Saturday, December 15/18
Many people think of relationships in terms of the physical intimacy that two people can have with one another and that is part of the package for sure.
When I think of a relationship it tends to transcend past the purely physical and be more all encompassing.
Now I know there are a few of you asking how anything can be more encompassing than the physical connection two people can share when they are naked under the covers doing what people do in such situations but there are far more ways to be totally in love with someone than just the mere sight of them exposed to your lustful gaze.
The overwhelming pleasure of being with someone isn't just the actual affection you share, sex, and companionship. It's the silent permission you've exchanged through a glance to reach out and brush your hand against her cheek, softly push a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, to thread your fingers through hers as you walk through a store, to snuggle on a couch and softly kiss the side of her neck.
The unspoken desire to send a flirty text at 2:30 in the afternoon letting her know you've thought of her and it made you smile, the picture you take of something you see while out that you just know she'll laugh at when she sees it come across her phone from you, it's getting up early on a Sunday and getting her coffee to start her day off right, it's wandering around the LCBO trying to find that Pinot Grigio that she just loves to have a glass of at the end of the day with some cheese that makes her feel happy and loved.
It's the scent of her perfume lingering in your bedroom days after she's spent the night.
It is being willing to try new things and new ways of preparing food.
It's each of you having your own opinion, being strong enough in your feelings to not let the other steam roll you but also taking the time to hear what they are saying and not belittling that opinion.
Don't get me wrong........there is nothing wrong with hot lust filled moments as those are pretty damn good in my book.......but those moments don't constitute all that a relationship is made of.....not in a long shot.....not to this guy
My name is Marcus and my understanding of what makes me happy in a relationship has evolved so much over time and will hopefully continue to evolve when I bump into my one.
Today's musical suggestion is "What's My Age Again?" by Blink 182 Original video was kind of cool and the remake incorporates some of the same scenes talking account the change in years.
On a side note........if you'd like to tell me what's going on with you or provide some feedback on a blog entry you can now do so by emailing me at
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