Sunday, June 12/16
My musical suggestion for today is "Dark Necessities" by Red Hot Chili Peppers. The opening drum rift coupled with the piano just latches on and won't let go.
Yesterday I had made tentative plans with my daughter to go see "Me Before You" and was awaken by a call from her at around 9am asking if I wanted to join her and her boyfriend for brunch before the movie. I had to take a rain cheque on the brunch as I really had to take Moki for a walk, shave my 2 day growth, shower, and change the dressing on my back. Now the last one was the hardest as it's done all by feel as I can't see squat when looking in the mirror lol
I had some time to kill before meeting her at Chapters and decided to see how it felt to putt down in the man cave so I headed downstairs only to find my putter not in my golf bag. It wasn't in the old bag so I headed outside and checked the back of my car to see if I had left it there by accident. Nope, no putter in the car so back downstairs I went thinking maybe I'd left it leaning against the wall next to the armoire, but still no luck and I could feel a sense of frustration building inside me as I walked back into the laundry/storage room to continue the search. It took me about 5 minutes before it dawned on me that none of my putters were in either of my golf bags.
Now I stood there for a moment literally and figuratively scratching my head when the proverbial light above my head went off and I headed upstairs to find my cell phone.
I dialed a number and waited for an answer as I listened to it ring, just as I thought it was going to voice mail I heard a familiar voice "Hey Dad, how are you feeling?"
"I'm doing fine other than some stiffness, thanks for asking"
"Do you need anything?"
"Well son, I'm wondering what you know about the missing putters at my place?"
I heard him laugh and than reply "I know you and didn't want you overdoing it by trying to play golf too soon"
"So that means you make off with every single one of my putters to protect me?"
"I thought about taking your driver but knew you'd just use a hybrid or fairway wood and knew you couldn't adopt any other club to putt with"
I laughed and told him he clearly thought this one through and I gave him props.
"Thanks pops, but seriously like who the hell has 8 putters? took me three trips to get them all into my car"
"You know you're old man, I'm always experimenting. Now please tell me they still aren't in your car?"
"No, they are in my closet and I'll give them back to you on Thursday at my game. So till than just take it easy and no golf!"
Hanging up I couldn't help but smile at how much my kids check on me when I'm either sick or recuperating from something.
While it would be nice to have someone special to check in on me during times like this I can't complain if my kids care enough to do that in the meantime.
My name is Marcus and I'm one lucky father :)
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