Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Long Weekend Begins

Saturday, July 30/16

The Ontario Civic long weekend began last night at 4pm when I left work.

So what is on tap for this weekend?

Today is white water rafting with my son, we leave for Wilderness Tours in 5 minutes, some golf tomorrow with the M&M boys from work, that darn side deck hasn't repaired itself so looks like that will get some attention, probably a round of golf with B on Monday, and finally the new Jason Bourne movie with my son and his girlfriend on Monday.

Sounds busy and it will be, but sure to provide plenty of laughs and smiles.

Best part is the drive to and from Wilderness Tours as it's a little over an hour each way and sure to provide some interesting conversations with the worlds greatest son. He'll more than likely sleep on the way home, if history repeats itself after our other white water rafting adventures, and that's all good as we will chat before and after his naps ;)

I'll post later on how the river went and maybe add some pictures as well...don't get excited as there won't be any shots of me or my son....privacy and safety are still the words of the day


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