Saturday, November 2, 2019

The 1st Real Fall Weekend

Saturday, November 02/19

My favorurite seasons in order are Summer, Fall, Spring, and Winter.

I sometimes think placing winter last on my list must somehow invalidate my true inner Canadian but it's just not high on my list.

Maybe if I stilled skied or did some other winter activity like cross country skiing, snowshoeing, or snowboarding it might be different, but I don't so it's not.

But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate winter at times. I mean who doesn't like Christmas and the changing of the year come January.

I love it when it does snow on a lazy Sunday afternoon, with me all bundled up inside, nice and cozy, a drink on the end table and maybe a book open or a movie playing on Netflix.

Now I know the first day of fall was listed as September 23rd but I don't consider the change in seasons complete until I can't golf anymore and that day came last Sunday, with the disaster I like to call my Marshes season-ending round from hell lol

Even though it wasn't how I wanted to end my season I still had fun with my buddies from work. We've even talked about trying out one of the indoor golf simulators this weekend, something I've never even considered prior to this year.

So here we are at my official start of fall and how is the weather?  Raining, damp, and chilly.

In other words, perfect.

I dragged my son out with me for some lunch at East Side Mario's, we hit the Beer Store to return some empties, visited the LCBO to grab some Big Wave Pale Ale and Daura as well as a couple of Blackthorne ciders for this old man, and rounded it off with a walk around at Loblaws where I got all the makings for stew, something I'll be getting up early on Sunday to prep so it's ready for the 2nd half of the Green Bay Packers game in Los Angeles.

With the arrival of fall, I'll sort of start my hibernation mode as I don't do much in the way of outdoor activities, though I am planning on taking advantage of the gym membership I won for the Brookstreet Hotel and Spa at the recent company golf tournament.

I'm debating watching a movie on Amazon Prime, much bigger selection than I originally thought when I signed up, maybe reading, or even playing a video game on the old PS3, probably Ratchet & Clank as it's one of the few I can play without getting motion sickness.

Actually the watch a movie or read is pretty much how most of my nights go these days since I got rid of cable television. Probably one of the best decisions I ever made as I wasn't using it and only miss watching college football on Saturdays, and really only the big matchups.

Now I can hear some of you asking what am I going to do for golf next season when the big tournaments are played like the Masters, US & British Opens..........well I'm sure there is an app or online streaming service I can subscribe to these days to cover off that need.

So what are you up to this weekend?

Is the weather warm and dry enough to draw you outside or is it cold, wet, and dreary so you want to stay inside for other activities, get your head out of the gutter as I was thinking more along the lines of having friends over for card or board games, not that other thing.......or was I? lol

My name is Marcus and the indoor season is upon us. Follow this little adventure for my thoughts and comments on dating, parenting, and working from the viewpoint of a fifty-something male. You might just have a chuckle if you do.

Today's musical suggestion is "Underwhelmed" by Sloan.

Comments, observations, and questions always welcome at

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