Monday, May 25, 2015

Kids to the rescue

Monday, May 25/15

Today's song is "Fooling Yourself" by Styx

Some blogger background here......Styx was the very first concert I ever attended back at the Fox Theatre in San Diego. The Mr. Roboto tour if memory serves and one awesome show to attend.

So over the weekend my kids came to my rescue without even meaning to or even knowing what they had done to save dear old dad once again.

It started on Friday at my son's soccer practice and a comment he made to his teammates when they were being a tad rude to the new assistant, that would be me, telling them to knock it off and maybe as a team they could learn something from an experienced coach. One of the kids made a comment saying he was sure I didn't know much about the game when both my son and two of his teammates who played for me before laughed at him and one said "You are right, he probably can't teach you anything but he taught us how to play like champions and guided our teams to two first place finishes and a perfect season over the last three years" and then all turned looked at one another before turning to face me and gave me their undivided attention.

When this season started my goal was to be a soccer dad and not coach at all but there have been some issues with the assistant coach assigned to his competitive team and they asked me to reconsider if I could help out. I had a long talk with my son and he said he'd be ok with it as long as I didn't go overboard and we both laughed.

I'm happy to help and am working really hard to stay in the background as this is his season to shine on his own and so far he's been more than holding his own against kids with years of rep soccer under their belts.

Saturday saw the next incident to make me smile and thank the stars above for the kids I've been blessed to parent.  I was out having some sushi with my son and as we were leaving the restaurant a woman and her teenage daughters were walking up and my son held the door open for them and wished them a great lunch. Nothing too special about it except most kids would have stepped out the door and reached back to hold it open but he stepped back inside and held it open so they had room to come in together. As we walked across the parking lot a man came out of the restaurant and called out to us to please wait up, as he walked up to us he reached out and shook my son's hand and thanked him for being so polite and showing his daughters how a real gentlemen acts and turned to me to say I should be proud of the man I'd raised. I smiled and told him he had no idea how proud my son makes me day in and day out.  As we got into the car I told him what a wonderful son he was and to remind me to compliment his mom on raising him the right way and the laughed and said it was all my doing. I'll admit to looking out the window so he couldn't see my eyes glistening at his remark.

The final act came Sunday night when out of the blue my daughter stopped by to say hi and give me a hug. I asked her what that was for and she smiled and said it was payback for all the hugs I have her over the years when she was feeling down about something. I guess I looked a little confused as she told me that she knew I was having a rough time with things and this was her way of reminding me that I'm not walking it alone, my family is there and they've got my back.

I've done my best to raise my kids to be respectful, caring, and empathetic to those around us. My ex has done the same and I'd like to think that between us we've done a good job, it's weekends like the one just passed that I'm reminded of the two greatest things I've ever been part of...........

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