Sunday, June 5, 2016

Another Weekend, Another Recap..........

Sunday, June 05/16

Another weekend brings another recap but this one isn't as deep so take a breathe and relax :)

With the advent of summer I've noticed a change in how people are approaching casual Friday and decided to join the trend with some golf shorts, Pakenham Golf club polo, and my Nike sandals.

Can't even begin to tell you how refreshing it felt to dress like that and I can guarantee there will be many more days like that coming, I mean what are they going to do, fire me?  Highly doubtful as it has become readily apparent from a string of recent conference calls with my direct boss down in San Francisco that they didn't think things through very well when they only made me a transitional employee who is set to leave at the end of September. No, it's sounding more and more like they'll be asking me to stay longer, which is good for me as it'll also mean that bucket of money they'll owe me at the end of September will just be that much bigger :)

Friday was also groomer day for Moki!!!  Now she always has a great personality but it just ramps up by a factor of 100 when she gets a bath and haircut. She literally drops about 4 years from her age and becomes the most adorable puppy in the world. Once I figure out how to post a video to a blog entry I'll show you what I mean, until than you'll have to take my word for it ok, I mean when have I ever steered any of you wrong in the past....that's right.....NEVER :))

I also started my dad week on Friday which meant I got a hug from my son when I got home and walked through the door. I always find this to be the best pick me up and the fact he does it no matter who is around is just that much better.

I take great joy in the fact that neither of my kids hesitate to show how much my ex and I mean to them and do so with public hugs whenever the moment calls for it.

Saturday saw me playing at 7:20 and my first round of the year up at Sand Point Golf Course, formerly known as Arnprior Golf & Country Club.  Sand Point has to be one of the best maintained courses in the entire region and I'd place it up against #1 rated Loch March, which is pristine as well.

There is nothing I can say in the negative about Sand Point, other than my scores as it usually kicks my ass as I have a very hard time putting as reading the speed of the greens is very difficult. For those in the know about such things than think US Open green speeds to understand what I mean and for those not in the know, well imagine rolling a golf ball across a sheet of glass tilted at a 15 degree angle......lightning fast to say the least and they lived up to that reputation yesterday.

I think I might have shot a 96 and honestly consider that a winning round given I had to have 3 putted about 6 of the 18 greens. I'll be back once I've spent more time working on the little things I learned at the putting clinic I attended back on May 23rd.

We played fairly quickly and were done by 10:30 so I was able to stop by my daughters place on the way home and see how things are turning out as they get more and more settled in after the move.

She had purchased a love seat that fit in the back of her Santa Fe and wanted me to help her move it inside but once I saw the size I told her there was no way she was moving it and I'd be back in 20 minutes with her brother. She half pouted and said she was getting tired of people telling her what she could and couldn't do and I smiled and said if I let her help me and her mother found out she'd have my head on a platter.  I made the short drive home and woke the sleeping bear telling him we had things to do so get a move on and that he was driving.

We returned to his sisters place once he had a quick shower and made short work of moving the love seat inside, getting the legs on, and placed to her satisfaction. Once done there we headed off to get some lunch at Boston Pizza (shrimp tacos for me and sliders for the son), stock up on groceries at Loblaw's, and then we filled up his car for the week.

Now the best part of this was I got to have a teaching moment with him as he's never put gas in a car before so I was able to show him how to tell which side the gas tank is on, how to pump gas, and finally we went inside to get him his own PetroCanada card so he can earn points and get reduced cost gas down the road. Have to admit doing that with him made me feel pretty good and sort of helps me deal with the whole growing up thing he's doing.

Before he could drive it seems like I was more involved in his life as he needed me for rides and now it seems like another one of those ties that bind us has been cut. I know that as a parent those are the things we're supposed to work towards but still doesn't make them easy to take.

Saturday night saw his girlfriend come over and them watching movies in the man cave and me finishing off that long overdue weekend recap blog entry.

Sunday has been about getting ready for this week as it's going to be crazy as we are due to have final financials down at corporate by end of day on Friday but with my surgery scheduled for Thursday my own deadlines are moved up by 2 days. Not usually a big deal on a non quarter end month but they've asked me to prepare a full financial deconsolidation combining April & May so we can do a run through of the whole process. Now because there are still things outstanding from my usual monthly close I ended up going into the office for a few hours while my son worked on his math and chem course work.

When I got home I made dinner as we were both really hungry. Pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans. One of his favourite meals so I make it at least once every week he is over and now I've got leftovers for my own lunch tomorrow so a total win-win for both father and son.

After dinner we made a run to Wendy's for a couple of Frosty's to enjoy as we watched last weeks PVR recording of Game of Throne. Tonight's episode was taped as I watched Golden State run Cleveland out of the gym 110-77 and go up 2 games to Nil. While watching the game I managed to get mostly caught up with laundry and am ready to face the week.

Kind of a busy weekend and yet it left me feeling quite content. Can't beat that now can you?

Next weekend is my bachelor weekend but since I don't know how things are going to go with Thursday's back surgery I've deliberately not made any plans. At this point I'm thinking I'll catch some of the opening round of the US Open on Thursday once I get home, hopefully be able to go and watch my son play his league game that night, and take in the opening match of Euro 2016. The weekend is up in the air as I don't know if playing any golf will be in the cards but I'll play that one by ear as it comes up.

Hope you had a good weekend and got to enjoy some of the nice weather, well Saturday's at least as it rained all day today and my front lawn appreciated it ;)

My name is Marcus and this blog marks my efforts to be a good father, friend, co-worker, master the perfect 8 iron from 135+ yards, meet new people, date, and maybe feel butterflies

Whoops, almost forgot today's musical comes courtesy of both my son and I as we heard it on the drive home from Wendy's and both of us had our heads bopping to it.......

Stop the Rock by Apollo 440

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