November 07/13
Well the headaches have finally gone away and I'm no longer feeling nauseated every time I get up or move so I think the concussion has cleared.....whew!
I've been slowly working my way back into the groove of day to day activities as the cobwebs have been shoved back into the corners where they belong....OK......not really shoved into the corners so please no messages about how unsanitary I must be........
Yesterday was Moki's trip to the groomer and I have to say that they did a great job taking my bearded lady puppy and turning her back into a little diva princess. I do mean diva princess in the truest definition as she knows when she is looking good and has the strut to show for it, thanks to Stella and other ladies at bus stop across the street from my house. Any morning they are waiting for the bus that sees us walk by is a morning of soft voices telling Moki how cute she is, her response is to arch her back and look back at me over her shoulder as if to say "pay attention human, these people know how to treat me"....little do they know what a bed hog a small puppy can be or how demanding of my time and attention lol
But none of this really explains the cutest sight I saw this morning so before I digress further from the point let me continue with the story.
As I left my place this morning I shivered walking down the sidewalk as it has grown quite cold lately and wondered if I should go back and grab a toque and gloves but Moki's insistent pull on the leash told me that wasn't going to go over well so I bit the bullet and kept on walking, checking out the leaves on the front lawn and making a mental note to rake them this weekend, as we walked I heard a slight noise from behind and turned to see what caused it only to see a young lad, maybe a few years younger than my son walking down the street.
I didn't give him a second thought and continued walking until I reached the gap between the houses heading into the park near my place and paused to let Moki sniff the bus stop sign like she does every single time we walk past it. As she did her thing I looked down the path to see a young girl walking, more like pacing, back and forth across the path and didn't really think about it as Moki sensed her presence and being the social puppy that she is pulled on the leash to head towards her so she could make a new friend. Knowing how excited she can get when around new people I shortened her leash in order to keep her from jumping should the girl let her come close. Again I heard that sound and looked over my shoulder again to see the young boy now walking a few paces behind us with a very shy smile on his face.
As the girl looked up and past Moki and I she saw the boy and her shy smile was a perfect match for his, they seemed to hesitate as he drew up near her and than just as suddenly without a word both turned and walked side by side down the path towards the school that sits at the end of the park, not saying a word but still communicating with one another nonetheless.
Moki didn't know what to make of things as she felt left out and wanted to follow them but I crouched down to rub her back and softly told her "not this time princess as those two are deep in the midst of some serious puppy love".......almost as if on cue I watched as the young girl leaned against him and they ever so slowly held hands, fingers entwined with each other......
Moki gave a soft whine as if to voice her approval and turned to walk down the other path that loops around the play structure giving them space in her own special way. As she pulled on the leash to lead me me further into the park I smiled and watched the young couple as they neared the end of the park and the looming confines of the school yard beyond, leaning away from one another, as if unwilling to share the feelings they have for one another with the rest of the world.
As I walked home I was smiling and felt this sense of contentment deep inside.....maybe my heart grew two sizes bigger as the thought that love blooms all around no matter the time of year made me realize that love comes when it is ready...not when we want it, but more often than not when we least expect it and need it the doesn't always come in the shape we want but in the form that provides us the relief we need.
I'll admit that lately my tone as been a bit down as being alone has begun to wear on me a bit, but I've come to realize that I'm never really alone as I have my family and even when the kids aren't at my place I have Moki......and nothing helps overcome a bad day like watching her do her happy dance when I first get home or taking her for a walk......on our walks we both end up learning a little bit more about the world around us...
My musical suggestion for today is "Stubborn Love" by The Lumineers
Keep your head up and until we meet again,
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