Friday, July 22, 2016

The Weekend Starts Early

Friday, July 22/16

So I'm now enjoying my 3 day weekend courtesy of taking today off.

I was up bright and early taking the diva princess for a walk, suddenly for some reason the backyard isn't good enough for her and all she does is give me the look whenever I try and get her to go out there quickly, ran some errands, and now getting ready to head out and grab some lunch with my son before we see the new Star Trek Beyond in 3D Imax.

Later he'll transition to his moms for the week and I'll be looking to get in some golf, it's been almost 5 days since I last played and I'm feeling a bit antsy.

The weekend is wide open in terms of possibilities with just some yard work, laundry, the side deck repairs, and new WIFI router to install......ok, maybe it's not as wide open as I first thought but I'm flexible and will adjust my plans accordingly should something better open up :)

What is on your agenda? Maybe some family time, recreational time, clubbing, or even a date or two.

The world is your oyster so make the most of it!!!


Oh....almost forgot today's musical suggestion....well in honour of Star Trek Beyond how about we go with Sabotage by the Beastie Boys.......great guitar riffs and the back drum beat isn't too bad

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