Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sunday's Visit and the News

Wednesday, May 04/16

I've been sitting on this one for the last few days but finally got permission to talk about it with friends so here goes nothing........

On Sunday morning I was in the shower around 10am when I heard my cell phone beep with a new text, beep again with another, and finally ring with an incoming call. I wasn't in any rush to get out of the shower as the hot water felt so good on my back and legs still sore from 36 holes of golf.

After a few moments I could hear Moki running around and thought to myself what had gotten into her as she usually sits on the back of the couch watching out the front window or lays in the hallway outside the bathroom doorway lest I sneak out on her.

I figured it might be my son dropping by to get something for school but quickly ruled that one out as he never remembers his house keys once he's at his mom's for the week. Next I thought it might be my daughter swinging by to search for the blender I got her for Christmas that I'm positive she already took to her boyfriends place at least a month ago, which she argues she didn't but what does dad know right?

Well it was my daughter and her boyfriend as she started yelling out as I turned off the shower and dried down "Dad, are you awake or entertaining someone?"  She knows damn well there wasn't anyone with me but likes to think of herself as a comedian, a trait she most definitely did not acquire from her father.

"Just getting out of the shower"
"Pops, come into the kitchen"

I snuck into my room and but a t-shirt on and some shorts before heading down the hallway to the kitchen, finding her holding Moki and leaning against the kitchen sink counter top while L was sitting on a bar stool.

She had that look on her face that usually is followed by "Daddy, can you buy me........"

But this time she didn't ask me for anything.

No, she looked at me and said I was going to be a grandpa...............

Now at the time she was holding Moki and stroking her side so I thought she was telling me my dog was pregnant and I know that not to be the case since I got her fixed in December and she hasn't had a cycle since last summer and told her there's no way Moki is having puppies.

"No father, not the dog but me" as she rolled her eyes at me in exasperation and L burst out laughing as he said to her "Well he at least said something unlike your mom"

At that moment images of my little girl through the years flashed through my mind and I felt tears as I walked over and gave her a hug and shook L's hand.

I asked her when she knew and she said since Friday, L since yesterday, her mom for about 15 minutes as they'd just come from my ex's place, and now me for 5 minutes.

She told me about the 5 home tests she took Friday and how each one kept telling her the same thing and she worried how to tell L about it. I looked over at him and he was beaming with joy and love so I'm pretty sure that is the least of her worries.

So I'm going to be a grandpa sometime in late December or early January.

I'm too young to be one but I still can't wait to hold my grandchild, go to the park, and watch him/her grow up. I'm sort of hoping it's a little girl and just like her mom, especially the 13-15 year age range when my own daughter was such a handful lol

I can see some future posts coming about this new phase but for now I'm just glad to share it with someone as you don't know how hard it's been to keep this to myself.


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