Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Son's Dating Question

Sunday, May 01/16

My musical suggestion today is "Give Me Your Love" by Sigala featuring John Newman & Nile Rodgers

So last Monday my son's girlfriend came by Sylvan to say hello to him since it was close to her house and she didn't get a chance to see him on the weekend due to both of them having heavy homework commitments.

I asked him if he would like to have her over for dinner with the understanding that we'd drive her home at 9pm as he still had to do some reading for his world religion class.

When we dropped her off at her dads place she made a comment that his new girlfriend was over and how she didn't like her too much. My son asked why and she replied that she's a nurse and always suggesting ways to eat better and such things.

As we drove home my son asked me if I'd ever dated a nurse before and I had to think about it before answering as I couldn't remember if I had or not. I think he sensed me reviewing things mentally and smiled at me he said "Seriously Dad! You've dated so many you can't even remember if one was a nurse or not?"

The truth is that I sort of confused myself with trying to determine if meeting someone for a drink counted as a date. Still not sure about that one but that's neither here nor there when it comes to his question as he doesn't differentiate between the two.

I once posted a blog entry outlining the number of dates I'd been on up to that point in time and was sort of surprised by the number, though I still don't consider it over the top as a one time meet and greet does not a relationship make.

So once we were home I asked him to give me a few minutes to think back into the cobwebs that is my memory and I'd let him know if a nurse was ever one of those dates.

It ended up taking me more than a few minutes as I had to give it some serious thought as I didn't want to give him false information.

So after reviewing things here is the list I disclosed to him. Over the course of the past nine years I've dated women in the following fields.....

Government workers in agencies like Transport Canada, Health Canada, and the Treasury Board.
Of teachers there have been eight, including one who teaches at his high school but that wasn't known to me till after the date and she hasn't ever taught any class he was in.
Three members of the armed forces, surprisingly one from each service, though all were based here in Ottawa.
Two realtor's, including one who I think could sell ice cubes to Eskimos.
One car sales person, one car service repair technician, and one service manager.
One exotic dancer, though in my defence that didn't come out till the second round of drinks
Seven women who worked in not for profits
One psychologist
One doctor
One police officer
Two dental hygienists
One bank manager
Three accountants
One head hunter or executive recruiter as she preferred to be called
One waitress
One publicist
Three software engineers and two hardware engineers
One make up artist
One construction worker
and about ten who worked in retail.

Now I'm pretty sure this is close to covering them all but I'm going to hedge my bets and say there might be a field or two I've missed and apologize now for that.

Surprisingly a nurse isn't among those I've dated since being single.

When I shared the list with him he smiled and told me I sure did get around a lot. I had to explain that I listed anyone I've gone out with whether for a first drink or a real date and not to be so quick to judge me some kind of man whore for goodness sakes.

He than asked me which field was the most interesting and before I could reply he smiled and said he already knew and named the one in which C boy that son of mine

So I've dabbled my dating experience across a wide spectrum of career fields but can honestly say only a few really sparked my mind and that is just as critical as sparking my libido as intelligence is so damn sexy!!!


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