H A P P Y N E W Y E A R S !!!!!!!
I would like to wish each of you a Very Happy New Years!!!
My hope is that as you look back on 2018 you feel that it was good to you and that 2019 brings you nothing but peace, love, health, and contentment.
My year had both lows and highs, to be expected and really probably not much different from what most of you experienced, although those things that may have been a low or a high might differ between us.
My low was the health scare and side affects I experienced from the treatment.
My highs were many and far outweighed the low.........
My daughter got married in January and I had the pleasure of walking her down the aisle.
My son survived his first year of university and earned excellent grades, not that his mother or I thought he'd do otherwise but it was nice for his self confidence nonetheless.
Getting the news that my tumor was benign and I wouldn't have to undergo any more chemotherapy
My son golfing with me for the first time in over 10 years on my birthday
Shooting my first round of sub 88 golf on the next to last round of the year.
Being part of the winning team at the work golf tournament
Realizing I wasn't happy with my life and having the courage to make some changes that I hope bring me some equilibrium and a more grounded sense of happiness.
Starting to put myself back out into the dating world once again..............
I was asked what my New Years resolutions are for 2019 and I don't have any.
For me resolutions are about as useful as celebrating Valentines Day............I have no need for either as I'm mature enough and in tune with my own feelings to know I can create an arbitrary list of things I want to accomplish at any point in the year, that the first day of the new year is as critical to this process as discovering the secrets behind cold fusion.
I have the same opinion about Valentines Day......the single most pressure filled day to be a guy in a relationship. Why is there is so much pressure to show your partner how much you love them on this one predetermined day? Does that mean they get a free pass the the day before or the day after? Why can't we celebrate the love every day in our own special ways? I don't think I was ever remiss in letting my partner know how much she meant to me or how much I cared for her. Heck, if any of the women I've dated feel differently please reach out and let me know as I'm all about improving myself in every way possible.
Okay, reading the last paragraph has me thinking I might have gotten a little off topic and I apologize but promise to revisit this rant a little farther into the year when it's more appropriate.
So, no resolutions will be made by me come the strike of the clock at midnight.
Tonight I'll be home with Moki watching a movie, enjoying a cold pint of beer, and thinking a little bit about what might have been. This has been my norm for the last few years and one I've sort of grown accustomed to over time.
2014 was the last time I really celebrated New Years Eve and it was with friends of a very special friend, one of the best I can remember sharing with someone.
Snow and freezing rain are in the forecast tonight so please be careful out there wherever you might find yourself. My son is working until 11 pm and then heading to a house party with some friends, but he knows I'm only a call away should he need me, though I've gotten assurances they have a designated driver all set up, one of the group is Muslim and doesn't drink at all.
My name is Marcus and I'm hoping 2019 is the year I can change the title of this blog once and for all as maybe I'll finally meet my one and experience my last first kiss.............
Not sure I can really name the perfect song for tonight but lets give "Someone like You" by Adele a try and see how things turn out for us and we'll reconnect next year :-)
As always comments, questions, or complaints can be sent my way via ooasm2018@gmail.com and I promise to reply to all emails.