Thursday, October 10, 2013

It's just a game people, calm the frick down!!!!!!!!!!

October 10/13

So yesterday I wake up and do my usual routine - take the dog for her morning walk, come home and power up the computer, make some toast, and check my emails. Nothing big in and of itself right?

What caught my eye was a story on the MSN home page that was titled "Fan confronts QB at home" and after reading the story I was just amazed at how stupid some people are when it comes to the important things in life.

Seems the NFL QB in question, Matt Schaub of the Houston Texans, had thrown his fourth pick six of the young season and has been struggling with his confidence. For those wondering, a pick six is an intercepted pass run back for a touchdown.  Houston was picked as one of the preseason favourites to make a run at the Super Bowl but has struggled to 2 wins and 3 losses so far this season, some of which can be attributed to poor play by the QB.

I'm a serious sports fan and have had my heart broken by my beloved San Diego Chargers, San Diego Padres, Phoenix Suns, and Ottawa Senators more times than I'd like to remember but at no point have I ever thought it the smart move to head over to one of the players homes and confront him on his front doorstep in front of his family like the guy did in the story.

What kind of poor upbringing does it take to do something so completely asinine that a person would consider it or even follow through with it??

Now here is where this rant gets interesting so follow along.....

On the sports tab was another story about the recent decision by the Kentucky High School Athletics Associaton to ban the customary post game handshakes after repeated incidents of post game fights and violence in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and football.

It isn't limited to one sport or one gender - we're now an equal opportunity offender across sports and genders.

Now before anyone sit there and say they can see this happening in the heat of the moment with teenagers, and I'm not saying it can't happen, one of the most horrific examples quoted by the KHSAA was a brawl between the parents of two teams - we're talking the parents here people!!!

The sad fact is that too many adults place far too much importance on how kids play a game and the scores without viewing the game as an opportunity to set a good example.

I coach youth and adult soccer - been doing it for years and hope to continue doing it - and one message I've always given my teams is that no matter what the other team says or does we will play the game and conduct ourselves with pride, dignity, and respect. The moment one of you doesn't do that is the moment you start looking for a new team or coach.

I've coached win less teams and I've coached unbeaten teams, the one common thread for both has been to remind them it is just a game and meant to be fun. If you aren't having fun I'm doing something wrong - plain and simple.

We need to stop trying to live our missed opportunities through the actions of our children.

We need to step up and remind our children that games are meant to be fun.

Winning is nice, but it's not the end all be all for our youth.

Remember this one simple fact....behind every sport is the word game


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