Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I admit it, I purge and sometimes it costs me dearly

October 15/13

I started this post back on October 6th and sort of got side tracked but decided to finish it off tonight while waiting for the son to complete his math homework

Someone recently asked me why it seems like I try and use sensationalistic titles and and I don't really have an answer other than it is kind of fun to come up with something catchy that might make all of you wonder just what the heck I'm up to........

Like many of you I have a cell phone, a rather nifty little product put out by that fruit logo'd company down in Cupertino, actually my son has the same model but he is much more adept at getting the most out of it than is his old man.

Over the course of time I've pretty much come to depend on that little gadget to keep me up to date on key events, wake me in the morning, track all of my contact information, both work and social, as well as let me read a book, listen to some tunes, or play around with an app when I've found myself with some time to kill.

Now every now and than I tend to review my contact list and if I come across one that I haven't spoken  to in a little while I will delete them from my list, aka purge them, and move on with life. This hasn't been an issue until literally this past Thursday morning.

I was sitting at my desk trying to get the last bank recon done for work and calculate the corresponding foreign exchange adjustment when my phone beeped to let me know I had a text message, looking down I expected to see it from either of my kids or possibly my ex asking how we would get my sons hockey gear from my place to hers but was surprised to see the readout tell me it was from an unknown number without any associated name.

I read the text and had a little chuckle as it said:
"Woke up randomly last night at 2:00am and for some reason thought about your blog. Wanted to update myself, had to Google it with 'Marcus, single man, blog' Any who...all updated now and the date from hell was my fave" signed Mysterious Stranger

Now for the life of me I have no clue who this mysterious stranger is other than I'm narrowed it down that we have spoken via a dating website at some point in the past, we exchanged cell numbers, and she is really enjoying keeping me in the dark as to her identity lol

I'm a good sport so I haven't gotten upset by not knowing who she is and have been trying like crazy to figure it out based on snippets of information gleaned from our running text chat. So far without much luck but I'm one determined son of a gun so the game remains afoot.

I'll admit that this isn't the first time I've had a message pop up from someone I've talked with before and deleted from my contacts but usually they've been a tad bit more forthcoming with a name.

So now I'm starting to wonder how long does one keep a person's contact information if some time has passed between calls or messages before biting the bullet and doing some purging?

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