Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Happy Anniversary

Wednesday, June 22/16

I'm not sure if you're still reading the blog but I still wanted to put this out there so anyone coming across it would know how proud I am of you.

One year ago yesterday you went through a promotion ceremony that was something you'd been working towards for your entire career. The day marked a culmination of events over the proceeding months that had been both physically and emotionally draining.

There were times we talked and you expressed some doubt on whether you could, or even should, be going through with it as the cost to you seemed to be mounting more and more. Cost not in dollars and cents but in family time.

In the end you did the only thing possible and stayed true to yourself and made the move. I know this has left you wondering at times if you've made the right decision and I can say from my heart that I think you did and that those who love you understand and supported you in that decision.

What you do matters. It matters a lot. Not many can do what you do and for that I am grateful and so very proud. When you get up in the morning you can look at the person staring back at you in the mirror and know you've made a difference, that the example you set has shown your sons what it means to stay true to a declaration and there are times we do things that make us sad or lonely but we need people to do them lest the barbarians at the gate win out.

You never ceased to amaze me with your excitement and willingness to explain things to me more than once, never letting any exasperation show when I asked the same questions over and over, albeit at different times when we were together.

I wasn't there last year to witness the ceremony and I wasn't there this year to raise a toast with you celebrating one year done and one more to go, but I will be standing in the back of the viewing area next year when you are going through the next ceremony and moving forward with the next phase of your career.

People may wonder why I wrote this post but my honour and respect for you demanded that I recognize the amazing person you are and how much of an impact you've had on my life.

Thank you for being there, thank you for being you.


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