Friday, May 29, 2015


Friday, May 29/15

No song today as I really can't think of one that would accurately reflect my mood.

Closure......we all want it, we all need it, and some will feel that they deserve it. Unfortunately closure comes when both parties are able to fulfill the needs of the other and it doesn't seem like I'll be getting my closure any time soon.

Tonight was my final meeting with C to exchange the stuff we had each left at the others house over the last few months.  For me that meant getting back the keys to my house I'd given her and packing a small box with her stuff to bring to her place. It never really dawned on me till today when I was going through things how much she had left at my place and yet it felt kind of right to me at the same time.

We talked briefly and things are still the same in terms of why she ended things but there is a piece of me that just doesn't buy her story and thinks she is holding something back as two people don't go from where we were to breaking up in the span of one weekend without something else causing it.

I doubt I'll ever know the whole story and while that sucks for me there is little I can do other than remember some incredible times and keep my head up as I know I was really into her and the potential we had, hell lets be honest and say I still am and it is almost damn near impossible to find someone who not only stimulates your libido let alone your mind, and she did that!!

So I'm going to put on my big boy pants now and get on with my life, doing my best not to let this show up in the blog anymore. Just know that every now and than one of the more interesting entries might be related to some awesome memory slipping past my guard and making me feel a bit lost for a moment in time.

Closure.....nice to have but not the end of the world if it isn't forthcoming.

Btw......Romantic Me was hoping for a text tonight but Logical Me hit him on the back of the head like Gibbs does to DeNozo on NCIS.......take a moment and visualize are welcome for that smile you just had :)

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