Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Double Take and Smile

Tuesday, May 10/16

Today's musical suggestion is "Twice" by Little Dragon

So originally I was supposed to take my son to Bayshore and get some new shorts and these shoes from Vans that he's been eyeing so I didn't take anything out for dinner thinking we'd grab a bite in the food court but as usual that plan never came to fruition as he texted me when he got home from school asking if we could do it tomorrow or Thursday as he's super tired and has a chemistry lab to write up for class tomorrow.

I was a bit bummed as I'd been looking forward to doing some shopping with him but felt good that he knew enough to place school above getting some new clothes.

Of course dinner now became the issue so it meant a run to Pizza Hut on my way home as we like a thin and crispy pizza with some wings, always a pretty good fall back choice.

When I walked through the front door I glanced to my left and than kept heading to the take out counter to place my order but suddenly stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turned around to see what had initially caught my eye............

I smiled as I stood staring at the pay phone mounted on the wall.

I can't remember the last time I actually saw a pay phone which is kind of odd given how they used to be all over the place when I was growing up. Now I'm sure there are a lot more than the one I accidently stumbled upon tonight but it did make me smile and think back to when I was a kid and cell phones were just something from a science fiction movie.

It made me think back to last summer when I was up the valley and came across a full service gas station while driving through Petawawa and was equally shocked that time as well. First that there were still any full service stations around and then that the cost wasn't all that much different from the self serve across the street.

It's sort of funny the things that make us smile as we get older isn't it............

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