Sunday, July 24, 2016

A weekend of golf and the moment when things sort of clicked

Sunday, July 24/16

My weekend started off with my usual weekly round with my friend B and catching up on the things going on in our lives. Seems my old company has been bought so there is a bit of uncertainty surrounding positions and he has decided to start looking for something new. He asked if I would be a reference and I laughed as I told him if I wasn't one we have some serious issues.

My Saturday morning round was the complete polar opposite of my Friday round to such an extent that I stopped scoring after taking an unbelievable 9 on the easiest par 4 I've ever played in my life, things got so bad that I started to experiment with shots since nothing I was doing seemed to work out for me. I sort of got things turned around a little on the back nine but by that time my mood was so bad I apologized to B for the hideous display of golf. He smiled and reminded me of his own round from hell I got to experience a few weeks ago and told me to hit the range and work on my club takeaway as that looks to be the issue causing my slice.

When I got home I took Moki for a walk and did some laundry as I tidied up around the house. My goal was to do the yard when I got home but it was too damn hot with the humidity so I stayed inside and just took it easy and had a little nap with Moki resting her head on my hip.

I only napped for about an hour and made myself a bite to eat as I was famished. Once done with that and cleaning up the dishes the thought of yard work was so very unappealing that I made the tough call to play another round of golf. The question was where to play as neither Pakenham or Glen Mar held much interest for me. I looked at eQuinelle down in Kemptville, The Smith Falls Golf & Country Club, and Perth Golf Course.  I ended up going with Perth as I liked that it is Canada's oldest course at the same location since opening.

The front nine was kind of strange as it played long, played short, had weird angles, and sort of left me feeling a sense of vertigo until I was able to get to the back nine. I think I was 8 over on the front and everything I'd done wrong in my morning round at Pakenham was perfect in this round. My distance were spot on and my slice was minimal. I tinkered with my takeaway and think I found the cure to that damn slice, least for now.  I loved the back nine and shot a 6 over 42 to finish with an 85 on a par 71 course. It doesn't play as long as some of the usual courses I play but there were a couple of holes that were monster long and really had me hitting fairway woods on the 2nd and 3rd shots when I'm used to hitting a short iron on the 3rd shot.

It's sort of amazing how Jekyll and Hyde my game can go from one round to the next. The only saving grace is that I can usually find holes in each round where I did everything just right.

I grabbed a pizza for dinner as cooking wasn't on the agenda and had some wine with it and can honestly say I was asleep by 9pm as the golf and fresh air had tired me out big time.

Sunday broke bright and early with the usual walk in the park with Moki and some breakfast. As I was getting ready to head out and tackle the yard my daughter sent me a text asking what I was up to and if I was interested in helping her and the fiancé put together a flower box as she was craving some colours in her yard as the grass isn't scheduled to be done till the middle of August.

I made the heroic decision to put off my own yard to help them and headed over with a shovel, some gloves, and a smile.

Two hours later we had a nice flower garden set up along the house right next to the front steps up onto the porch. I had forgotten how rocky the soil is in Kanata/Stittsville but was given a quick reminder when I had to constantly dig up rocks and work around patches of clay.

My daughter had to run over to Lowe's to get more topsoil and as her fiancé and I waited we had a cool drink on the porch and I just sat there looking around at the new homes being built and the people out and about walking dogs, washing cars, jogging, and doing yard work.

It dawned on my that I have it pretty good in life and all the things I've been letting get to me don't define who I am or how I carry myself. I've got friends and hobbies that keep me busy so there is no damn reason to be moping around. For the first time in a very long time I felt as ease with my life and the things going on in it. I think things sort of clicked for me Thursday and now I know my path is clear and open to new possibilities, as long as I keep my eyes open and my heart clear.

Of course once I got done helping them I was in no mood to do my own yard so I've put it off until Monday and will do it once I'm home from work.

So how did I spend my Sunday afternoon? Well for those who guessed playing another round of golf please give yourself a gold star and for those who had no clue, well might I suggest reading some of my older posts to brush up on what this blogger does for fun.

I played up at Pakenham and continued the fine play from Saturday afternoon, shooting a nice 89 that included putting a ball into the ponds on the Canyon 3rd and 4th holes and adding an out of bounds on the 8th that sort of pissed me off as I nailed my 3 wood a good 230 yards only to see it hit something in the fairway and kick way right OB. Oh well, I took some satisfaction in crushing that 3 wood and am really starting to like hitting it, almost as much as my Callaway 4 hybrid but don't tell her that as than she'll top my next shot lol

It's 9:45 pm and I'm off to bed soon as I'm hitting Movati in the morning and getting back into the gym routine again. Think I'm going to give myself a 2 week head start on getting my legs back before letting Connor know I'm back and ready for more of his sadism.

My name is Marcus and the clouds have parted and the sunshine feels pretty damn good these days.

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