Monday, May 16, 2016

Weekend recap coming soon - Update to the Update

Monday, May 16/16

So it was a busy weekend with lots of golf, should be no surprise there right?

Played a new course and along the way had a bit of a moment that reminded me of the scene from the movie Network with William Holden.....

I'll update this entry later tonight with all that happened and my possible actions moving forward.


Update Thursday, May 19/16

Apologies for the delay in getting this one posted but it's proving far harder than I thought when I started out writing it, I've prepared a post three times and none have felt right in my mind.

There are some raw emotions to express and part of me just wants to let them out as they flow and the more PC part of me says I can't say what I want to say the way I let it flow without offending some the rawness kind of hurts and I've had to step back more than once to compose myself lest the dark side engulf me emotionally, not something I want to experience and thus the delay.

There is a part of me that feels like once this gets posted I'll be taking a hiatus from the blog and yet another part that feels life might just continue as is without any further issues.

Guess time and the posting will tell on both those scores..................

Update Tuesday, May 24/16

Ok, this is almost getting to be downright ridiculous the time it's taking me to post one simple entry or so you'd think.....

But it's not really an easy one to think about, write, let alone post.

I've tried really hard since I started this blog to try and have a message when I post an entry and I'm struggling with the message on this one as it's more about some raw emotions and how it has slowly morphed into something I'm having a hard time dealing with. I thought the advent of summer would be beneficial to me but I'm really almost finding it to be the exact opposite and that has left me feeling like I just took a shot to the jaw.

I'm working on it bit by bit and maybe might have it done by the weekend, it's going to surely be the longest entry to date and more and more looking like the last one for a while as I try and digest my feelings and how I deal with them.


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