Thursday, November 28, 2013

The curious mind of a teenager rears it's head once again.......

November 28/13

Well another week of repeating grade nine is coming to an end as my son rotates back to his mom starting tomorrow and I can honestly say I have nothing planned for the weekend other than some much needed rest.

This past weekend he asked for my help on completing on a science project that I can honestly say was far in excess of anything I tackled when I was actually back in grade nine for real. This is my 3rd go-round in grade nine having done so before with my daughter and now once more with my son, hopefully this is the last time too lol

We were out on Saturday picking up supplies, just chatting about this and that, no real topic driving the conversation when out of the blue he told me he wasn't seeing anyone but rather just being the class stud. I laughed so hard I almost wet myself and caught him smiling, knowing that had been his objective all along, he tends to think I'm too serious and don't laugh anywhere near enough, once more showing how attentive he is to the small things.

I asked if he even knew what the word meant and he gave me one of those patented teenager to parent looks that pretty much says "you've got to be kidding right old man" and than asked me something that made me take a moment and think before replying "Dad, when you were in your twenties you slept with a lot of women right?"

I think I took longer to respond than he expected as he asked me if I was OK and I didn't have to answer the question if it made me uncomfortable. As I pulled into the parking spot at our next stop I looked over and told him that the question caught me off guard but the promise I made him many, many years ago to answer any all questions he asked me as honestly as possible still stood and would do so till I take my last breathe. That made him smile and raise an eyebrow as if to say "so...."

By this time we were getting out of the car and heading into Michael's Arts & Crafts and as we walked towards the front door I said that the number of women I dated in my twenties was more than I liked to admit but that the number I slept with was far far lower than what he or anyone thought.

His next question was why didn't I sleep with more if I dated a lot of women. I stopped to face him and said that going out with someone doesn't mean and should never mean there is an expectation of sleeping together, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a platonic friendship with a woman who you find interesting without a physical click. We walked a bit filling our list of things we needed and than he bumped me and said that was why he was unwilling to really get involved with any of the girls he knows as he likes them all as friends. I leaned over and asked if he realized that probably more than one or two had a thing for him, as he fought back a blush he said he knew a couple who did but he didn't want to hurt any one's feelings and felt it better to stay single and have them as friends.

As we were checking out he did something that made me want to gag him....without thinking he asked me "so how many women have you slept with?" right in front of about 8-10 women, including the rather attractive woman ringing up our order.

As I turned to stare at him in dumbfounded amazement he realized what he had done and sheepishly said "That was my outside voice wasn't it?" and everyone started to laugh, much to my relief lol

I grabbed the bag and handed it to him just as the cashier leaned over and said to him "Don't forget to make your dad answer your question" and smiled at me............

After we were in the car I told him that the number of women I've slept with number less than the fingers on my two hands, that while that might not make me a stud by any definition, it was something I was proud of and hoped he would take to heart as things developed with him in that area over the coming years.

He asked me if I had ever discussed this with his mom when we were together and I said no, we had both approached our history before we met as just that, water under the bridge, and that I would do so with anyone I might meet in the future. I was looking to date the here and now woman and not her past.

We didn't really say much more on the drive home but I could tell from the look on his face that there were things going on upstairs in his head and decided to wait him out.

What came out later both upset me and made me proud of the young man I am raising.....but that is a story for another day..............

I have not slept around at any point in my life as for me I need to feel something inside before letting the little head make any guy friends have teased me about this for years but in the long run they don't see my face in the mirror in the morning, I do and I need to be able to look myself in the mirror and respect the person I see.....and so far in life I can......

Friday, November 22, 2013

Déjà vu

November 22/13

Déjà vu hit me like a freight train today when I got a text from my son while I was at work......

There was a bunch of his buddies going to see the new Hunger Games tonight and seems there were also some young ladies meeting the guys there and he wanted to know if he could go.

I told him of course and when I asked what time the movie was and who all was going he dropped a few names that I knew and said he wasn't sure of the times yet, being the helpful dad that I am I checked the website and let him know starting times and that I'd be home around 5:30 and could drive him to the theatre. He responded saying they were seeing the one near 7pm and one of the guys dad's was driving a few there and could go with them as they wanted to leave around 5:30....I said of course and to use some of the money in his wallet and I'd replace it over the weekend.

When I got home he was just getting ready to and said they had decided to do the pick up for 6pm and he was glad to see me, coming over to give me a hug. Now some of you might not think that a big deal but anytime a fourteen year is willing to give his dad a hug and say I love you it is a huge deal....something I look forward to each Friday when he is with me.

We sat and talked a bit about his week at school, the hockey tournament this weekend, and his request that I help him with a science project because as he put it "we get to make a cool replica of an atom".........just another moment with him I'll grab onto every chance I get.

The door bell rang and as I answered it he went to get his shoes on and grab his jacket, at the door were two of his buddies and I asked which one's dad was driving and told him to let his dad know I'd pick them up and run them home after the movie so one parent wasn't stuck doing car duty, the boys laughed and said thank you, and as my son walked down the front steps I called out to make sure he had his cell phone and money, he turned and as he rolled his eyes said "yes, now stop worrying"

As they got into the car I heard one of the other lads say "your dad is just like mine, always making sure I'm good to go and staying safe" and than there was some good hearted laughter.

I went and sat on the couch and as I rubbed Moki the Wonder Puppy's back said to her "Seems like only yesterday that was me out there doing the exact same thing on a Friday with my friends"

Now that I think about it that is exactly what used to happen with me and my friends. Sometimes my mom would drive and either Rich's or Steve's mom would pick us up after watching a movie down at the old AMC theatre in Fashion Valley......heck I think we even used to hope to meet some nice girls and maybe get a number or two for a future movie

No matter how much things change in our lives, some things really don't change do they.........

Great way to start the weekend

November 22/13

TGIF everyone and happy Saturday to those across the international date line reading the blog :)

So today I had an appointment at the Apple Store at Bayshore and had the funniest thing happen on my way there, well as I was leaving my office that is.

As I was walking down the stairs from the 3rd floor a woman came into the stairwell from the second floor and glanced at me as she started down towards the ground floor. As she made the turn half way down she paused to look at me again, I took this as a sign she wanted me to go first and smiled at her and said "I'm in no rush" and we proceeded to walk down side by side.

She turned and smiled at me and said she knew me from somewhere, thought for a moment and asked if I was on a dating site, I felt a momentary blush of embarrasment and said I was, whereupon she asked me if I wrote a blog, at this I started to laugh and confessed I did and named the blog.

As we crossed into the lobby I said this chance encounter would make for a nice entry and she agreed, saying that whole small world thing I wrote about a few weeks ago was coming back to bite me in the rear lol

It is these types of things that transpire in my day to day life that make me smile, enjoy the moment so to speak, and help me deal with all the other little things that pop up now and than that can make a good day bad.

Afterwards, as I drove around the parking structure at Bayshore, not even the traffic or rude drivers that I came into contact with were enough to make the glow of that chance stairwell rendezvous go away. Waiting for my service appointment at the Apple Store was easier, listening to the woman next to me complain how the Genus bar employee wasn't staying with her while her new iPad was made ready was more bearable, all because a stranger made me smile, made me laugh, and made me realize that it is the little things in life that matter the most.

It is amazing how such a small feat can manifest itself in one's emotional state and leave them blissfully ignorant of those not experiencing the same mental state, like the guy who got mad at the lady taking a tad bit too long to back out of the parking spot he wanted so he felt the need to lean on his horn.......

I hope each of you can experience such a moment as I did on the left me feeling warm and fuzzy all over......a great way to feel heading into what looks like a rather wet, damp, cold, and somewhat dreary weekend.

Nevertheless I shall face it all with a smile and skip in my step :)

Have a great weekend everyone :)


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Confession by Ben Stein

November 19/13

A friend just passed the following along to me saying it made her think of me.....I take that as a compliment and am pretty confident that is how she meant it.

This was recited by Ben Stein recently on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary and I whole heartedly agree with every single word!

My confession:
I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians.

I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period.

I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?

I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

In light of recent events - terrorists attacks, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.

Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school.

The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbour as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with, 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.

Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.

Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet?

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

Pass it on if you think it has merit.

If not, then just discard it. No one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.

My Best Regards, Honestly and Respectfully,

Ben Stein

Q & A

November 19/13

I received the following message and thought I'd post the exchange in case anyone else has the same thoughts.

"Hi Marcus

I love the blog but am wondering two things: Why do you take so long sometimes to post entries and are you really a guy as there are times it seems like you really see things more from a females perspective than a males.

Thanks and look forward to hearing back from you.


Let me address these in the order asked.

I don't have any schedule to live by in regards to the blog but rather post entries when something piques my interest, sparks a thought, or needs to be addressed in order to re balance my inner Qi.

I will say that there are many times I have a thought and begin to write an entry only to stop before completion as it just doesn't feel right to me, so I take the time to set is aside and wait until I can make it whole. At this point in time I have 5 draft postings on the go on a number of topics. The process is somewhat helter skelter as some of the topics hit me out of the blue and I mentally write them if pen and paper aren't available, this can be kind of hit or miss as I can usually remember the key points but some of the supporting verbiage is lost, these lost words are necessary to tie everything together into a neat and readable post. I'm getting better at using the record function on my iPhone and iPod but it takes me some time to incorporate new technology into my day to day life.

As to my expressed views and the mistaken belief that I must not be male because some of them resonate the female point of view , let me assure you I am 100% male and only write from the heart. Maybe I've just been lucky in life that I never embraced the mantra that real men don't cry or let feelings interfere with life. Real men do cry, we feel pain, and we are equally scared of a lot of the same things women are. There have been a few times, like less than five, where I've run a post past a friend and incorporated her feedback in the final form, but the underlying basis is and always has been mine.

I'm not a meta sexual, new age man, or any other such thing. I'm just your average run of the mill, kind of guy who you see literally every day as you make your way through life. This isn't some self deprecating put down on my part, something I've been more than guilty of doing in the past. It is just the reality of life. For every Ryan Reynolds there are thousands of guys like me who go through life being the best we can be, for ourselves, for our families, and for our communities.

I think this pretty saying pretty much sums it up best in regards to moi:

         I am who I am, nothing less, nothing more

It is Tuesday so mistakes will be made.....I'm good with it as it is part of life and an ever ongoing learning process


Monday, November 11, 2013

Lest we forget......

Nov 11/11

In loving memory of my great grandfather who rests quietly in Flanders field having made the ultimate sacrifice for family, king, and nation.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Each of us has a different viewpoint of the actions we observe.

November 09/13

Been a fun weekend so far with some well spent time with my son, errands run, a movie outing planned with the kids for Sunday, and a few chores done around the house.

As you may have read from prior posts, hockey season has started for my son, winter indoor soccer is well underway for my daughter, and my weekends aren't always my own to do with as I want and I'm good with that.

Most weekends will see a hockey practice and a game for my son but last weekend and this weekend seem to be aberrations to the norm as they've each had a Saturday night practice followed by a midweek game. One new thing for me is that my son doesn't want either his mom or I to hang around and watch practices as he feels that is for younger kids, not a big deal for me as I live fairly close to each of the 3 arenas used in the league so I drop him off and will either run an errand or head back home for the 50 minutes he is on the ice. That was the plan tonight as I dropped him off and than swung by Tim Horton's to grab an iced cappuccino for myself and a Boston cream for him as a treat for after practice.

There was a bit of a line inside so as I took my spot in it I scanned the display case to make sure they even had a Boston cream.... no luck as the spot was empty but as I looked for a suitable substitute out came a new tray that included the desired Boston cream.....looking good so far

As I waited in line a woman came up behind me with her two young sons just as I notice a woman at the cash who was using one of those wheeled walkers and it looked like she had a quite the order going as I counted 2 coffees, 2 muffins, and 2 iced lemonades. I wondered how she was going to manage it all and just did what came naturally by asking the gentleman in front of me if he could save my place and he said sure, so I walked over and told the woman I would be more than happy to help her and asked the person placing the drinks on the counter if they had a tray, the woman smiled and said thank you as I arranged the goodies on the tray and followed her to her table. Sitting there was her very old mom and what looked like twin girls around 5 years old. The old lady smiled at me and thanked me for helping her daughter saying normally she'd have done so but the girls were a little tired and cranky tonight. I told them it was my pleasure and to have a nice night.

Now all of this took maybe 2-3 minutes max and the line hadn't moved more than 1 or 2 people as I walked back to my spot in line, well what I thought was my spot but was soon told otherwise.

The gentleman who had agreed to save my spot for me made to move to make some room for me when the lady who had been standing behind me moved right up into the space he had created, I didn't think anything of it and just said excuse me whereupon she turned to look at me and said matter of fact "You got out of line so now you have to go to the end" as one of her sons asked her why was I trying to cut the line and it wasn't fair of me to do that.

I stood there not knowing what to say when the gentleman who had saved my spot turned to look at her and explained he had saved my spot so I could help someone with a large order, she looked at him and said she didn't care as I never asked her if I could leave the line and return so my place was lost as far as she was concerned and proceeded to give him a smug look as if that logic should explain it all. He started to say something to her and I smiled at him and said thanks but it isn't worth the effort or scene and walked to the back of the line. By this time several people were muttering about the woman and how rude she was being but I just laughed it off and said there are more important things to get upset about. With that remark she turned to me and said she didn't appreciate my attitude and undermining her efforts to teach her children right from wrong!

Now to say my jaw dropped would have been putting it mildly but still I wasn't going to let this woman ruin my mood or weekend so I smiled at her and wished her a good evening.

Seems that none of this went unnoticed as the manager came over, gave her a very evil look, and turned to me to ask what I was going to order when I got to the front, I told him my order not expecting anything of it when he turned to one of the young kids working behind the counter and told them to prepare a large iced capp and dozen donuts with at least 2 Boston Creams in the mix, when it was ready they handed it to him and he gave them to me and wished me a good night, I went to give him money and he waved it off with a smile saying one good act deserved another. I felt kind of embarrassed and thanked him and as I walked towards the door the gentleman who had been in front of me called out "Thank you for reminding us what a simple act of kindness means"

Now I didn't do what I did in order to get my order for free, but rather for the simple fact that I was in a position to do a simple favour that made things a bit easier for someone who needed a hand at that particular moment. Something I've done numerous times in the past and will undoubtedly do numerous times in the future as it's just how I'm wired.

If my son had been there I know he would have made that same move and probably long before it even dawned on me as that is the way his mom and I have raised him and his sister. The sad fact is that here was an opportunity for this woman to teach her sons right from wrong and set an example that might pay dividends later in life for them, but instead she focused on something as shirt sighted as the fact that I left line and didn't ask her permission since she was directly behind me.

My view was someone needed some assistance and I was in a position to help. Her view was my leaving line potentially cut her wait time down by a minute or two.

I wonder who benefited the most emotionally from their viewpoint.....

Earlier today while driving down to the Rideau Centre with my son he plugged his iPhone into the USB jack and shared some new tunes with me, he continues to impress me with the range of music that he listens to on a daily basis.....two that caught my ear were "Willst Du" by Robin Schulz and "Another Love" by Tom Odell

The first has lyrics in German but the instrumental is awesome where the second combines a good rhythm with lyrics that make you wonder about his loss..........

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The cutest sight this morning

November 07/13

Well the headaches have finally gone away and I'm no longer feeling nauseated every time I get up or move so I think the concussion has cleared.....whew!

I've been slowly working my way back into the groove of day to day activities as the cobwebs have been shoved back into the corners where they belong....OK......not really shoved into the corners so please no messages about how unsanitary I must be........

Yesterday was Moki's trip to the groomer and I have to say that they did a great job taking my bearded lady puppy and turning her back into a little diva princess. I do mean diva princess in the truest definition as she knows when she is looking good and has the strut to show for it, thanks to Stella and other ladies at bus stop across the street from my house. Any morning they are waiting for the bus that sees us walk by is a morning of soft voices telling Moki how cute she is, her response is to arch her back and look back at me over her shoulder as if to say "pay attention human, these people know how to treat me"....little do they know what a bed hog a small puppy can be or how demanding of my time and attention lol

But none of this really explains the cutest sight I saw this morning so before I digress further from the point let me continue with the story.

As I left my place this morning I shivered walking down the sidewalk as it has grown quite cold lately and wondered if I should go back and grab a toque and gloves but Moki's insistent pull on the leash told me that wasn't going to go over well so I bit the bullet and kept on walking, checking out the leaves on the front lawn and making a mental note to rake them this weekend, as we walked I heard a slight noise from behind and turned to see what caused it only to see a young lad, maybe a few years younger than my son walking down the street.

I didn't give him a second thought and continued walking until I reached the gap between the houses heading into the park near my place and paused to let Moki sniff the bus stop sign like she does every single time we walk past it. As she did her thing I looked down the path to see a young girl walking, more like pacing, back and forth across the path and didn't really think about it as Moki sensed her presence and being the social puppy that she is pulled on the leash to head towards her so she could make a new friend. Knowing how excited she can get when around new people I shortened her leash in order to keep her from jumping should the girl let her come close. Again I heard that sound and looked over my shoulder again to see the young boy now walking a few paces behind us with a very shy smile on his face.

As the girl looked up and past Moki and I she saw the boy and her shy smile was a perfect match for his, they seemed to hesitate as he drew up near her and than just as suddenly without a word both turned and walked side by side down the path towards the school that sits at the end of the park, not saying a word but still communicating with one another nonetheless.

Moki didn't know what to make of things as she felt left out and wanted to follow them but I crouched down to rub her back and softly told her "not this time princess as those two are deep in the midst of some serious puppy love".......almost as if on cue I watched as the young girl leaned against him and they ever so slowly held hands, fingers entwined with each other......

Moki gave a soft whine as if to voice her approval and turned to walk down the other path that loops around the play structure giving them space in her own special way. As she pulled on the leash to lead me me further into the park I smiled and watched the young couple as they neared the end of the park and the looming confines of the school yard beyond, leaning away from one another, as if unwilling to share the feelings they have for one another with the rest of the world.

As I walked home I was smiling and felt this sense of contentment deep inside.....maybe my heart grew two sizes bigger as the thought that love blooms all around no matter the time of year made me realize that love comes when it is ready...not when we want it, but more often than not when we least expect it and need it the doesn't always come in the shape we want but in the form that provides us the relief we need.

I'll admit that lately my tone as been a bit down as being alone has begun to wear on me a bit, but I've come to realize that I'm never really alone as I have my family and even when the kids aren't at my place I have Moki......and nothing helps overcome a bad day like watching her do her happy dance when I first get home or taking her for a walk......on our walks we both end up learning a little bit more about the world around us...

My musical suggestion for today is "Stubborn Love" by The Lumineers

Keep your head up and until we meet again,


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Just call me McKlutzy

November 03/13

So yesterday I was doing some stuff around the house getting ready for winter - things like a final rake of the leaves, cleaning out the eaves troughs (again), putting the cover on the central ac unit, and changing the floor mats on the car.

I didn't get winter mats for the my old Tucson and they took a beating so when I traded it in and got a new Accent hatchback I told myself to treat this one better so I could pass it down to my son when he starts driving in a few years.

Well when I was changing them I forgot that the Accent has a lower frame and after pulling out the old mats I turned around to put the new ones in and slammed my head into the door frame - literally slammed it so hard I was seeing stars and pretty much gave myself a slight concussion. I've been battling headaches, some dizziness, and a little nausea ever since the incident.

Needless to say all my plans for the weekend have been tossed to the side as I try and right the ship that is my mental acuity and clear the constant cobwebs that seem to make everything a little fuzzy around the edges. Shame there isn't a mental Swiffer for cleaning out the corners of ones mind now and than.

I was doing pretty good until tonight when I convinced myself that going to watch my sons hockey game wouldn't cause me any problems - I couldn't have been more wrong as the sounds in the arena were way too loud for my head, the glare off the ice made my eyes hurt, and once again I just want to curl up around the porcelain God and worship till my stomach is settled.

All this being said to say that the really cool blog posting I started to write yesterday morning is on hold for the moment while I recover.

This one feels worse than the one I got back in 2001 when I literally lost track of my son goofing around in the garage as I sat on the front step for about 30 minutes, me thinks a visit to my doctor might be in order tomorrow and I'll probably see if I can skip coaching the soccer game tomorrow night as I can't see how my yelling is going to do my head any good and it took all of my efforts not to yell tonight - they would have been words of support tonight versus instructions tomorrow night.

Wishing every one a good week and hopefully some warmth as it has been a wee bit cold the last few days :)
