Friday, June 10, 2016

Surgery & Recovery

Friday, June 10/16

So I was asked what my surgery was all about, with one smart ass commenting that I must be getting my unit snipped, and how long I'd be recovering.

First off, it was nothing major and I'm doing ok so far. Secondly, since my dating days are over it doesn't matter whether my unit still produces or not so they'll be no scalpels near my nether region thank you very much.

I've had a lump in my back about mid line length wise just to the right of my spine. It's never really bothered me until late last year when I started to work out, for some reason that triggered it to start getting larger and painful. An ultrasound confirmed it wasn't malignant but it was time to have it removed and that was what happened yesterday.

It was done under a day surgery procedure and the goal was to just give me some local freezing and remove it, well as they say the best laid plans usually don't come about and such was the case yesterday. Turns out they had to add freezing 4 times as they worked to remove the lump as I kept experiencing some rather intense pain as they had to go through a muscle. What should have been at best a 30 minute procedure ended up taking 90 minutes as it was much larger than they thought and had managed to become entwined in said muscle. I was awake for it but couldn't see anything but could feel them working to remove it, kind of gross and yet kind of fascinating at the same time.

My son drove me and waited for me to get done, telling me later last night that just at the point he was starting to worry about how long I'd been gone someone came to tell him I was doing fine and it was just taking longer than they thought.

When I walked out to the waiting room I don't think I've ever seen a bigger smile on his face and he went to hug me but stopped when I half cringed as my back was already starting to hurt so he fist bumped me instead and told me he loved me. I could see an older couple sitting behind him and they smiled at me when they heard him say that to me.

I took it easy when I got home and just rested on the couch for a bit, Moki was confused as I wouldn't let her jump up and lay on my hip like usual but she did lay on the floor next to me on the couch.

My stupid act for the day was to drive myself over to watch his soccer game, surprising him in the process and getting told to go home by him, his sister, and my ex, all thinking I was insane for being there but I'm a soccer dad so what else could I do.

Turns out they were right and I should have stayed home as it looks like I pulled a suture as my dressing was soaked in blood and went through my shirt. when I got home my son put a fresh one on for me and reminded me I wasn't 21 anymore lol

So  today is nothing but rest without any exertions.

Oh, and no golf for the entire weekend.........

My name is Marcus and sometimes I'm not as smart as I think I am.

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