Thursday, October 17, 2013

Have we gone too far with being PC?

October 17/13

Have we gone too far with trying to be politically correct?

Why the question you ask?

Just read an article online about the US 9th Court of Appeals heaing a case where a California high school is being sued for abridging the first amendment rights of some students a few years back.

It appears that back on May 5th, 2010 some students came to school wearing shirts that had the American flag printed on the front and some students took exception to this and complained since May 5th is also referred to as Cinco De Mayo day and celebrates Hispanic heritage. School administrator's fearing there might be issues ordered the students to either wear the shirts inside out or go home for the day.

I don't have any issues with celebrating Cinco De Mayo or any other day that honours the heritage of any culture but I do have some issues when an American attending an American school within the borders of the United States of America is ordered to cease and desist wearing a shirt that depicts nothing offensive in nature.

Why is it that everyone has to cater to the needs and desires of a select group of people who make a decision to move to another country but don't try and assimilate into the new culture.

When I lived in California it always astounded me to get the voter package as it had to be in over 10 different languages - English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese to name a few.

Why does everyone think this OK? If we were to move to France or Germany do you think they would suddenly start publishing all documents in English?  What do you think would happen if you tried to pull that in say Iran or Saudi Arabia?

My bank ATM is now in English and at least 2 other dialects of Chinese - why?

If I was to move to another country I wouldn't expect them to cater to my inability to understand them but rather I'd work my ass off to be able to communicate with them in the language of the country.

I know there is no official language in the United States but I think that is because they never envisioned the flood of immigrants they experienced from the 1820's onward.

Canada does have an official language act and it states that English and French are the two languages of the country.

How about we all put on our big boy and big girl pants and suck it up and say enough is enough already, you want to come live in Canada and have the financial resources to take care of yourself, we'd love to have you, but make damn sure you understand that we will communicate with you in either English or French and that the customs of your old country are just that, the customs of your old country. What was acceptable there might not be acceptable here so be prepared for the change and don't whine and say it's not fair - it is fair so effing deal with it or go back and be happy there.

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