Wednesday, November 20, 2019

One Simple Question To Ponder.....

Wednesday, November 20/19

I heard this one today and it struck a chord with me so I thought I'd put it out there for each of you to consider from your own perspective.

It is a very simple question and because of that simplicity, one might tend to overlook the depth that really hides behind the seven words that make it up.......

When I first heard it, I sort of took it in and didn't give it a second thought, didn't stop to consider what my own answer might reveal about myself.

The question is.......

What do you really want for Christmas?

Now before you respond with a pat or glib answer, really give it some thought.

What is it that you want that would really make you happy, that would make you smile, that would make you laugh, and maybe even, just possibly make you shed a tear.

I think I spent about an hour reflecting on my own answer as I did some things around the house tonight before I finally felt like I had my own answer to the question.

My answer sort of falls in line with the reason I started this blog so many years ago.

The desire to be part of something bigger than just myself. I want to be the reason someone smiles when she hears her cell phone chirp thinking, nay hoping, it's from me. I want to find that special person with whom I can act silly with while shopping at Loblaw's.

I signed up for my company Christmas party today. Not that big a deal as people do it all the time, but in this case, I signed up with a plus one. Not sure why I did so but maybe this holiday season I'll get an early gift and meet someone who just might not mind attending a party with me.

My name is Marcus and this little thing I call my blog is my attempt to bring a little sanity to being a parent, co-worker, golfer, and maybe even a partner someday to the one who is perfectly imperfect for me.

Today's musical suggestion is "Bye-Bye Darling" by the Borns.  Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

Got a comment or question? Hit me up at and I promise to respond, total pinky swear.

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