May 20/2015
The blog is back for a variety of reasons but the primary one is to offer some help.
Help for who you may ask.....
Myself mostly as I find writing is a huge release and grants me some sense of calm in a turbulent world.
I also hope it helps anyone who takes the time to read any of the postings. Not that it will offer a solutions to any problems you may be experiencing but more from the observation that we all go though those same moments and seeing how I face them, view them, and hopefully overcome them can offer you encouragement in your own struggles.
I don't blog to get sympathy as I'm one of those people who feel we are all the masters of our own destiny and that we each must like the person we are before we can hope to like anyone else in the deeper sense of the word as superficial liking is readily possible, but we all strive for that deeper feeling that leaves our hearts pounding, pupils dilated, and gasping for air........
I'm not blogging to win votes, earn money, or even try and get someone back. I'm blogging for the simple reason that I enjoy putting pen to paper and creating something.
You don't have to like it, respect it, or even keep reading.
No, you just owe it to yourself to stay true to the person you are now and the one you want to be as you pass through the various stages of your life.
I am recently freshly wounded from the ending of a relationship that meant far more to me than I realized when I was actually part of it. There is a saying that says you don't know what you have till you've lost it.........from my own recent experiences, trust me that one is very true........
C knows about the blog as I mentioned it to her when we first started dating. It was one thing she didn't know about as several of her co-workers had done some rather serious research on me as they are pretty protective of her. She knew I'd done one but not where to find it online. She does now and I hope that none of these posts make her uncomfortable, sad, or even angry.
Rather I hope she comes to understand the positive effect she had on me and how much I appreciate the growth she has brought about these past few months, the joy she raised inside me, the trust I have in her to live her life to the fullest as she continues to grow as a person, a parent, and someday someone's partner.
I don't know what my future holds but I have some unfinished dreams that I hope to see come true someday.......some I've shared on the blog and some I've talked about one on one with people...and a few I recently came to see as possible........maybe those will still happen..........
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