Thursday, November 7, 2019

First Snow of the 2019/20 Season

Thursday, November 07/19

So we had our first real snowfall of the season last night and it left all of the yards and trees looking amazing with a white coating of snow.

It was expected so none of us should have been shocked or caught off guard. I say that and yet still think it did as the number of people who seemed to have forgotten that snow requires a bit more patience and caution when driving did leave me scratching my head.

Not sure why it is so hard to understand that spacing between vehicles should get a little larger, speeds a tad slower, and stopping times longer, yet all I saw today were people driving one of two ways like nothing had changed or there was a little old woman sitting next to them in the passenger seat, wearing her Sunday best white church dress while holding a container of chili, thus resulting in  a driving speed of approximately 5 km per hour....not 5 km below the stated speed, not 5 km above the stated, I mean 5 km per hour period end of story, regardless of the road they were on, street or highway.

It was enough to make me want to pull the hair off my head, even as short as it was given last weekend's haircut.

I know things will get better as people grow more accustomed to the conditions and get winter tires installed over the next couple of weeks, but for today at least, it was beyond annoying.

Luckily, my drive into work only took me 14 minutes this morning and even less this afternoon heading home. Improvements from when I was working the job from hell last year when a good commute was 45 - 55 minutes and heavy snowfall could see that stretched out into a 2-hour drive home.

So, all in all, I guess I'm not going to complain too much, leastways with my outside voice.

The snow came earlier than I expected and I can only hope it might mean it leaves earlier too!!

It was kind of tough to look out my office window and see The Marshes golf course covered in snow, more snow when I remember I was just playing the course a little over a week  ago lol

What do you like about the first snowfall?  What are some things you don't like?

My name is Marcus and these are my attempts to document my trials and tribulations of being a parent, working, making new friends, mentally visualizing the perfect 8 iron from 135 yards, and trying my hand once again at dating.

Comments, questions, and complaints are always welcome, well more the first two, at

Today's musical suggestion is "Thirteen" by Big Star. Just a nice little song that makes me think of days gone by.

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