Tuesday, December 18, 2018

White or Red?

Tuesday, December 18/18

So I had my daughter and her family over for dinner tonight and my son-in-law asked if I had any wine in the house and I pointed in the direction of the fridge and to the corner of the dining room where there is a wine rack as well.

The fridge has a couple of bottles of Pinot Grigio chilling and there are a couple of red's in the wine rack. Now he loves a good red, one reason he gets along so well with his mother-in-law lol, but I'm more partial to a cold white any day of the week.

I think my preference comes from just my initial experiences with wine and how the first red I ever had was at room temperature and thus didn't do anything to quench my thirst at the time, whereas the first white was chilled and just did the trick.

Now I don't drink all that much, if we ignore my week in Mexico back in January and the week in Jamaica back in 2015, so I don't pretend to be an expert and try and offer up advice or reviews on the different varietals for either reds or whites, but I do know what I like and tend to stick with it for the long term.

My appreciation for a nice Pinot Grigio came courtesy of my time with Corinna as she liked a glass at night with some cheese or a sliced up baguette, a trend I've continued the last few years.

No, I'm not much of a drinker but lately I've started to try different beers as I do like to experiment along those lines, for a little while it was all cider based ales like Somersby and Strong Bow, with recent trend towards Big Wave Pale Ale from Hawaii, my son is partial to that one and I have to remind him whose beer it is or they go quickly from the fridge.

I've heard that some people put ice cubes in a red but I worry that would dilute the flavour too much and make me look like a total rube.......

So for now I'll be sticking with the Pinot but wonder what wines you enjoy and would recommend or pair with certain meals??

My name is Marcus and I'll never buy wine in a box but I won't raise my nose upwards if you do as we like what we like.

Today's musical suggestion is "Flash" by Queen. A little retro to the movie that Queen scored :)

Questions & comments can me directed to me at: ooasm2018@gmail.com

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