Thursday, December 13, 2018

Why do I end the blog like I do?

Thursday, December 13/18

So I was asked why I end each blog like I do, with my name and some little blurb about myself and my hope to meet the one......oh, and a musical recommendation, usually lol

When I first started out making entries about dating, being single, raising my kids, and just trying to get through life the best I could I used to add quotes from historical figures as I found some of those messages to be either thought provoking and/or representative of my emotional state at that moment in time.  It sort of developed from watching One Tree Hill where every episode referenced a quote and it just stuck with me.

Over time it's morphed to include movies and now music, as both of these mediums can and have impacted how I feel about myself, what I'm hoping to accomplish, and the world around me.

I do not have one creative cell in my body but really appreciate those artists who can make me feel something, whether it be in film, books, art, or music.  At one time or another each of those mediums has touched me in such a way as to leave me feeling happy, sad, despondent, elated, and most often hopeful.

Music has been the big one lately as I tend to spend my free time these days reading and researching music online.

I'm fast reaching the point where I'll be cutting out the cable TV as really neither my son or I watch it much other than some sports, both of us are more likely to be found watching NetFlix or YouTube.

There are so many good artists out there that I know it would be next to impossible for one person to discover them all by themselves and thus that is one reason I share my own findings with anyone who reads the blog, that and I hope in return to receive some suggestions from you as well.

So there is the reason I end things the way I do.

My name is Marcus and though I am single at the moment I do not consider myself alone as I've taken to trying to be more open to the world around me and the opportunities to brings me these days than I've ever been before in my life. Is that ex post proof that with age comes some wisdom?

Today's musical suggestion is "Helplessly Hoping" by Crosby & Stills & Nash

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