Friday, July 15, 2016

Live in the moment

Friday, July 15/16

When I started this blog a few years back I made a promise to be honest to myself and you about my feelings about being a father and trying to date once again in the hope of meeting that one woman who could make my heart beat a bit faster when we were near or I thought about her, my last first kiss if you will.

I think it started off well enough but somewhere along the way I sort of lost touch with what I really wanted to say with this blog, I let my feelings get in the way and sort of drag things down over time.

For that I apologize and promise to try my best to get back to writing entries about the stuff I observe, that happens to me, or I just plain wish would happen.

No more morose pondering about what could have been had I only just acted one way instead of another, no more pining away over lost love for if truth be told it's possible I only fooled myself into thinking I was ever really the object of love to begin with. I can't say with any certainty that I know anymore whether the feelings expressed towards me were real or just a phase for the moment.

What I can say is that life is nothing more than a series of interconnected moments and I'm going to do my best to jump down the stream of life from one moment to the next, hopefully generating some interesting blog entries along the way.

As the saying goes, tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to work my ass off to make each new tomorrow worth living. This doesn't mean I'll be doing crazy things like buying a motorcycle or going sky diving but it does mean pushing my boundaries and trying to expand my experiences in life.

Spending time with my son, helping my daughter as she prepares for the arrival of her own child this year, feeding my self confessed addiction to golf, and getting out there and meeting people, specifically women, so I can maybe, just perhaps, fingers crossed share my very last first kiss with an amazing woman who reminds me what the L word really means.

Stay tuned and I hope the ride is worth at least three E tickets :)


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