Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sunday Smiles

Sunday, May 08/16

So my ex celebrated Mother's Day yesterday with her mom and the kids and that meant I had my son all day today which works out well since he has a math test tomorrow for which he's been studying for the past 4+ hours.

I woke up around 8:45 this morning and sent a text to M one of my co-workers saying I didn't think I was going to be up for playing golf today as my body is feeling the effects of the last week of golf and I'm pretty sure the rain last night was going to leave at least a few fairways at Pakenham with standing water. I know it is shocking to read that I turned down a round of golf given my addiction but I'm trying not to push my back too hard before surgery next month.

Once I was done dealing with that I got up, took a quick shower, and headed off to get groceries while the lad slept. Almost $200 later and I was home putting things away and getting the sleeping bear up so he could clean up and hit the books.  Of course he first had to check out the status of our provisions and was happy to see some watermelon, strawberries, cheese, and a fresh baguette for his snacking pleasure. He was even gracious enough to approve of my meal plan for the week, like he has any say in what I prepare, as soon as he starts cooking or buying groceries he can add his two cents lol

After lunch I putzed around the house getting caught up on laundry and cleaned my clubs before laying down on the couch to read for a bit with Moki curled up at my feet.  Before long I started to feel drowsy and must have put my tablet down and dozed off for a little nap.

I didn't nap for too long and when I woke up found myself covered with a blanket and my tablet on the breakfast nook. I smiled as I realized my son must have come out of his room to get a snack and seeing me napping decided I was too old to be left to catch a chill so he grabbed the blanket from the chair in my office and covered the old man lest he catch a cold.

It is the small things like these that give me the greatest joy in life and make me realize that my ex and I have done a pretty good job with our kids as both are even headed, kind, caring, and do little things that make others smile.

I might fail at some things in life but so far I'm batting 1,000 when it comes to the whole dad thing and I'll take that over anything else any day and twice on Sunday.


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