Saturday, June 18, 2016

Happy Father's Day

Saturday, June 18/16

I know it's not quite actually Father's Day but thought I'd post the wishes now so anyone perusing the blog on Sunday morning will see it.

So anyways....Happy Father's Day to all the dad's who read the blog, all the single mom's pulling double duty as both mom and dad, all the dad's of every kind who are busy being there for your children.

I've got my son this week and am sure to get a card and hug at some point tomorrow morning, probably right after I make bacon and eggs, and the best part will the be the hug.

We'll be heading over to my daughters for lunch at some point, sort of dependent on when she is ready for us and how much studying someone gets done as it's exam week for the lad - I so don't miss those days.

Got a couple of pending posts covering my first game back coaching and an observation on the latest insanity involving that social disaster that is the West-Kardashian combination.  Pretty sure I took a self vow years ago not to comment on those two but the latest stories just have me scratching my head and questioning if those two signal the decline of western civilization as we know it.

So until that point tomorrow when I can't bare to continue watching the self destruction of Dustin Johnson as he tries to reel in another golf major only to stumble over this own feet I'll leave you to enjoy your evening.


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