if I was on a dating site, I felt a momentary blush of embarrasment and said I was, whereupon she asked me if I wrote a blog, at this I started to laugh and confessed I did and named the blog.

As we crossed into the lobby I said this chance encounter would make for a nice entry and she agreed, saying that whole small world thing I wrote about a few weeks ago was coming back to bite me in the rear lol

It is these types of things that transpire in my day to day life that make me smile, enjoy the moment so to speak, and help me deal with all the other little things that pop up now and than that can make a good day bad.

Afterwards, as I drove around the parking structure at Bayshore, not even the traffic or rude drivers that I came into contact with were enough to make the glow of that chance stairwell rendezvous go away. Waiting for my service appointment at the Apple Store was easier, listening to the woman next to me complain how the Genus bar employee wasn't staying with her while her new iPad was made ready was more bearable, all because a stranger made me smile, made me laugh, and made me realize that it is the little things in life that matter the most.

It is amazing how such a small feat can manifest itself in one's emotional state and leave them blissfully ignorant of those not experiencing the same mental state, like the guy who got mad at the lady taking a tad bit too long to back out of the parking spot he wanted so he felt the need to lean on his horn.......

I hope each of you can experience such a moment as I did on the left me feeling warm and fuzzy all over......a great way to feel heading into what looks like a rather wet, damp, cold, and somewhat dreary weekend.

Nevertheless I shall face it all with a smile and skip in my step :)

Have a great weekend everyone :)


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