Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Happy Birthday

Wednesday, November 29/17

Today marks the birthday of someone very special to me and I want to wish her a very happy birthday.

I hope both A and N are able to talk to you today to let you know how much they love and miss you, that your parents B & D are able to do the same, as well as all of your friends and comrades spread far and wide across Canada and around the world.

The circle of people who like, admire, and dare I say love you far exceeds that which you think you know and understand. I learned that from my evening at a certain Ball that left me shaking my head at how someone so damn smart could be so oblivious to the feeling of those around and above her in the hierarchy of her own organization.

It is a silly cliche but far more true than I ever realized at the time but you made me a better person for our time together and I'll always hold you in my heart if for no other reason than that alone.

I view the world in a much clearer perspective and strive my best to see the good all around me, working to minimize those things that irritate me or cause me stress.

I am much more willing to let my explorer out when it comes to trying to new things and yet still take the time to savor the simple taste of a chilled glass of the one particular Pinot Grigio you introduced me to a few years back, yes, the one with the horse on the front that I used to so elegantly refer to as the "Horsey Wine" from the LCBO  ;-)

I was not able to express these thoughts last year when this day rolled around but I did raise a glass to you and silently wished you a happy birthday.

These days finds me feeling a tad bit more in control of myself and able to think about you, me, and us without letting it overwhelm me and so with nothing but the truest feelings I shall close by saying......

Happy Birthday, Ma'am

I can hear you softly swearing at me as you read that last line but also know that there is a twinkle in your eyes and a smile parting your lips as it was always the one way I could sort of tease you and get away with it, other than with some soft kisses to the back of that sweet neck when you least expected them.

My name is Marcus and this blog entry is for one person and one person alone.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 23/17

Just want to wish all the American followers of the blog a Happy Thanksgiving.

Hope you are able to share the day with family and friends, eating all your favourite foods and imbibing drinks that make you smile.

For those of you daring the crowds to get your Black Friday shopping on, remember to be careful and to try as est as you can to not become overcome with the frenzy that accompanies this day.

I miss my end of November Thanksgiving but can't say the same for dealing with the commercialization that explodes on the day after, probably why I used to either go see a movie or get together with some friends and play a round of golf while our ladies hit the malls when I lived down south.

I'm actually working from home tomorrow as the Glebe is going to be a madhouse as Sunday's 105th Grey Cup inches closer and closer, crowds being one thing I try to avoid like the Europe and the Black Plague, but the nice thing about it is I'll be sharing a hearty breakfast with my son before he heads off to classes and starts his week with his mom.

I'm sensing a visit to my daughters is on the horizon as I need to get my fix of baby Jack and be reminded that the future is bright, so very bright :)


Today's musical suggestion is an old one that I came across while watching some clips on YouTube as I was trying to sort out some tax issues related to revenue recognition, There She Goes by Sixpence None The Richer.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Drinks at the Blue Cactus

Wednesday, November 15/17

So as part of a somewhat new tradition I stopped by the Blue Cactus tonight after work and had myself an ice cold Stella Artois and enjoyed a quiet walk around the Byward Market.

That is all today's blog is about, the reminder that one chance encounter can change things and have a ripple effect on your life, both good and bad.

The beer was perfect and the walk offered me some reflection.


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Never Shall I Forgot.......................

Lest We Forget......
November 11/17

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in our lords year nineteen hundred and eighteen did the guns fall silent across Europe but long before that moment did Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae pen these words.......

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

Every year we remind ourselves of the sacrifices made by so many in order to safeguard our liberties and freedom through the wearing of the poppy
 Image result for poppy images

I will spend my moment of silence thinking of my great grandfather who took his final resting place in Flanders Field, my uncle who fell at Anzio while fighting to free Europe, and all the others who have taken a place on the ramparts so that I may lead the life I've been afforded without worry or fear.

I have family that I honour for the service they have performed for my country and friends I think of daily who knowingly stand the post in the present so that I have the freedoms I hold so dearly.
I shall not ever forget the past nor the present when thinking of them.

Stand thee well on this day of remembrance.
Thank you...............

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

It Is Interesting Which Blogs Garner The Most Views.

Wednesday, November 08/17

I've always found it kind of interesting which of my blog entries garner the most views and was kind of shocked when I logged in yesterday to see the two most recent entries "Online Dating" and "Full Circle" were blowing up with each hitting over 200 views after being up for a short time.

I guess they hit the spot as both revolve around dating in some way, the good and the bad as you will.

My most viewed entry is "Pros and Cons to Being Single" with almost 1,000 views.

ZFG & ZFG II rank up there as well with approximately 700 hits combined.

The funny thing is that some of what I consider my best entries are hardly even read, and no I'm not going to mention them by name as I'm just that kind of guy, tease and torment you the readers.

I've been doing this for about 6 years between this site and another and am now closing in on almost 25K views, something that makes me sit back and ask myself how the hell did this even come about.

The answer is just an overall sense of frustration with life at some point and my desire to basically vent about things with the thought that if some of them were bothering me they might also be doing the same for others.

I try my best to cover off current events that I find interesting or thought provoking as well as those near and dear to my own heart. Sometimes I feel like I've gotten my message across and other times not so much but the one thing I've never done or will ever do is mail it in, meaning just post an entry to pad my numbers.

Think that has partially been the problem the last little while, I've had some fucking wicked topics running through my head but when it came time to sit down to put them into words I just didn't feel like the finished product was worthy of any one's time and backed off to reconsider things.

Topics come to me at the strangest times, driving to work, playing a round of golf, in the shower, observing something I see going on around me, and sometimes I have paper and pen handy and can jot down the thought but unfortunately I find I don't more often than not and the thought is so fleeting that I lose it......

So here is to all my blog entries written and posted and those yet to come as this little adventure has really just started, for better or worse, and I'll do my best to keep you interested and maybe every now and again post something that will have you either scratching your head in confusion or fist pumping as you think to yourself "damn if he didn't just hit it right on the head"

My name is Marcus and these are my stories about being a parent, working, golfing, watching my awesome grandson baby Jack grow up, and possibly falling in love one last time.

Today's musical suggestion is "Down" by Marion Hill. Love the keyboards on this and think her voice hits all the right notes.

Once More The Son is My Source

Wednesday, November 08/17

In previous blog entries I've mentioned my love of music and how my son seems to have picked up that trait from me, how we love to share new discoveries with one another, seemingly trying to outdo the other with our finds. Well the trend continues, much to my delight.

Monday we went to dinner at my daughters to celebrate her fiances birthday and once we got home he headed off to take a shower in order to save himself some time on Tuesday morning as that is one of his early days for classes. Nothing magical or special about that other than the thought that went into reaching that decision, I say jokingly but with some admiration that he understands the time pressures he feels on Tuesday and Thursday's and is taking steps to minimize them.

So he grabbed his Sony SRS-XB2 speaker and headed off to his shower while I put some things away in the kitchen. Before I was done I had to stop as the song playing caught my attention with some serious instrumentals that totally had me moving around without even knowing it, so I grabbed my iPhone and stood in the hallway and Shazamed the song. Now my son does like some instrumentals but that has remained my genre for the most part, until now it seems.

For those wondering the song was "Warriors" by Too Many Zooz. It has a killer beat that totally has me popping my head every time I hear it, how much popping you wonder, well I had my ear buds in yesterday listening to it while working on a deferred revenue reconciliation and I looked up to see my boss and every one else in the group just standing there smiling at me as I was totally lost in the music.

I've attached the YouTube video link in case any of you are interested in listening to it and finding out what has me so pumped. There visual is nothing more than  the album cover but you don't come for the sight but rather the sound :)


As I downloaded the song from Apple music it gave me suggestions for similar artists and it was like hitting the mother lode of all time. A couple of the other songs/artists I downloaded included "Best Things" by Lucky Chops, "3am Bounce" by NO BS! Brass, and "Crazy LA Blues" from Broken Brass Ensemble. My son added another to my list when he suggested I take a listen to "Walking with Elephants" by Ten Walls, and once more he hit a hole on one, I couldn't resist a golf reference, sorry, not sorry.

The one thing each of these songs has in common is a very underlying beat that reaches deep inside my chest to make me feel the music in a way that most songs don't. They literally have me swaying and wanting to move about, something that I'm really not known for in the least.

I repaid my debt to him by suggesting he take a listen to an all girl indie group from Toronto called The Beaches and in particular he listen to "Gold", "Money", and "Late Show".

So if you have a few moments feel free to take a listen to any mentioned in today's blog and let me know what you think or if you have some suggestions you'd like to pass along.

My name is Marcus and this is my little running dialogue on being single, trying to be the best father possible, learning how to be a better person, mastering my wedge from 60 yards, and maybe, just maybe crossing paths with the one who is imperfectly perfect for me.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Full Circle

Sunday, November 05/17

So this past week I received notification that someone on eHarmony had sent me a smile and was interested in me. Smiles are how you let someone know they've caught your eye and you want to chat and see what happens.

Now I was at work and couldn't log in in to my profile as our firewall blocks those kinds of sites, but lets us watch YouTube so you figure that one out, and had to wait till I got home as for some reason my iPhone doesn't sync up with the Internet when I use the eHarmony application.

Once I got home, took Moki for her walk, and got things generally squared away I logged in and checked out the profile.

Now for those readers who have been following the blog for any length of time, you'll know that I met C on this site and pretty much our whole relationship started with the simple sending of smiles back and forth, so you can imagine my shock when I saw who sent me the smile.......

No, it wasn't C as she is down in D.C. and I'm sure getting hit on by every single guy who meets her as well as some married guys to boot.

No, but the woman was from the exact same organization as C although a little bit younger and working downtown. Now if that isn't some form of deja vu than I don't know what is.

How do I know they are from the same organization you ask? Her outfit pretty much said it all as did her stated profession. Oddly enough, she also resides in the east end of Ottawa in the exact same neighborhood and also has 2 sons, a bit younger I think given she is in her late 30's.

I didn't respond that night but waited till the next day, not because I was playing games but more so I had some time to decide if I wanted to respond or let this one go by the wayside. In the end I sent a smile back and we've exchanged some questions to get to know more about one another.

It seems almost like I've traveled back to the fall of 2015 and am reliving that part of my life once again, full circle if you will.

No clue what is going to happen but the odds aren't great as given her profession it means she'll be getting a new position at some point and the whole long distance issue comes up once again. The nice thing is that it looks like she isn't too far up the organizational ladder so to speak and that won't cause me any issues as I won't be as limited in how I address people when around her, should it even get to that stage, as I found it hard not to call people sir or ma'am around C given how I was raised but understood the reason I couldn't do so given her own position.

My name is Marcus and the one thing my dating life is these days is anything but boring. The search for my one continues and with the golf season almost officially over it will be on my mind more and more, not always a good thing if you ask me :)

The Week of Baby Jack

Sunday, November 05/17

So this weekend was pretty busy on the family front as it was the Stag & Doe for my daughter and her fiance which translated into time with my most incredible grandson, aka baby Jack.

Actually, it was an interesting week or so in regards to Jack and some of his firsts.

His first Halloween was both good and bad. Good in that he totally rocked his little monkey costume and bad in that he managed to get a trip to CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) when he was on his fathers shoulders and slammed his head into a light fixture. My son sent me a text on the last one letting me know they were heading to CHEO as he had a gash just inside his hairline that was going to need stitches.

Now to say I was freaking out would be putting it mildly but I knew he was in good hands with his parents and I'd learn more as things developed, which I did when she called me to let me know he was going to be fine but he now had 6 staples to close the wound. She told me she'd never been so scared in her life as there was just blood everywhere and he was screaming in pain and fright. She sent me a picture of him and the little trooper was sucking on a cold clothe and looked so adorable, even with red eyes and the staples visible in his light brown hair.

I stopped by on Tuesday on my way home as much to see my future son-in-law as to see my grandson as I was worried the son-in-law was going to be blaming himself for the accident, having been there myself with my son the time I wasn't paying attention while drying him off after a bath and he turned his head right into the q-tip and almost perforated his ear drum. I helped my daughter get him ready for bed and than spent some time talking to him to let him know his son is one tough cookie and that as bad as it was it wasn't going to be the last time they visited CHEO as it was part of raising busy and fearless children. I can't count the number of times we visited there between my son and my daughter.

Come Wednesday things were back to normal with the exception that Jack had decided that he'd had enough of crawling and started to walk, albeit tentatively. Again my daughter sent me a video of him walking across the room and asked if I was ready for the weekend as I was down to watch him Friday night while they went to her mom's to prep some stuff for Saturday's Stag & Doe and again on Saturday during the actual party.

Now some might wonder why I wasn't actually at the party and the simple truth is that my family knows I don't handle crowds very well and do all they can to protect me, knowing I'd have been there if asked but not feeling all that comfortable in that setting, so instead I got the joy of spending some one on one time with my grandson, one of the best nights of my life!!!

I got there early and played with him in his room and helped with his bath, something he loves almost as much as loves throwing balls so the dogs can play fetch.  Around 6 pm he started getting tired so upstairs we went to have a bottle and snuggle. Laying next to him reminded me how much I enjoyed those times with my son when he was that age, actually it made me think how alike those two are and the special bond they are already developing. Soon he was sound asleep so I made sure he was covered up and his soosie was close at hand. I watched some movies and kept an eye on him on the monitor as he pretty much slept the night away for me. I received a few texts from my daughter asking how he was doing and one from her fiance saying I needed to babysit more often as he only seems to sleep the night away when grandpa is around, made me feel so good inside as I read that one.

Around 12:30 am I started to feel pretty sleepy myself and went upstairs and layed down next to Jack and fell asleep, knowing that if I tried to stay awake on the couch I was doomed lol

My daughter woke me up at 1:40 when they got home and told me they'd almost left me alone as the sight of Jack and his grandpa sleeping was so cute. I made it home by 2 to see my son watching a video of his nephew scooching over to snuggle up to me that my daughter had sent out to the family.

My ex texted me to say she was so jealous but there was nobody else she'd rather see him do that with than me, other then herself of course lol

I'm 55 and have never once felt my age, probably one reason why I've always tended to date younger, and now I know that my grandson is going to continue letting me feel that way as he totally makes me feel energized.

I know that we aren't supposed to have favourites when it comes to family but I'd be lying if I didn't say that little boy is the jewel in my eyes and the single most important person to this blogger.

My name is Marcus and I'm searching for my one, but in the meantime I'll be spending as much time as possible with baby Jack and soaking up all the energy and love that little boy brings to my world.

Online Dating is Exciting and Fun

November 05/17

Online dating is exciting and fun........said no one ever!!!!!

I was never part of the whole bar or club scene but have heard my fair share of horror stories but think I've now found my own version of these dating environments via online dating.

Now don't get me wrong, not all of my experiences have been bad as I did get an opportunity to meet C and have a relationship for a little while.

But I'm starting to wonder if that might have been the exception rather than the rule to online dating where I am concerned as some of my most recent experiences have left me wondering just who the hell I've pissed off in the dating department to deserve some of these encounters (names have not been changed as I don't really care if they ever stumble across this blog and read about themselves, that alone should tell you something about them given how I've always been protective of the identities of those I write about).

Let's start with Michelle or as I like to call her TMIM. That stands for Too Much Information Michelle. I have to say that she is one of the few poor experiences I've had with someone from eHarmony.

We chatted a bit before agreeing to meet for a drink. Things started off well enough but towards the middle of the meeting she reached across the table and placed her hand on top of mine and told me that she found me very interesting and would be open to some more dates to see how things might go. Sounds pretty good doesn't it without any reason to feel any trepidation right? Looks can be deceiving as I've learned over the years. What you can't see from the words was the "but" that was tagged to that statement but one I knew was there.  "But I like to know what a guy is expecting from me and thus have to ask you a very critical question" Now you might be sitting there thinking her question was going to center around sex or some such thing, and I guess it sort of did.

"So what I'm wondering is what you are expecting to see when we are intimate the first time"

Now keep it in mind that we haven't even shared a hug let alone kissed yet and this is the question she thinks needs to be addressed right now. Of course a couple of things went through my mind, was she post gender reassignment surgery, did she have multiple piercings or tattoos in her nether region, or did she have an extra nipple or some such thing.

I'll give her credit for not letting that pause last too long before she explained what she meant.

"I'm wondering if you are expecting to see hardwood, maybe a landing strip/tuft, or shag carpet?, if you know what I mean?"

Now I'll admit that I've dated my fair share, see an earlier post on my numbers, but I am kind of proud that I'll never be called a man whore or player based on my experiences but I've also not given too much consideration to the grooming habits of anyone I've just met for the first time.

I admitted as much to Michelle and think she took this as a lack of interest in my part, which it had sort of become. She smiled at me and looked me in the eyes as she told me that she had perfect hardwood throughout and expected the same in return.  I'll admit that I once did that but the chaffing as things grew back made it easy to never want to do it again, not to say I don't follow a grooming regime so that I don't look like someone whose never seen a pair of scissors before.

We wound things up and went our separate ways after I settled up the tab. I got a text later that night saying she was still interested in seeing me but I replied that I thought that last bit about grooming habits was maybe at best a 3rd or 4th date topic and not one to have so early on and wished her well but thought we were in different places. The last thing I got from her was "Your loss as I rock in bed!"

Confidence is sexy but bragging is a total turn off to this guy.

I'm going to close this entry out and wonder if this is normal to bring up so quickly or am I just too old and not up to date on things.

My name is Marcus and I like the surprise of finding things out in due time and not knowing before hand what to expect. I'm still seeking the one and hoping she sort of has some of the same views I do about certain things :)

Today's musical suggestion is "Never Let Me Down Again" by Depeche Moide.  I've been doing a lot of YouTube viewing the past few weeks and have really enjoyed some of Depeche's  videos.

here is the link to the video I've watched a few times this week:


One thing I love about this song is the beat of the song, it just make me want to move, and the best part of the video is the back up singers, those two ladies never stop dancing and it is so cool to watch how much they get into it.