Friday, October 4, 2013

My love/hate relationship with Friday's

September 04/13 - TGIF!!!!

What a crazy week it's been for me, between coaching the opening game of my daughters women's indoor soccer team, running my son to hockey practices, updating his hockey gear to replace the stuff he outgrew over the summer, to the madness that is month end at work, I'm mentally exhausted and so ready for the weekend.

But even though it is Friday and the start of the weekend and I should be happy I'm actually kind of bummed out.

When I think of Friday's I find myself torn between feeling either both sad/happy or just plain happy.

Why do I feel this way you ask?

As with most things going on in my life it tends to somehow relate to my son.

I have shared joint custody of my son under an alternate week arrangement. One week he is with me and the other week he is with his mom.  This works well for both his mom and myself as it gives us time to be a parent and some time to be single.

The problem is that today is the end of my custody week so while I'm glad it is Friday, I'm also kind of bummed out as when I come home tonight after work it will be to an empty house, well as empty as it can be when you factor in one semi-hyper puppy who is pretty tuned into my moods and will do her best to distract me from being sad.

Now next Friday will rock for me as not only will it be the end of the work week but when I get home my son will be there having caught the bus to my place directly from school.

So while I'm happy today, I'm also kind of bummed out and the rainy weather isn't going to help things at all, in fact if it rains out my two golf tee times this weekend I'm going to be one very grumpy old man come Monday lol

Are there any days of the week you prefer over another?

For some reason I seem to like Thursdays a bit more than other days....maybe because it is the run-up to the weekend and I'm still hanging with my son or expecting to see him....don't know, don't care :)

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend - hope the colours are beginning to explode in your neck of the woods as they are looking awesome around my neighbourhood and I think a drive to the Gatineau's might be in order to get some new fall pictures.

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