October 19/13
I sat down to write a posting and just before I started I took a gander at the blog stats as kept by Google and was amazed to see not only the number of views but the location they are coming from.
I've hit over 2K view and it's been viewed in over 15 countries so far.
Canada, United States, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Serbia, and Myanmar to name a few.
When I think back on some readings I've done on historical events and how the time lag could, and did stretch for days, weeks, and in some cases months it boggles me to think that literally moments after I finish this post someone sitting across the globe can pop open their laptop and read it.
Makes me wonder what my grandfathers would have thought about the internet and the advances we've seen in instant global communications.
I remember when I was young lad we'd pack up the family car and make the 4 day drive from San Diego to Regina to visit my grandfather and spend a couple of weeks at the lake cottage. I compare that to the drive I made from San Diego to Ottawa back in '95 that only took a little over 2+ days to accomplish.
I think the next time we'll experience the old version of time lags will be when we have the technology to break away from our earthly home and begin a new round of exploration.
So for everyone sitting somewhere other than Canada reading this blog I thank you and hope these little slices into who I am make you smile, make you laugh, make you giggle, maybe make you feel a tear now and again, but most of all I hope that there are times they make you pause and say to yourself "I get it, I totally understand where this guy is coming from"
I'll make one simple promise to each of you.....I'll keep being me and just writing from the heart and you just be you, the best you possible, and we'll leave everything else up to fate and karma.
Have a great Saturday night people, well except for those of you having a wonderful Sunday :)
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