Sunday, June 26/16
Music does some weird things to me, it can brighten my day, it can make me want to jump up and bounce around, it can make me cry, and it can darken my mood.
I absolutely love finding new music and my son is a great source as he seems to be like his father in that he is constantly looking for new artists and sharing them with me every chance he gets. Now I'm usually pretty happy with most of what he shares but last Wednesday was one of those exceptions.
As he drove home from lunch he plugged his iPhone into the USB jack and played some new stuff he'd found and for the first time that I can remember I didn't really like it and actually thought it sounded like 2 cats fighting in a trash can at 3am. When I shard this observation with him he gave me one of those looks that said I was just too damn old to appreciate the new music.
I remember having those same kinds of conversations with my own parents when I was the same age as my son, thinking they just didn't get it and really none of my stuff was that bad...think Journey and Van Halen, never got into death metal so there was never any Pantera or Death Snake playing lol
Am I too old to appreciate the new music? I don't think so but like every one else in the world, we come across some stuff we just can't wrap our hands around, or in this case open our ear too.
Now where this story gets funny is on Thursday night as he was walking past my home office to grab a water from the kitchen he stopped in the doorway to hear what was playing on my computer as I was doing some online banking.
I was playing today's suggested song "Dark Necessities" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and really lost in thought as it sort of had my mind wandering all over the place when it ended and transitioned to "Can't Stop" by the same group and I heard him give me a "harrumph"
I looked up at him and asked what was wrong and he just frowned at me as he replied "So you frown at the songs I shared yesterday and here I find you listening to this banshee of guitars and bass"
I stood up and looked him dead in the eyes and in my most authoritative dad voice replied to him "Don't ever disrespect the bass in a RHCP song: Flea is to bass what the sun is to photosynthesis"
He stood there for about a minute just staring at me before shaking his head and laughing as he replied "I can't believe you just used a standardized test question format to respond to me, maybe you aren't the lost cause you pretend to be dad" and walked away.
I think it is those moments that are my reward for being a parent and I cherish them when they come about.
Am I too old for today's music? Hell No!! I just now what I like and can usually almost always find a song or ten in any genre that can make me feel something....good or bad....and both work for me as it means I'm alive to the world.
It's funny that I didn't appreciate the Red Hot Chili Peppers when I was younger but have been really getting into some of the lyrics the past few days.
Rock on Flea!!!!!!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
Sliding into the Weekend
Friday, June 24/16
So here we are finally at the end of the week and I'm literally jumping for joy it's been one crazy week with the usual insanity coupled with exam week for my son having almost driven me to the brink.
My son transitioned back to his mom's after his last exam today and agenda has nothing on it but golf, golf, yard work, assemble the Ikea end table I bought last weekend, and a few walks with Moki the wonder puppy.
After I got off work and dropped by the house to let Moki out I headed over to Glen Mar with the intention of playing 9 and possibly 18 as a warm up for my usual Saturday round with B up at Pakenham.
On the way to the course my phone rang and I saw it was from L, my daughters boyfriend, so I put it on speaker and asked what was up, he asked what I was doing and I could hear my daughter in the background saying I was probably heading to a golf course, driving range, or Golf Town lol
I laughed and said she was right with the first and what could I do for them. He said they were getting ready to go get dinner at the new Mandarin Garden Chinese buffet and wanted to know if I was interested in joining them, they're treat.
I said let me see if I can get on at GM and if not I'd join them I'd let them know in 10 minutes as I was almost at the course and we hung up. I drove for about another minute and than made a U-turn and called them back and told them I was in for dinner, pick me up at my place in 10 minutes.
L laughed and asked if the course was busy and I said I didn't know as I never got there as spending time with them was what I needed and not a round of golf.
We ended up having a wonderful meal and enjoyed easy conversation throughout dinner. It's funny how you can get an early impression of someone and be totally wrong once you've spent some time with them. I was absolutely convinced in my mind that L was not the guy for my daughter but the more times I'm around him and watch his interactions with my little girl the more I've come to realize he is exactly the kind of man she needs in her life. Not only that but he's going to make a wonderful father to my first grandchild as well.
So while I love my golf I think skipping a round tonight was in my best interest as time spent with family beats anything else.
Of course, I'm still playing tomorrow and might add a late round on Sunday if I get the rest of my to do list completed, a guys got to reward himself for that doesn't he?
My name is Marcus and this blog details my efforts to be a good father, friend, co-worker, coach, master the perfect 8 iron from +130 yards, and search for my last first kiss.
So here we are finally at the end of the week and I'm literally jumping for joy it's been one crazy week with the usual insanity coupled with exam week for my son having almost driven me to the brink.
My son transitioned back to his mom's after his last exam today and agenda has nothing on it but golf, golf, yard work, assemble the Ikea end table I bought last weekend, and a few walks with Moki the wonder puppy.
After I got off work and dropped by the house to let Moki out I headed over to Glen Mar with the intention of playing 9 and possibly 18 as a warm up for my usual Saturday round with B up at Pakenham.
On the way to the course my phone rang and I saw it was from L, my daughters boyfriend, so I put it on speaker and asked what was up, he asked what I was doing and I could hear my daughter in the background saying I was probably heading to a golf course, driving range, or Golf Town lol
I laughed and said she was right with the first and what could I do for them. He said they were getting ready to go get dinner at the new Mandarin Garden Chinese buffet and wanted to know if I was interested in joining them, they're treat.
I said let me see if I can get on at GM and if not I'd join them I'd let them know in 10 minutes as I was almost at the course and we hung up. I drove for about another minute and than made a U-turn and called them back and told them I was in for dinner, pick me up at my place in 10 minutes.
L laughed and asked if the course was busy and I said I didn't know as I never got there as spending time with them was what I needed and not a round of golf.
We ended up having a wonderful meal and enjoyed easy conversation throughout dinner. It's funny how you can get an early impression of someone and be totally wrong once you've spent some time with them. I was absolutely convinced in my mind that L was not the guy for my daughter but the more times I'm around him and watch his interactions with my little girl the more I've come to realize he is exactly the kind of man she needs in her life. Not only that but he's going to make a wonderful father to my first grandchild as well.
So while I love my golf I think skipping a round tonight was in my best interest as time spent with family beats anything else.
Of course, I'm still playing tomorrow and might add a late round on Sunday if I get the rest of my to do list completed, a guys got to reward himself for that doesn't he?
My name is Marcus and this blog details my efforts to be a good father, friend, co-worker, coach, master the perfect 8 iron from +130 yards, and search for my last first kiss.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Happy Anniversary
Wednesday, June 22/16
I'm not sure if you're still reading the blog but I still wanted to put this out there so anyone coming across it would know how proud I am of you.
One year ago yesterday you went through a promotion ceremony that was something you'd been working towards for your entire career. The day marked a culmination of events over the proceeding months that had been both physically and emotionally draining.
There were times we talked and you expressed some doubt on whether you could, or even should, be going through with it as the cost to you seemed to be mounting more and more. Cost not in dollars and cents but in family time.
In the end you did the only thing possible and stayed true to yourself and made the move. I know this has left you wondering at times if you've made the right decision and I can say from my heart that I think you did and that those who love you understand and supported you in that decision.
What you do matters. It matters a lot. Not many can do what you do and for that I am grateful and so very proud. When you get up in the morning you can look at the person staring back at you in the mirror and know you've made a difference, that the example you set has shown your sons what it means to stay true to a declaration and there are times we do things that make us sad or lonely but we need people to do them lest the barbarians at the gate win out.
You never ceased to amaze me with your excitement and willingness to explain things to me more than once, never letting any exasperation show when I asked the same questions over and over, albeit at different times when we were together.
I wasn't there last year to witness the ceremony and I wasn't there this year to raise a toast with you celebrating one year done and one more to go, but I will be standing in the back of the viewing area next year when you are going through the next ceremony and moving forward with the next phase of your career.
People may wonder why I wrote this post but my honour and respect for you demanded that I recognize the amazing person you are and how much of an impact you've had on my life.
Thank you for being there, thank you for being you.
I'm not sure if you're still reading the blog but I still wanted to put this out there so anyone coming across it would know how proud I am of you.
One year ago yesterday you went through a promotion ceremony that was something you'd been working towards for your entire career. The day marked a culmination of events over the proceeding months that had been both physically and emotionally draining.
There were times we talked and you expressed some doubt on whether you could, or even should, be going through with it as the cost to you seemed to be mounting more and more. Cost not in dollars and cents but in family time.
In the end you did the only thing possible and stayed true to yourself and made the move. I know this has left you wondering at times if you've made the right decision and I can say from my heart that I think you did and that those who love you understand and supported you in that decision.
What you do matters. It matters a lot. Not many can do what you do and for that I am grateful and so very proud. When you get up in the morning you can look at the person staring back at you in the mirror and know you've made a difference, that the example you set has shown your sons what it means to stay true to a declaration and there are times we do things that make us sad or lonely but we need people to do them lest the barbarians at the gate win out.
You never ceased to amaze me with your excitement and willingness to explain things to me more than once, never letting any exasperation show when I asked the same questions over and over, albeit at different times when we were together.
I wasn't there last year to witness the ceremony and I wasn't there this year to raise a toast with you celebrating one year done and one more to go, but I will be standing in the back of the viewing area next year when you are going through the next ceremony and moving forward with the next phase of your career.
People may wonder why I wrote this post but my honour and respect for you demanded that I recognize the amazing person you are and how much of an impact you've had on my life.
Thank you for being there, thank you for being you.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
First Game and the Emails
Tuesday, June 21/16
So last Thursday was my first game back coaching as an assistant and it should have seen me doing nothing more than having some one on one conversations with players, giving them some coaching tips on things I observed them doing or in some cases not doing that they should have been doing.
But of course plans never come true and such was the case on Thursday.
Game time was 6:30 and the lads were told to be at the field for 6:00 so we could get a proper stretch and warm up done while determining who was present and where to play them in the 4-3-3 formation they've been using. Now it was an away game on a field in the middle of some estate homes in North Kanata so I expected people to run late but come 6:15 and there was just me and nine players at the field. As the referee came over to talk to me about substitutions and taking a water break in the middle of each half I was checking my email only to see one from the regular assistant saying his wife was under the weather and he was going to be late so go ahead and take charge.
I let the ref know we didn't have a game sheet or corner flags and the reason why. He was really cool about it and let us borrow a blue piney for use by our goalie, I mentioned my roster has 3 players of middle eastern descent and they were in Ramadan which means they couldn't take water during daylight hours and wondered if we could sub them on the fly when they were feeling dehydrated versus waiting for the normal stoppages in play to make a sub. He thought that was wise and went to tell the other coach of the arrangement.
Given my experience with this last season with a player on my son's competitive team I came better prepared with a small ice chest in which I had put some water bottles and face clothes I had soaked in water that morning and placed in a large freezer bag in the freezer before leaving for work. I told the players that when they came off to get one of the face clothes and put it on the back of their necks to help dissipate their body heat.
As we were getting ready to start the game I decided to change the formation to a more manageable 4-4-2 as I wasn't sure where to play some of the lads. This let me mix things up by playing them where I thought they could perform the best - my son was paired up top with another former player as twin strikers and our two fastest players were locked as outside mids ready to break forward or swing the ball deep to the strikers/ I was lucky in that 3 of our best defenders were there so I was able to leave them on the pitch and work our one sub through the mids and strikers.
Making that change was like giving a baby a bottle of warm milk and letting him go.......we totally dominated the game and were up 2-0 within the first ten minutes with my son assisting on both goals.
By the time the assistant made it out to the game we were almost 25 minutes into the first half and winning 3-1 with the boys really playing as a real team, no arguing with one another, no complaining about where they were playing on the pitch, and really listening when I offered up my observations.
At one point I was talking to them at half time and our most brash player chided two others for not paying attention and reminded them they were winning because of the coaching lol
When K, the primary assistant, arrived I turned to him and told him I'd step back and let him take over and he laughed and said "No way, you're in charge and I'm going to assist you"
That sort of took me by surprise but when I realized he meant what he said I ran with it. We continued to play well and were soon up 4-1 and I was reminded that new league rules said we had to play a man short if we got up by four goals and just as I was told this my son set up his third assist and we were up 5-1 and I had to pull someone off. I pulled off the striker who scored and told them we were in a 4-4-1 so play smart. My son asked who the one striker was and I laughed as I said "If you have to ask it usually means you are" and everyone laughed, including him.
Not five minutes later and darned if he didn't score a goal to go along with his three assists, so off he came as we had to bring another player off to balance things out. We played the final ten minutes 2 players short and still almost added another goal.
As the game ended K came and stood by me and said something that gave me pause "I understand better why the lads were so happy at Tuesday's practice" I looked over at him with a quizzical look and he added "Your former players were telling everyone else how now the season was going to change for the better with lots of tips, strategies, set plays, and wins"
I told him I didn't do much and he smiled and said there was no way I should be assisting him as it should be the other way around. We shook hands as the ref's whistle sounded and I told him I was just there to help and nothing more, I had no ambitions to take over, and he said that was what made it that much better.
My son came over and fist bumped me saying "Not too bad for the first game coach" and headed off with his girlfriend to drive home. I think every player came over to say thanks and they'd see me at Tuesday's practice. The father of our best defender, who also happened to play on the same competitive team as my son last season , came over to shake my hand and tell me in his Russian accent he was glad to see me involved and I was where I belonged, on the sidelines coaching and not sitting in lawn chair with the parents lol
The best part of the night wasn't the win, though it sure didn't hurt, but rather the emails I got from the parents of our muslin players thanking me for thinking of them and having those cold towels as it really meant a lot to them, one being the head coaches son himself who I was told by Coach A wouldn't stop talking about it and the game.
I'm so uber competitive that it scares me at times and I've asked both my son and ex to let me know if I get too into the game but from the sounds of things I was pretty calm and laid back last week.
Maybe the new me is more Zen in how I dal with this whole coaching thing.
Funny thing is I turned down a chance to assist my old assistant a few weeks ago as I didn't think it cool to help a team my son's team is battling for position against. Wait till D sees me coaching against him in a few weeks lol
My name is Marcus and I'm back in the coaching game. What's next dating? :)
So last Thursday was my first game back coaching as an assistant and it should have seen me doing nothing more than having some one on one conversations with players, giving them some coaching tips on things I observed them doing or in some cases not doing that they should have been doing.
But of course plans never come true and such was the case on Thursday.
Game time was 6:30 and the lads were told to be at the field for 6:00 so we could get a proper stretch and warm up done while determining who was present and where to play them in the 4-3-3 formation they've been using. Now it was an away game on a field in the middle of some estate homes in North Kanata so I expected people to run late but come 6:15 and there was just me and nine players at the field. As the referee came over to talk to me about substitutions and taking a water break in the middle of each half I was checking my email only to see one from the regular assistant saying his wife was under the weather and he was going to be late so go ahead and take charge.
I let the ref know we didn't have a game sheet or corner flags and the reason why. He was really cool about it and let us borrow a blue piney for use by our goalie, I mentioned my roster has 3 players of middle eastern descent and they were in Ramadan which means they couldn't take water during daylight hours and wondered if we could sub them on the fly when they were feeling dehydrated versus waiting for the normal stoppages in play to make a sub. He thought that was wise and went to tell the other coach of the arrangement.
Given my experience with this last season with a player on my son's competitive team I came better prepared with a small ice chest in which I had put some water bottles and face clothes I had soaked in water that morning and placed in a large freezer bag in the freezer before leaving for work. I told the players that when they came off to get one of the face clothes and put it on the back of their necks to help dissipate their body heat.
As we were getting ready to start the game I decided to change the formation to a more manageable 4-4-2 as I wasn't sure where to play some of the lads. This let me mix things up by playing them where I thought they could perform the best - my son was paired up top with another former player as twin strikers and our two fastest players were locked as outside mids ready to break forward or swing the ball deep to the strikers/ I was lucky in that 3 of our best defenders were there so I was able to leave them on the pitch and work our one sub through the mids and strikers.
Making that change was like giving a baby a bottle of warm milk and letting him go.......we totally dominated the game and were up 2-0 within the first ten minutes with my son assisting on both goals.
By the time the assistant made it out to the game we were almost 25 minutes into the first half and winning 3-1 with the boys really playing as a real team, no arguing with one another, no complaining about where they were playing on the pitch, and really listening when I offered up my observations.
At one point I was talking to them at half time and our most brash player chided two others for not paying attention and reminded them they were winning because of the coaching lol
When K, the primary assistant, arrived I turned to him and told him I'd step back and let him take over and he laughed and said "No way, you're in charge and I'm going to assist you"
That sort of took me by surprise but when I realized he meant what he said I ran with it. We continued to play well and were soon up 4-1 and I was reminded that new league rules said we had to play a man short if we got up by four goals and just as I was told this my son set up his third assist and we were up 5-1 and I had to pull someone off. I pulled off the striker who scored and told them we were in a 4-4-1 so play smart. My son asked who the one striker was and I laughed as I said "If you have to ask it usually means you are" and everyone laughed, including him.
Not five minutes later and darned if he didn't score a goal to go along with his three assists, so off he came as we had to bring another player off to balance things out. We played the final ten minutes 2 players short and still almost added another goal.
As the game ended K came and stood by me and said something that gave me pause "I understand better why the lads were so happy at Tuesday's practice" I looked over at him with a quizzical look and he added "Your former players were telling everyone else how now the season was going to change for the better with lots of tips, strategies, set plays, and wins"
I told him I didn't do much and he smiled and said there was no way I should be assisting him as it should be the other way around. We shook hands as the ref's whistle sounded and I told him I was just there to help and nothing more, I had no ambitions to take over, and he said that was what made it that much better.
My son came over and fist bumped me saying "Not too bad for the first game coach" and headed off with his girlfriend to drive home. I think every player came over to say thanks and they'd see me at Tuesday's practice. The father of our best defender, who also happened to play on the same competitive team as my son last season , came over to shake my hand and tell me in his Russian accent he was glad to see me involved and I was where I belonged, on the sidelines coaching and not sitting in lawn chair with the parents lol
The best part of the night wasn't the win, though it sure didn't hurt, but rather the emails I got from the parents of our muslin players thanking me for thinking of them and having those cold towels as it really meant a lot to them, one being the head coaches son himself who I was told by Coach A wouldn't stop talking about it and the game.
I'm so uber competitive that it scares me at times and I've asked both my son and ex to let me know if I get too into the game but from the sounds of things I was pretty calm and laid back last week.
Maybe the new me is more Zen in how I dal with this whole coaching thing.
Funny thing is I turned down a chance to assist my old assistant a few weeks ago as I didn't think it cool to help a team my son's team is battling for position against. Wait till D sees me coaching against him in a few weeks lol
My name is Marcus and I'm back in the coaching game. What's next dating? :)
Sunday, June 19, 2016
My Father's Day
Sunday, June 19/16
Hope everyone had a wonderful day and had the opportunity to get out and enjoy the awesome weather that came our way :)
My day was pretty good with time spent with both of my kids, a wonderful hand made card from my son's girlfriend that caused a few tears, and an overall relaxing day.
I made some bacon and eggs for me and my son, I know I should not be cooking my own breakfast on Father's Day but I enjoy making Sunday breakfast and it helped get him in the groove for some serious studying as he has exams this week. I sensed the onset of some stress on his part and was able to head it off at the pass with a calm conversation reminding him that he understands the material, has a good study schedule, and got this message reinforced by having his mom call ten minutes later emphasizing all of these points from her perspective. Seemed to have worked so crises averted.
I also got a very nice text from my ex wishing me a Happy Father's Day and telling me how lucky the kids are to have me for a father, something she's known all along she said but just had it confirmed even more this year by observing how some other men she knows parent, or more to the point, don't bother to be a presence in their children's lives.
My daughter swung by around noon and we went to Ikea so I could look at some coffee and end tables since I lost mine when the daughter recently reclaimed her living room set from my play a few weeks back. Friday her boyfriend and one of his friends moved the couch and love seat to my place that my ex gave me when she ordered a new leather living room set for her place. Totally a win-win for this guy wouldn't you say?
We found a coffee table with matching end table that I liked and the price wasn't too bad. Now some people wouldn't like going this route as it means some assembly but I loved it as I got to watch the last hour or so of the US Open while putting them together and do they look nice in my man cave.
I made some hamburger helper for dinner as it is one of my son's favourites and it means leftovers he can heat up tomorrow for lunch since he's home all day studying for his Tuesday chemistry exam. Again another win-win for me as I enjoyed a meal with him and know he's set for lunch and won't be eating pizza pockets or some such thing for lunch.
We watched last weeks episode of Game of Thrones and are getting prepared for next weeks season finale - no worries about any spoiler alerts as I'm still trying to figure out what happened myself.
The night ended with the previously mentioned hand made card from my son's girlfriend T.
I've known T from 2014 when she was on the soccer team my daughter coached and I helped out with for a few games. I didn't realize her own dad was one who didn't place much value on family time and now some of the comments I've heard made more sense as does her desire to spend family time with my son at my place or my ex's.
She knows how much I like the Mountain Dew commercial with the Puppy Monkey Baby, don't judge me for laughing every single time I see it, and hand drew one for me and the words inside made me want to cry. If she wasn't dating my son I'd adopt her as my second daughter in a heart beat!!
People come into your live for a variety of reasons and I haven't quite figured the reason for her to enter our lives but no matter what it is we are lucky to have her as she reminds me of what is good about being yourself.
All in all a pretty good day and one I could not have scripted to make me feel any better than I do right now. I'm pretty sure that is the goal so consider it job done and done well.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day and had the opportunity to get out and enjoy the awesome weather that came our way :)
My day was pretty good with time spent with both of my kids, a wonderful hand made card from my son's girlfriend that caused a few tears, and an overall relaxing day.
I made some bacon and eggs for me and my son, I know I should not be cooking my own breakfast on Father's Day but I enjoy making Sunday breakfast and it helped get him in the groove for some serious studying as he has exams this week. I sensed the onset of some stress on his part and was able to head it off at the pass with a calm conversation reminding him that he understands the material, has a good study schedule, and got this message reinforced by having his mom call ten minutes later emphasizing all of these points from her perspective. Seemed to have worked so crises averted.
I also got a very nice text from my ex wishing me a Happy Father's Day and telling me how lucky the kids are to have me for a father, something she's known all along she said but just had it confirmed even more this year by observing how some other men she knows parent, or more to the point, don't bother to be a presence in their children's lives.
My daughter swung by around noon and we went to Ikea so I could look at some coffee and end tables since I lost mine when the daughter recently reclaimed her living room set from my play a few weeks back. Friday her boyfriend and one of his friends moved the couch and love seat to my place that my ex gave me when she ordered a new leather living room set for her place. Totally a win-win for this guy wouldn't you say?
We found a coffee table with matching end table that I liked and the price wasn't too bad. Now some people wouldn't like going this route as it means some assembly but I loved it as I got to watch the last hour or so of the US Open while putting them together and do they look nice in my man cave.
I made some hamburger helper for dinner as it is one of my son's favourites and it means leftovers he can heat up tomorrow for lunch since he's home all day studying for his Tuesday chemistry exam. Again another win-win for me as I enjoyed a meal with him and know he's set for lunch and won't be eating pizza pockets or some such thing for lunch.
We watched last weeks episode of Game of Thrones and are getting prepared for next weeks season finale - no worries about any spoiler alerts as I'm still trying to figure out what happened myself.
The night ended with the previously mentioned hand made card from my son's girlfriend T.
I've known T from 2014 when she was on the soccer team my daughter coached and I helped out with for a few games. I didn't realize her own dad was one who didn't place much value on family time and now some of the comments I've heard made more sense as does her desire to spend family time with my son at my place or my ex's.
She knows how much I like the Mountain Dew commercial with the Puppy Monkey Baby, don't judge me for laughing every single time I see it, and hand drew one for me and the words inside made me want to cry. If she wasn't dating my son I'd adopt her as my second daughter in a heart beat!!
People come into your live for a variety of reasons and I haven't quite figured the reason for her to enter our lives but no matter what it is we are lucky to have her as she reminds me of what is good about being yourself.
All in all a pretty good day and one I could not have scripted to make me feel any better than I do right now. I'm pretty sure that is the goal so consider it job done and done well.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Happy Father's Day
Saturday, June 18/16
I know it's not quite actually Father's Day but thought I'd post the wishes now so anyone perusing the blog on Sunday morning will see it.
So anyways....Happy Father's Day to all the dad's who read the blog, all the single mom's pulling double duty as both mom and dad, all the dad's of every kind who are busy being there for your children.
I've got my son this week and am sure to get a card and hug at some point tomorrow morning, probably right after I make bacon and eggs, and the best part will the be the hug.
We'll be heading over to my daughters for lunch at some point, sort of dependent on when she is ready for us and how much studying someone gets done as it's exam week for the lad - I so don't miss those days.
Got a couple of pending posts covering my first game back coaching and an observation on the latest insanity involving that social disaster that is the West-Kardashian combination. Pretty sure I took a self vow years ago not to comment on those two but the latest stories just have me scratching my head and questioning if those two signal the decline of western civilization as we know it.
So until that point tomorrow when I can't bare to continue watching the self destruction of Dustin Johnson as he tries to reel in another golf major only to stumble over this own feet I'll leave you to enjoy your evening.
I know it's not quite actually Father's Day but thought I'd post the wishes now so anyone perusing the blog on Sunday morning will see it.
So anyways....Happy Father's Day to all the dad's who read the blog, all the single mom's pulling double duty as both mom and dad, all the dad's of every kind who are busy being there for your children.
I've got my son this week and am sure to get a card and hug at some point tomorrow morning, probably right after I make bacon and eggs, and the best part will the be the hug.
We'll be heading over to my daughters for lunch at some point, sort of dependent on when she is ready for us and how much studying someone gets done as it's exam week for the lad - I so don't miss those days.
Got a couple of pending posts covering my first game back coaching and an observation on the latest insanity involving that social disaster that is the West-Kardashian combination. Pretty sure I took a self vow years ago not to comment on those two but the latest stories just have me scratching my head and questioning if those two signal the decline of western civilization as we know it.
So until that point tomorrow when I can't bare to continue watching the self destruction of Dustin Johnson as he tries to reel in another golf major only to stumble over this own feet I'll leave you to enjoy your evening.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Back in the Game
Wednesday, June 15/16
Now before anyone gets all excited on my behalf thinking today's blog title means more than it really does take a breathe........
I've been asked to help out with my son's soccer team as it seems that the head coach is going to be out of service for a few weeks due to a medical procedure and work project and the assistant coach will be hit or miss for the next few weeks as well due to a work project of his own.
I got the request last week and talked it over with my son as I wanted to make sure he was ok with it and it turns out he was getting ready to ask me if I'd offer to help as while he likes his coaches he doesn't think they have enough experience to help this squad get the most out of their skill set.
Now first off, that comment alone almost made me fall out of my chair as I've never heard my son express such thoughts when it comes to my coaching. Oh he's acknowledged me as a good coach but has also told me our two championship seasons were with teams stocked with pretty good players. Turns out that was his way of trying to keep my ego in check lol
Yesterday was my first practise with the lads and I have to say the smiles I got from the seven players on the team who've played for me before when the asst. coach announced I was going to be helping out made me feel pretty good inside. My own son came over during one of the drills and asked me what he was doing wrong, which isn't something I'm used too from him as my approach as a head coach was always to let my assistants deal with my kid and I dealt with theirs....just so much easier and avoids all that angst in dealing with a teenager who thinks they know everything.
When practise ended one of the boys asked if I was going to be there from now on and I said I was just covering for the coaches when one couldn't make it. He smiled at me, fist bumped me, and has he walked away said to one of his teammates "In just one practise that was the most coaching we've gotten all season"
Tomorrow is my first game on the bench and I'm a little nervous, almost like it was my first game as a coach. I like that I'm nervous as it tells me I'm not taking this opportunity for granted. Given my son's age it might be one of my last chances to coach him and I really want to savour these moments for all they are worth.
My goal tomorrow is to just find out what the primary assistant needs from me and support him the best I can. It's a much better situation than last season when I had to step in and salvage a season from a head coach who was technically very good but had horrible people skills and was unable to communicate any messages to teenagers or build any kind of cohesion on his own.
My name is Marcus and I'm back in the game coaching....for now
Now before anyone gets all excited on my behalf thinking today's blog title means more than it really does take a breathe........
I've been asked to help out with my son's soccer team as it seems that the head coach is going to be out of service for a few weeks due to a medical procedure and work project and the assistant coach will be hit or miss for the next few weeks as well due to a work project of his own.
I got the request last week and talked it over with my son as I wanted to make sure he was ok with it and it turns out he was getting ready to ask me if I'd offer to help as while he likes his coaches he doesn't think they have enough experience to help this squad get the most out of their skill set.
Now first off, that comment alone almost made me fall out of my chair as I've never heard my son express such thoughts when it comes to my coaching. Oh he's acknowledged me as a good coach but has also told me our two championship seasons were with teams stocked with pretty good players. Turns out that was his way of trying to keep my ego in check lol
Yesterday was my first practise with the lads and I have to say the smiles I got from the seven players on the team who've played for me before when the asst. coach announced I was going to be helping out made me feel pretty good inside. My own son came over during one of the drills and asked me what he was doing wrong, which isn't something I'm used too from him as my approach as a head coach was always to let my assistants deal with my kid and I dealt with theirs....just so much easier and avoids all that angst in dealing with a teenager who thinks they know everything.
When practise ended one of the boys asked if I was going to be there from now on and I said I was just covering for the coaches when one couldn't make it. He smiled at me, fist bumped me, and has he walked away said to one of his teammates "In just one practise that was the most coaching we've gotten all season"
Tomorrow is my first game on the bench and I'm a little nervous, almost like it was my first game as a coach. I like that I'm nervous as it tells me I'm not taking this opportunity for granted. Given my son's age it might be one of my last chances to coach him and I really want to savour these moments for all they are worth.
My goal tomorrow is to just find out what the primary assistant needs from me and support him the best I can. It's a much better situation than last season when I had to step in and salvage a season from a head coach who was technically very good but had horrible people skills and was unable to communicate any messages to teenagers or build any kind of cohesion on his own.
My name is Marcus and I'm back in the game coaching....for now
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Bat Shit Crazy Exes
Sunday, June 12/16
So I ended up having to take that kick ass pain killer a bit earlier than usual tonight and while waiting for it to kick in checked on my FB to see what was going on around the world and this site came up as one I might like....and I made me laugh
So here are a few quotes from it....please note these are not all "G" rated and might not be suitable for those under 18 or with sensitive emotions....can't say you weren't warned.........
I fall too fast, crash too hard, forgive too easy and care too much
I pretend to be happy a lot. I'm not, inside, I'm really fucked up
And then I met you
I need someone who won't give up on me.
Somewhere between fuck you and I'd fuck you
I swear, sometimes it feels like you actually enjoy breaking my heart
Sometimes when I say "I'm okay", I want someone too look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're not"
I would give anything, just to start over. Go back to the beginning, fall in love again, and go through everything with you again. Except this time, I won't fuck it all up
Nobody cares until it's too late
Admit it.......Life would be so boring without me
You are going to want to give up. Don't.
oh just admit it. you gave a fuck about her. and you still do
Be naked when I come home
Because everyone leaves eventually
I want you to know that someone cares. Not me, but someone.
We were lovers now we can't be friends
I still remember the sound of your voice that night.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train sometimes
You may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reason, but the mistakes help us find the right person.
Some of the above may reflect how I've felt, feel, or will feel in the coming months. You figure out which is which.....................
P.S. the title of this blog in no way reflects how I feel about any of my ex's so please don't read more into it than there is...just got a kick out of the FB site and some of the sayings is all
So I ended up having to take that kick ass pain killer a bit earlier than usual tonight and while waiting for it to kick in checked on my FB to see what was going on around the world and this site came up as one I might like....and I made me laugh
So here are a few quotes from it....please note these are not all "G" rated and might not be suitable for those under 18 or with sensitive emotions....can't say you weren't warned.........
I fall too fast, crash too hard, forgive too easy and care too much
I pretend to be happy a lot. I'm not, inside, I'm really fucked up
And then I met you
I need someone who won't give up on me.
Somewhere between fuck you and I'd fuck you
I swear, sometimes it feels like you actually enjoy breaking my heart
Sometimes when I say "I'm okay", I want someone too look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're not"
I would give anything, just to start over. Go back to the beginning, fall in love again, and go through everything with you again. Except this time, I won't fuck it all up
Nobody cares until it's too late
Admit it.......Life would be so boring without me
You are going to want to give up. Don't.
oh just admit it. you gave a fuck about her. and you still do
Be naked when I come home
Because everyone leaves eventually
I want you to know that someone cares. Not me, but someone.
We were lovers now we can't be friends
I still remember the sound of your voice that night.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train sometimes
You may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reason, but the mistakes help us find the right person.
Some of the above may reflect how I've felt, feel, or will feel in the coming months. You figure out which is which.....................
P.S. the title of this blog in no way reflects how I feel about any of my ex's so please don't read more into it than there is...just got a kick out of the FB site and some of the sayings is all
Me Before You
Sunday, June 12/16
So I went to see this movie with my daughter this afternoon and I won't give any spoilers other than to say I cried.
But I wasn't the only one as you could hear a lot of sniffling as the credits rolled at the end.
Go see this owe it to me, you won't regret it
So I went to see this movie with my daughter this afternoon and I won't give any spoilers other than to say I cried.
But I wasn't the only one as you could hear a lot of sniffling as the credits rolled at the end.
Go see this owe it to me, you won't regret it
Sunday's Discovery and the Smile
Sunday, June 12/16
My musical suggestion for today is "Dark Necessities" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. The opening drum rift coupled with the piano just latches on and won't let go.
Yesterday I had made tentative plans with my daughter to go see "Me Before You" and was awaken by a call from her at around 9am asking if I wanted to join her and her boyfriend for brunch before the movie. I had to take a rain cheque on the brunch as I really had to take Moki for a walk, shave my 2 day growth, shower, and change the dressing on my back. Now the last one was the hardest as it's done all by feel as I can't see squat when looking in the mirror lol
I had some time to kill before meeting her at Chapters and decided to see how it felt to putt down in the man cave so I headed downstairs only to find my putter not in my golf bag. It wasn't in the old bag so I headed outside and checked the back of my car to see if I had left it there by accident. Nope, no putter in the car so back downstairs I went thinking maybe I'd left it leaning against the wall next to the armoire, but still no luck and I could feel a sense of frustration building inside me as I walked back into the laundry/storage room to continue the search. It took me about 5 minutes before it dawned on me that none of my putters were in either of my golf bags.
Now I stood there for a moment literally and figuratively scratching my head when the proverbial light above my head went off and I headed upstairs to find my cell phone.
I dialed a number and waited for an answer as I listened to it ring, just as I thought it was going to voice mail I heard a familiar voice "Hey Dad, how are you feeling?"
"I'm doing fine other than some stiffness, thanks for asking"
"Do you need anything?"
"Well son, I'm wondering what you know about the missing putters at my place?"
I heard him laugh and than reply "I know you and didn't want you overdoing it by trying to play golf too soon"
"So that means you make off with every single one of my putters to protect me?"
"I thought about taking your driver but knew you'd just use a hybrid or fairway wood and knew you couldn't adopt any other club to putt with"
I laughed and told him he clearly thought this one through and I gave him props.
"Thanks pops, but seriously like who the hell has 8 putters? took me three trips to get them all into my car"
"You know you're old man, I'm always experimenting. Now please tell me they still aren't in your car?"
"No, they are in my closet and I'll give them back to you on Thursday at my game. So till than just take it easy and no golf!"
Hanging up I couldn't help but smile at how much my kids check on me when I'm either sick or recuperating from something.
While it would be nice to have someone special to check in on me during times like this I can't complain if my kids care enough to do that in the meantime.
My name is Marcus and I'm one lucky father :)
My musical suggestion for today is "Dark Necessities" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. The opening drum rift coupled with the piano just latches on and won't let go.
Yesterday I had made tentative plans with my daughter to go see "Me Before You" and was awaken by a call from her at around 9am asking if I wanted to join her and her boyfriend for brunch before the movie. I had to take a rain cheque on the brunch as I really had to take Moki for a walk, shave my 2 day growth, shower, and change the dressing on my back. Now the last one was the hardest as it's done all by feel as I can't see squat when looking in the mirror lol
I had some time to kill before meeting her at Chapters and decided to see how it felt to putt down in the man cave so I headed downstairs only to find my putter not in my golf bag. It wasn't in the old bag so I headed outside and checked the back of my car to see if I had left it there by accident. Nope, no putter in the car so back downstairs I went thinking maybe I'd left it leaning against the wall next to the armoire, but still no luck and I could feel a sense of frustration building inside me as I walked back into the laundry/storage room to continue the search. It took me about 5 minutes before it dawned on me that none of my putters were in either of my golf bags.
Now I stood there for a moment literally and figuratively scratching my head when the proverbial light above my head went off and I headed upstairs to find my cell phone.
I dialed a number and waited for an answer as I listened to it ring, just as I thought it was going to voice mail I heard a familiar voice "Hey Dad, how are you feeling?"
"I'm doing fine other than some stiffness, thanks for asking"
"Do you need anything?"
"Well son, I'm wondering what you know about the missing putters at my place?"
I heard him laugh and than reply "I know you and didn't want you overdoing it by trying to play golf too soon"
"So that means you make off with every single one of my putters to protect me?"
"I thought about taking your driver but knew you'd just use a hybrid or fairway wood and knew you couldn't adopt any other club to putt with"
I laughed and told him he clearly thought this one through and I gave him props.
"Thanks pops, but seriously like who the hell has 8 putters? took me three trips to get them all into my car"
"You know you're old man, I'm always experimenting. Now please tell me they still aren't in your car?"
"No, they are in my closet and I'll give them back to you on Thursday at my game. So till than just take it easy and no golf!"
Hanging up I couldn't help but smile at how much my kids check on me when I'm either sick or recuperating from something.
While it would be nice to have someone special to check in on me during times like this I can't complain if my kids care enough to do that in the meantime.
My name is Marcus and I'm one lucky father :)
Saturday's Recovery Was All About The Movies
Sunday, June 12/16
So with my back being far more sore than I anticipated I made the decision to stay home completely on Saturday and just relax on the couch with some serious Netflix binging and some of my favourite movies.
What would I do about food you might be thinking....never fear as I'd stocked up on some stuff Wednesday night just in case my optimistic view about the results didn't prevail and I was stuck housebound.
Now binging on Netflix, CraveTV, and select movies is both a good thing and a bad thing.
Good in that I can catch up on some shows I've recently discovered like Bosch and 19-2 and watch some movies that remind me of what is possible when one opens they're mind to possibilities.
The bad comes in that sometimes they can act as reminder of a different sort......what I've had and lost
Some of the movies I ended up watching included Love Actually, She's Out of Your League, and An American President. The theme in each is things happen that can be good and bad but how you let them impact you is completely in your own hands.
One line from Love Actually really stood out for me and I'm note sure why I never noticed it before but when I heard it last night it made me pause the movie and really think hard about it and how it relates to my own actions in the dating world.
For those who haven't seen the movie here is your spoiler alert so you can stop reading this and come back once you've seen it.
There is a scene where Juliet, played by Kiera Knightly, sort of ambushes Mark, played by Andrew Lincoln, at his home as she is trying to track down the wedding video he shot of her and his best friend. As they sit there watching it she suddenly realizes that almost every scene he shot is a close up of her and as she looks up at him she says "There all of me, but you never talk to me, you don't like me" and he looks away and replies "It's a self preservation thing you see" and walks out leaving her sitting there to ponder her discovery.
Now I'm not saying I've done that exact same thing but I do know in the past I've quickly bailed on a meeting that held potential if I'd just given it a chance. And like mark, it's totally been a self preservation thing on my part as the heart can only take being rejected so many times before it develops serious scar tissue and than nothing can get past it.
I sat there for a few moments and remembered at least 4 times I've done that over the past nine years and wonder what ever made me not act that way with K or C. I think with K it had to be her cute French accent that just sort of captivated me in the short run and let me overlook the differences that would eventually see us go our separate ways, but those few months were good for both of us and reminded me of what was possible when I just don't shut the doors too quickly. It was all eyes with C as I just got lost in them when I came across her profile picture. They had this slight twinkle and when combined with her amazing smile just made me melt inside, willing to step out of my comfort zone to meet her.
No, this isn't a blog entry about how miserable I am without her in my life. True, I'm not overjoyed but life isn't going to end anytime soon.
Nope, it's about the feelings one person can bring out in another, how that connection you feel might help you do things you aren't sure you are capable of doing, like for me it was attending her organizations annual ball and meeting so many amazing people who I hold in very high esteem or attending a social event with her and her entire staff, once more feeling like what I do is insignificant compared to the risks they can be asked to undertake at a moments notice.
I used my movie time to reflect that life, while it might be a little unsteady at times, is always worth pursuing with every ounce of fiber in your being.
Doing this movie day a month ago would have seen me wallowing in some serious self pity and internally wailing about how it is unfair to not know what really happened but maybe the new me, helped by some seriously strong pain medication, is more at peace with himself. I'm not catching myself reflecting on the what was so much these days and have started to think more about the what can be.
My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my efforts at being a good father, friend, co-worker, trying to perfect my 8 iron from +135 yards, and searching for that all elusive thing we all
So with my back being far more sore than I anticipated I made the decision to stay home completely on Saturday and just relax on the couch with some serious Netflix binging and some of my favourite movies.
What would I do about food you might be thinking....never fear as I'd stocked up on some stuff Wednesday night just in case my optimistic view about the results didn't prevail and I was stuck housebound.
Now binging on Netflix, CraveTV, and select movies is both a good thing and a bad thing.
Good in that I can catch up on some shows I've recently discovered like Bosch and 19-2 and watch some movies that remind me of what is possible when one opens they're mind to possibilities.
The bad comes in that sometimes they can act as reminder of a different sort......what I've had and lost
Some of the movies I ended up watching included Love Actually, She's Out of Your League, and An American President. The theme in each is things happen that can be good and bad but how you let them impact you is completely in your own hands.
One line from Love Actually really stood out for me and I'm note sure why I never noticed it before but when I heard it last night it made me pause the movie and really think hard about it and how it relates to my own actions in the dating world.
For those who haven't seen the movie here is your spoiler alert so you can stop reading this and come back once you've seen it.
There is a scene where Juliet, played by Kiera Knightly, sort of ambushes Mark, played by Andrew Lincoln, at his home as she is trying to track down the wedding video he shot of her and his best friend. As they sit there watching it she suddenly realizes that almost every scene he shot is a close up of her and as she looks up at him she says "There all of me, but you never talk to me, you don't like me" and he looks away and replies "It's a self preservation thing you see" and walks out leaving her sitting there to ponder her discovery.
Now I'm not saying I've done that exact same thing but I do know in the past I've quickly bailed on a meeting that held potential if I'd just given it a chance. And like mark, it's totally been a self preservation thing on my part as the heart can only take being rejected so many times before it develops serious scar tissue and than nothing can get past it.
I sat there for a few moments and remembered at least 4 times I've done that over the past nine years and wonder what ever made me not act that way with K or C. I think with K it had to be her cute French accent that just sort of captivated me in the short run and let me overlook the differences that would eventually see us go our separate ways, but those few months were good for both of us and reminded me of what was possible when I just don't shut the doors too quickly. It was all eyes with C as I just got lost in them when I came across her profile picture. They had this slight twinkle and when combined with her amazing smile just made me melt inside, willing to step out of my comfort zone to meet her.
No, this isn't a blog entry about how miserable I am without her in my life. True, I'm not overjoyed but life isn't going to end anytime soon.
Nope, it's about the feelings one person can bring out in another, how that connection you feel might help you do things you aren't sure you are capable of doing, like for me it was attending her organizations annual ball and meeting so many amazing people who I hold in very high esteem or attending a social event with her and her entire staff, once more feeling like what I do is insignificant compared to the risks they can be asked to undertake at a moments notice.
I used my movie time to reflect that life, while it might be a little unsteady at times, is always worth pursuing with every ounce of fiber in your being.
Doing this movie day a month ago would have seen me wallowing in some serious self pity and internally wailing about how it is unfair to not know what really happened but maybe the new me, helped by some seriously strong pain medication, is more at peace with himself. I'm not catching myself reflecting on the what was so much these days and have started to think more about the what can be.
My name is Marcus and this blog is my attempt to document my efforts at being a good father, friend, co-worker, trying to perfect my 8 iron from +135 yards, and searching for that all elusive thing we all
Friday, June 10, 2016
Surgery & Recovery
Friday, June 10/16
So I was asked what my surgery was all about, with one smart ass commenting that I must be getting my unit snipped, and how long I'd be recovering.
First off, it was nothing major and I'm doing ok so far. Secondly, since my dating days are over it doesn't matter whether my unit still produces or not so they'll be no scalpels near my nether region thank you very much.
I've had a lump in my back about mid line length wise just to the right of my spine. It's never really bothered me until late last year when I started to work out, for some reason that triggered it to start getting larger and painful. An ultrasound confirmed it wasn't malignant but it was time to have it removed and that was what happened yesterday.
It was done under a day surgery procedure and the goal was to just give me some local freezing and remove it, well as they say the best laid plans usually don't come about and such was the case yesterday. Turns out they had to add freezing 4 times as they worked to remove the lump as I kept experiencing some rather intense pain as they had to go through a muscle. What should have been at best a 30 minute procedure ended up taking 90 minutes as it was much larger than they thought and had managed to become entwined in said muscle. I was awake for it but couldn't see anything but could feel them working to remove it, kind of gross and yet kind of fascinating at the same time.
My son drove me and waited for me to get done, telling me later last night that just at the point he was starting to worry about how long I'd been gone someone came to tell him I was doing fine and it was just taking longer than they thought.
When I walked out to the waiting room I don't think I've ever seen a bigger smile on his face and he went to hug me but stopped when I half cringed as my back was already starting to hurt so he fist bumped me instead and told me he loved me. I could see an older couple sitting behind him and they smiled at me when they heard him say that to me.
I took it easy when I got home and just rested on the couch for a bit, Moki was confused as I wouldn't let her jump up and lay on my hip like usual but she did lay on the floor next to me on the couch.
My stupid act for the day was to drive myself over to watch his soccer game, surprising him in the process and getting told to go home by him, his sister, and my ex, all thinking I was insane for being there but I'm a soccer dad so what else could I do.
Turns out they were right and I should have stayed home as it looks like I pulled a suture as my dressing was soaked in blood and went through my shirt. when I got home my son put a fresh one on for me and reminded me I wasn't 21 anymore lol
So today is nothing but rest without any exertions.
Oh, and no golf for the entire weekend.........
My name is Marcus and sometimes I'm not as smart as I think I am.
So I was asked what my surgery was all about, with one smart ass commenting that I must be getting my unit snipped, and how long I'd be recovering.
First off, it was nothing major and I'm doing ok so far. Secondly, since my dating days are over it doesn't matter whether my unit still produces or not so they'll be no scalpels near my nether region thank you very much.
I've had a lump in my back about mid line length wise just to the right of my spine. It's never really bothered me until late last year when I started to work out, for some reason that triggered it to start getting larger and painful. An ultrasound confirmed it wasn't malignant but it was time to have it removed and that was what happened yesterday.
It was done under a day surgery procedure and the goal was to just give me some local freezing and remove it, well as they say the best laid plans usually don't come about and such was the case yesterday. Turns out they had to add freezing 4 times as they worked to remove the lump as I kept experiencing some rather intense pain as they had to go through a muscle. What should have been at best a 30 minute procedure ended up taking 90 minutes as it was much larger than they thought and had managed to become entwined in said muscle. I was awake for it but couldn't see anything but could feel them working to remove it, kind of gross and yet kind of fascinating at the same time.
My son drove me and waited for me to get done, telling me later last night that just at the point he was starting to worry about how long I'd been gone someone came to tell him I was doing fine and it was just taking longer than they thought.
When I walked out to the waiting room I don't think I've ever seen a bigger smile on his face and he went to hug me but stopped when I half cringed as my back was already starting to hurt so he fist bumped me instead and told me he loved me. I could see an older couple sitting behind him and they smiled at me when they heard him say that to me.
I took it easy when I got home and just rested on the couch for a bit, Moki was confused as I wouldn't let her jump up and lay on my hip like usual but she did lay on the floor next to me on the couch.
My stupid act for the day was to drive myself over to watch his soccer game, surprising him in the process and getting told to go home by him, his sister, and my ex, all thinking I was insane for being there but I'm a soccer dad so what else could I do.
Turns out they were right and I should have stayed home as it looks like I pulled a suture as my dressing was soaked in blood and went through my shirt. when I got home my son put a fresh one on for me and reminded me I wasn't 21 anymore lol
So today is nothing but rest without any exertions.
Oh, and no golf for the entire weekend.........
My name is Marcus and sometimes I'm not as smart as I think I am.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
A Most Lackluster Round of Golf
Monday, June 06/16
Got home from work to find the son heading out to play some soccer with his buddies and didn't feel like doing anything around the house and figured my golf would be limited this week post surgery so I loaded the sticks into the car and headed over to GlenMar to play a quick 9.
Course was pretty empty and I was able to play the back 9, which is the old front 9, and that made me smile as both the par 5's on this side of the course are long yet playable, offering me some opportunities for a solid par, sometimes it's been a birdie on the 3rd hole but never on the 6th as that monster takes 4 good shots to get on the green and I do mean good as in both long and accurate, stray off the fairway at your own peril on this one my friend.
Bogeyed the opening hole after a weak tee shot that was saved by a nice 5 iron from just inside the first cut off the fairway. Bogeyed the short par 3 2nd when I put my weak as wet paper tee shot short of the bunker and had to play my wedge to the back of the green and ended up 2 putting.
The 3rd is when my game woke up, sort of, when I crushed my drive about 245 yards and left myself around 220 to the green. Followed that up with an almost perfect 4 hybrid that left me about 40 yards and than the proverbial wheels fell off as I left my wedge short and had to chip on to about 6 feet from the hole. I ended up putting for a par and that should have made me feel good but my game was off and it was affecting my mood.
My mind seemed to wander from thought to thought and usually this is good for me when I play a round as it lets me just enjoy the moment but for some reason it made it harder for me to choose clubs and execute my swing. I seemed to leave a lot of my shots short and it sort of frustrated me but not overly.
Before I knew it I was walking down the 9th fairway after a decent tee shot and paused as I realized my round was almost over and I didn't even realize the holes were flying by. I had to lay up short of the creek/pond that guards the front edge of the green but nailed a perfect wedge that let me finish the round with a nice downhill 5 footer for the 2nd par of the round.
As I walked back to my car I knew I hadn't played well nor had I played all that bad but it just seemed to leave sour taste in my mouth.
Maybe the crazy day at work had a negative impact, maybe thoughts of the surgery were lurking in my subconscious, and maybe it was just one of those days.
All things considered, time spent on the course is time well spent.
Got home from work to find the son heading out to play some soccer with his buddies and didn't feel like doing anything around the house and figured my golf would be limited this week post surgery so I loaded the sticks into the car and headed over to GlenMar to play a quick 9.
Course was pretty empty and I was able to play the back 9, which is the old front 9, and that made me smile as both the par 5's on this side of the course are long yet playable, offering me some opportunities for a solid par, sometimes it's been a birdie on the 3rd hole but never on the 6th as that monster takes 4 good shots to get on the green and I do mean good as in both long and accurate, stray off the fairway at your own peril on this one my friend.
Bogeyed the opening hole after a weak tee shot that was saved by a nice 5 iron from just inside the first cut off the fairway. Bogeyed the short par 3 2nd when I put my weak as wet paper tee shot short of the bunker and had to play my wedge to the back of the green and ended up 2 putting.
The 3rd is when my game woke up, sort of, when I crushed my drive about 245 yards and left myself around 220 to the green. Followed that up with an almost perfect 4 hybrid that left me about 40 yards and than the proverbial wheels fell off as I left my wedge short and had to chip on to about 6 feet from the hole. I ended up putting for a par and that should have made me feel good but my game was off and it was affecting my mood.
My mind seemed to wander from thought to thought and usually this is good for me when I play a round as it lets me just enjoy the moment but for some reason it made it harder for me to choose clubs and execute my swing. I seemed to leave a lot of my shots short and it sort of frustrated me but not overly.
Before I knew it I was walking down the 9th fairway after a decent tee shot and paused as I realized my round was almost over and I didn't even realize the holes were flying by. I had to lay up short of the creek/pond that guards the front edge of the green but nailed a perfect wedge that let me finish the round with a nice downhill 5 footer for the 2nd par of the round.
As I walked back to my car I knew I hadn't played well nor had I played all that bad but it just seemed to leave sour taste in my mouth.
Maybe the crazy day at work had a negative impact, maybe thoughts of the surgery were lurking in my subconscious, and maybe it was just one of those days.
All things considered, time spent on the course is time well spent.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Another Weekend, Another Recap..........
Sunday, June 05/16
Another weekend brings another recap but this one isn't as deep so take a breathe and relax :)
With the advent of summer I've noticed a change in how people are approaching casual Friday and decided to join the trend with some golf shorts, Pakenham Golf club polo, and my Nike sandals.
Can't even begin to tell you how refreshing it felt to dress like that and I can guarantee there will be many more days like that coming, I mean what are they going to do, fire me? Highly doubtful as it has become readily apparent from a string of recent conference calls with my direct boss down in San Francisco that they didn't think things through very well when they only made me a transitional employee who is set to leave at the end of September. No, it's sounding more and more like they'll be asking me to stay longer, which is good for me as it'll also mean that bucket of money they'll owe me at the end of September will just be that much bigger :)
Friday was also groomer day for Moki!!! Now she always has a great personality but it just ramps up by a factor of 100 when she gets a bath and haircut. She literally drops about 4 years from her age and becomes the most adorable puppy in the world. Once I figure out how to post a video to a blog entry I'll show you what I mean, until than you'll have to take my word for it ok, I mean when have I ever steered any of you wrong in the past....that's right.....NEVER :))
I also started my dad week on Friday which meant I got a hug from my son when I got home and walked through the door. I always find this to be the best pick me up and the fact he does it no matter who is around is just that much better.
I take great joy in the fact that neither of my kids hesitate to show how much my ex and I mean to them and do so with public hugs whenever the moment calls for it.
Saturday saw me playing at 7:20 and my first round of the year up at Sand Point Golf Course, formerly known as Arnprior Golf & Country Club. Sand Point has to be one of the best maintained courses in the entire region and I'd place it up against #1 rated Loch March, which is pristine as well.
There is nothing I can say in the negative about Sand Point, other than my scores as it usually kicks my ass as I have a very hard time putting as reading the speed of the greens is very difficult. For those in the know about such things than think US Open green speeds to understand what I mean and for those not in the know, well imagine rolling a golf ball across a sheet of glass tilted at a 15 degree angle......lightning fast to say the least and they lived up to that reputation yesterday.
I think I might have shot a 96 and honestly consider that a winning round given I had to have 3 putted about 6 of the 18 greens. I'll be back once I've spent more time working on the little things I learned at the putting clinic I attended back on May 23rd.
We played fairly quickly and were done by 10:30 so I was able to stop by my daughters place on the way home and see how things are turning out as they get more and more settled in after the move.
She had purchased a love seat that fit in the back of her Santa Fe and wanted me to help her move it inside but once I saw the size I told her there was no way she was moving it and I'd be back in 20 minutes with her brother. She half pouted and said she was getting tired of people telling her what she could and couldn't do and I smiled and said if I let her help me and her mother found out she'd have my head on a platter. I made the short drive home and woke the sleeping bear telling him we had things to do so get a move on and that he was driving.
We returned to his sisters place once he had a quick shower and made short work of moving the love seat inside, getting the legs on, and placed to her satisfaction. Once done there we headed off to get some lunch at Boston Pizza (shrimp tacos for me and sliders for the son), stock up on groceries at Loblaw's, and then we filled up his car for the week.
Now the best part of this was I got to have a teaching moment with him as he's never put gas in a car before so I was able to show him how to tell which side the gas tank is on, how to pump gas, and finally we went inside to get him his own PetroCanada card so he can earn points and get reduced cost gas down the road. Have to admit doing that with him made me feel pretty good and sort of helps me deal with the whole growing up thing he's doing.
Before he could drive it seems like I was more involved in his life as he needed me for rides and now it seems like another one of those ties that bind us has been cut. I know that as a parent those are the things we're supposed to work towards but still doesn't make them easy to take.
Saturday night saw his girlfriend come over and them watching movies in the man cave and me finishing off that long overdue weekend recap blog entry.
Sunday has been about getting ready for this week as it's going to be crazy as we are due to have final financials down at corporate by end of day on Friday but with my surgery scheduled for Thursday my own deadlines are moved up by 2 days. Not usually a big deal on a non quarter end month but they've asked me to prepare a full financial deconsolidation combining April & May so we can do a run through of the whole process. Now because there are still things outstanding from my usual monthly close I ended up going into the office for a few hours while my son worked on his math and chem course work.
When I got home I made dinner as we were both really hungry. Pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans. One of his favourite meals so I make it at least once every week he is over and now I've got leftovers for my own lunch tomorrow so a total win-win for both father and son.
After dinner we made a run to Wendy's for a couple of Frosty's to enjoy as we watched last weeks PVR recording of Game of Throne. Tonight's episode was taped as I watched Golden State run Cleveland out of the gym 110-77 and go up 2 games to Nil. While watching the game I managed to get mostly caught up with laundry and am ready to face the week.
Kind of a busy weekend and yet it left me feeling quite content. Can't beat that now can you?
Next weekend is my bachelor weekend but since I don't know how things are going to go with Thursday's back surgery I've deliberately not made any plans. At this point I'm thinking I'll catch some of the opening round of the US Open on Thursday once I get home, hopefully be able to go and watch my son play his league game that night, and take in the opening match of Euro 2016. The weekend is up in the air as I don't know if playing any golf will be in the cards but I'll play that one by ear as it comes up.
Hope you had a good weekend and got to enjoy some of the nice weather, well Saturday's at least as it rained all day today and my front lawn appreciated it ;)
My name is Marcus and this blog marks my efforts to be a good father, friend, co-worker, master the perfect 8 iron from 135+ yards, meet new people, date, and maybe feel butterflies
Whoops, almost forgot today's musical comes courtesy of both my son and I as we heard it on the drive home from Wendy's and both of us had our heads bopping to it.......
Stop the Rock by Apollo 440
Another weekend brings another recap but this one isn't as deep so take a breathe and relax :)
With the advent of summer I've noticed a change in how people are approaching casual Friday and decided to join the trend with some golf shorts, Pakenham Golf club polo, and my Nike sandals.
Can't even begin to tell you how refreshing it felt to dress like that and I can guarantee there will be many more days like that coming, I mean what are they going to do, fire me? Highly doubtful as it has become readily apparent from a string of recent conference calls with my direct boss down in San Francisco that they didn't think things through very well when they only made me a transitional employee who is set to leave at the end of September. No, it's sounding more and more like they'll be asking me to stay longer, which is good for me as it'll also mean that bucket of money they'll owe me at the end of September will just be that much bigger :)
Friday was also groomer day for Moki!!! Now she always has a great personality but it just ramps up by a factor of 100 when she gets a bath and haircut. She literally drops about 4 years from her age and becomes the most adorable puppy in the world. Once I figure out how to post a video to a blog entry I'll show you what I mean, until than you'll have to take my word for it ok, I mean when have I ever steered any of you wrong in the past....that's right.....NEVER :))
I also started my dad week on Friday which meant I got a hug from my son when I got home and walked through the door. I always find this to be the best pick me up and the fact he does it no matter who is around is just that much better.
I take great joy in the fact that neither of my kids hesitate to show how much my ex and I mean to them and do so with public hugs whenever the moment calls for it.
Saturday saw me playing at 7:20 and my first round of the year up at Sand Point Golf Course, formerly known as Arnprior Golf & Country Club. Sand Point has to be one of the best maintained courses in the entire region and I'd place it up against #1 rated Loch March, which is pristine as well.
There is nothing I can say in the negative about Sand Point, other than my scores as it usually kicks my ass as I have a very hard time putting as reading the speed of the greens is very difficult. For those in the know about such things than think US Open green speeds to understand what I mean and for those not in the know, well imagine rolling a golf ball across a sheet of glass tilted at a 15 degree angle......lightning fast to say the least and they lived up to that reputation yesterday.
I think I might have shot a 96 and honestly consider that a winning round given I had to have 3 putted about 6 of the 18 greens. I'll be back once I've spent more time working on the little things I learned at the putting clinic I attended back on May 23rd.
We played fairly quickly and were done by 10:30 so I was able to stop by my daughters place on the way home and see how things are turning out as they get more and more settled in after the move.
She had purchased a love seat that fit in the back of her Santa Fe and wanted me to help her move it inside but once I saw the size I told her there was no way she was moving it and I'd be back in 20 minutes with her brother. She half pouted and said she was getting tired of people telling her what she could and couldn't do and I smiled and said if I let her help me and her mother found out she'd have my head on a platter. I made the short drive home and woke the sleeping bear telling him we had things to do so get a move on and that he was driving.
We returned to his sisters place once he had a quick shower and made short work of moving the love seat inside, getting the legs on, and placed to her satisfaction. Once done there we headed off to get some lunch at Boston Pizza (shrimp tacos for me and sliders for the son), stock up on groceries at Loblaw's, and then we filled up his car for the week.
Now the best part of this was I got to have a teaching moment with him as he's never put gas in a car before so I was able to show him how to tell which side the gas tank is on, how to pump gas, and finally we went inside to get him his own PetroCanada card so he can earn points and get reduced cost gas down the road. Have to admit doing that with him made me feel pretty good and sort of helps me deal with the whole growing up thing he's doing.
Before he could drive it seems like I was more involved in his life as he needed me for rides and now it seems like another one of those ties that bind us has been cut. I know that as a parent those are the things we're supposed to work towards but still doesn't make them easy to take.
Saturday night saw his girlfriend come over and them watching movies in the man cave and me finishing off that long overdue weekend recap blog entry.
Sunday has been about getting ready for this week as it's going to be crazy as we are due to have final financials down at corporate by end of day on Friday but with my surgery scheduled for Thursday my own deadlines are moved up by 2 days. Not usually a big deal on a non quarter end month but they've asked me to prepare a full financial deconsolidation combining April & May so we can do a run through of the whole process. Now because there are still things outstanding from my usual monthly close I ended up going into the office for a few hours while my son worked on his math and chem course work.
When I got home I made dinner as we were both really hungry. Pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans. One of his favourite meals so I make it at least once every week he is over and now I've got leftovers for my own lunch tomorrow so a total win-win for both father and son.
After dinner we made a run to Wendy's for a couple of Frosty's to enjoy as we watched last weeks PVR recording of Game of Throne. Tonight's episode was taped as I watched Golden State run Cleveland out of the gym 110-77 and go up 2 games to Nil. While watching the game I managed to get mostly caught up with laundry and am ready to face the week.
Kind of a busy weekend and yet it left me feeling quite content. Can't beat that now can you?
Next weekend is my bachelor weekend but since I don't know how things are going to go with Thursday's back surgery I've deliberately not made any plans. At this point I'm thinking I'll catch some of the opening round of the US Open on Thursday once I get home, hopefully be able to go and watch my son play his league game that night, and take in the opening match of Euro 2016. The weekend is up in the air as I don't know if playing any golf will be in the cards but I'll play that one by ear as it comes up.
Hope you had a good weekend and got to enjoy some of the nice weather, well Saturday's at least as it rained all day today and my front lawn appreciated it ;)
My name is Marcus and this blog marks my efforts to be a good father, friend, co-worker, master the perfect 8 iron from 135+ yards, meet new people, date, and maybe feel butterflies
Whoops, almost forgot today's musical comes courtesy of both my son and I as we heard it on the drive home from Wendy's and both of us had our heads bopping to it.......
Stop the Rock by Apollo 440
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