Sunday, November 24/19
So after the whole fiasco with Stephanie that I recently posted about, I sort of made a decision that should I start talking with someone we'd have to meet sooner rather than later, that was self-imposed on my part given one usually can't, nor should one, force another person to meet up.
Well, Karma must have taken pity on me or else she needed a good laugh as she brought about a mutual connection with someone and we started chatting around November 14 and seemed to hit it off quite well. So much so that I asked if she was free to meet that very weekend, I know, how bold of me right.
Well, unfortunately, Michelle already had plans with her sister for Friday and was going to a party on Saturday with some friends. I jokingly asked when she was picking me up and she said she wished but was sure her date might be as thrilled with me coming along lol. Admit that bummed me out but it was arranged before we started chatting so not much for me to do but bide my time and hope they didn't hit it off, call me mean if you want but I'm nothing if not honest. She said I could probably expect some drunk texts and was shocked when I confessed to having never once been drunk called or texted in my life, promising to take that cherry from me lol.
We texted some more and than I told her we needed to stop so that she could focus on the date and not be distracted by me and our flirty banter. Call me a gentleman or a fool for taking that position, both seem to apply equally at times.
I did end up getting a text around 4am on Sunday that said "This is tequila talking, left the date at the party and went to a friends house, so not into unemotional guys, really think should have picked you up instead"
Kind of nice to read but literally didn't hear anything else until almost 5pm that day.
Michelle texted asking what my plans were for dinner and I said I didn't really have any as my son was going out for sushi with some friends. She suggested we meet at Alice's Cafe in Carp for 6:30
Alice's Cafe is a quaint little place with a nice atmosphere, mostly populated by students drinking coffee and working on group projects from what I could tell.
I had a nice time chatting with Michelle and think there was a connection but that isn't what this entry is all about.
No, it's about what happened about an hour into our meeting.
We both had our phones out on the table, face down, as her kids are a little younger than mine and she wanted to be able to hear hers if it chirped with a text and told me she was okay if I did the same, very nice of her.
So as we were chatting my phone did chirp with a text but I made no move to look as I'd told my son to call me if he needed anything as I wasn't going to respond to any texts. Michelle looked at the phone and then me before saying it was okay to look as maybe he forgot to call versus text.
So I smiled and turned it over to see a text from an unknown number that simply said the following:
"Hi Marcus, you still alive?"
Two things stand out about this text. The person sending knows me as they addressed it to me and we haven't chatted in quite some time since they had no clue how I was doing.
I guess I had a confused look while reading it as Michelle looked down and asked me who I knew in Gatineau. I didn't understand and she said the 819 area code was for western Quebec.
Now here is the thing when it comes to my cell phone and numbers. I review the names in it every month or so and if I haven't spoken with someone in a while, especially anyone I've connected with dating wise, I tend to purge them from the contacts. So this person was at one time in my contacts but had to have been deleted quite some time ago.
Michelle asked if I was going to reply and pushed the phone towards me. I sent a response back saying "Sorry, I don't recognize this number"
Within less than a minute the unknown texters reply came back "Wow, with all the women you date I'm not surprised"
Oddly enough, that date I was on with Michelle has been my first in more months than I care to admit but for some reason, this person was pegging me as a serial dater.
I didn't hear back from them and on Monday sent a simple text that read "Still alive, you choosing to remain a mystery?" and didn't get any response.
Until this morning at 8:07 when this exchange occurred:
Her: "Good morning my friend Marcus"
Me: "Is it a good morning? I normally consider it good when I actually know the person on the other end of a text, especially a text from across the river...."
Her: "Lol. You are lovely :)"
Me: "One does try when one is given the opportunity :)"
And that was the last of our exchange..........
Two different exchanges from someone who I've obviously talked to before as they have my cell number and yet I have no clue who they are and they haven't felt the need to share that key nugget of information with me, yet........
So now I'm wondering if our 3rd communication is going to come next Sunday at some point :)
My name is Marcus and as proven with this blog entry, life is never boring for me as I try and navigate my way as a parent, employee, friend, and maybe experiencing my last first kiss.
Today's musical suggestion "Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation.
Got a question or comment about an entry or really anything in general? Hit me up at and the odds are pretty good you'll hear back from me :)
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