Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thank You To All Who Have Served And Are Serving

Sunday, November 10/19

Tomorrow marks an important day and I wanted to blog about it as I don't think enough is done to recognize the sacrifices made on our behalf.

If you've partaken in a public demonstration lately, complained vocally about a politician, or just made a choice that impacts your life, go find a veteran or serving military and thank them for those abilities as they were earned and protected through blood, sweat, and tears.

There is absolutely nothing glorious about war. Not.One.Single.Thing

Yet among us are those made of an inner steel that gladly take up the banner, stand watch on the wall, and protect those they love as well as complete strangers, for if they weren't on that wall than the darkness that is hate, envy, intolerance, and anger would wash over civilization as surely as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

I wear my poppy to honour my own relatives who have made the ultimate. My great grandfather rests in Flanders Field, an uncle rests in the jungle of New Guinea in the South Pacific, and another uncle lays just outside Siena on the Italian Peninsula.

If you want to understand what courage is all about, watch the first 10 minutes of "Saving Private Ryan" or the video clips from the shooting attack on the Dallas Police Department from a few years back. Brave men and women walked forward into sure death because they knew to do otherwise would be to let evil win, something that wasn't happening if they could do anything about it.

Colonel John McCrae, from my own province of Ontario, wrote one of the most moving poems to remind us of the sacrifice made during the war to end all wars and to keep the faith with those who made it on our behalf.........

Image result for flanders field poem

I've had talks with my daughter and son over the years about Remembrance Day and I'll have them with my grandson and granddaughter so they understand what it means and we never break faith with those who gave so much to keep us all safe.

My name is Marcus and I will never break the faith............

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