Thursday, December 20, 2018

Ask for Angela!!!

Thursday, December 20/18

I came across an interesting story on my Facebook feed and thought I'd share it with you.

There is a system that has been slowly gaining ground in the United Kingdom, and making it way across the pond to Canada and the U.S., where if a woman feels threatened while on a date she can approach a member of a restaurant or pub and simply ask for Angela. This is code to let the employee know that the woman doesn't feel safe and they are to move her to a position of safety, whether it is via a bouncer or other wait staff, and call the authorities.

It's as simple as going up to the bartender and asking "Is Angela working tonight?"

I'm literally of two emotions about this system.

I'm happy that it is in place and from the sounds of things it has done a wonderful job of getting some women out of what could have been a dangerous situation.

On the other hand I'm more than disgusted that we need this system in the first place and wonder where we went wrong as a society that men could even think that acting this way towards women is even the least bit acceptable.

Some of the stories I've read around this make me wonder if my gender can really be that fucking dumb and clueless, guys getting mad at the woman for causing a scene after they'd been verbally or physically abusive, or if I'm just the one who is so stupid and clueless he can't see today's environment for the mine field is has become for women.

I remember having a conversation with my son a few years back when he started dating where I sat him down to have the talk and he sort of rolled his eyes at me as if I was a day late and a dollar short.

As I watched him roll his eyes I just looked him in the eye and said it wasn't that kind of talk. This talk was about how to treat a lady and if I ever heard one word that he'd been disrespectful than there would be hell to pay.

I remember him looking at me and telling me that if he ever acted that way he didn't fear facing the young ladies father nor his own mother as much as the last person he'd have to face. I was sort of confused and asked him who that was and he looked at me and said "You, as you've always tried to teach me how to be a man and if I did something so horrible as to upset my date than I don't think I'd ever be able to look you in the eyes again dad"

Pretty much knew at that point that if I never did anything else in my life to help mold him into a man than I'd already done enough with him feeling that way about being respectful and protective of any woman he was with.

I hope none of you are ever made to feel threatened or afraid for your safety but should you experience just such a moment I beg you to "Ask for Angela" and don't allow yourself to be treated as anything less than the wonderful person that you are. I say that not only as the father of a woman but as the father of a young man who has been raised to treat not only women but all others with respect and dignity.

My name is Marcus and we should all take any steps necessary to ensure the safety of those around us.

No musical suggestion with this blog entry as I don't think one would be appropriate given the topic.

Thoughts or comments can me directed my way at:

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