Sunday, May 1, 2016

G O L F ! ! !

Sunday, May 01/16

So my favourite season of the year is under way full steam.

No, it's not spring, nor summer, or even fall. You can rule out winter as well.

Nope, my favourite season is golf!!

Since April 17th I've managed 3 full rounds of golf and one half round for 63 holes.

This weekend I've played 18 at Pakenham Highlands on Friday and another 18 yesterday at Glen Mar with the possibility of adding 9 more this afternoon.

I play so much golf for a couple of reasons. The first being that I'm single and have a lot of free time on my hands and hate sitting around. Second being that I love the challenge the game presents and forcing myself to stay calm even during those rounds when things aren't falling into place.

My goal is to place 36 holes per weekend this season and get my handicap down to a 15-16 range.

Right now I'd say it's inched it's way up closer to a 19-20 so I have my work cut out for me.

Someone once said my time spent on the course was probably the reason I was single and to that I call bullshit as I've never placed golf above anyone I was seeing.

I golfed when I was up the valley visiting C and loved my times there, when she was with me it was even better as I hoped she could see how happy it made me just as I could see how much joy she got from her career and talking about it.

But to be fair there were times I didn't go and golf when I could have as the time spent just being with her was even better, and something I hope she knew.

Golf is important to me but it is not the end all be all for me.

No, being part of something means far more to me than my golf game.

But that doesn't mean I'm going to sit around twiddling my thumbs while I re-enter the dating world and seeing what might transpire. Nope, I'll keep swinging my sticks until such time as I have a better option for those select few hours each weekend.

My name is Marcus and I have a slight addiction to golf. Now I'm not looking to cure this addiction at the moment but rather feed the beast as much as possible. Are you game?

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