Sunday, June 12/16
So I ended up having to take that kick ass pain killer a bit earlier than usual tonight and while waiting for it to kick in checked on my FB to see what was going on around the world and this site came up as one I might like....and I made me laugh
So here are a few quotes from it....please note these are not all "G" rated and might not be suitable for those under 18 or with sensitive emotions....can't say you weren't warned.........
I fall too fast, crash too hard, forgive too easy and care too much
I pretend to be happy a lot. I'm not, inside, I'm really fucked up
And then I met you
I need someone who won't give up on me.
Somewhere between fuck you and I'd fuck you
I swear, sometimes it feels like you actually enjoy breaking my heart
Sometimes when I say "I'm okay", I want someone too look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're not"
I would give anything, just to start over. Go back to the beginning, fall in love again, and go through everything with you again. Except this time, I won't fuck it all up
Nobody cares until it's too late
Admit it.......Life would be so boring without me
You are going to want to give up. Don't.
oh just admit it. you gave a fuck about her. and you still do
Be naked when I come home
Because everyone leaves eventually
I want you to know that someone cares. Not me, but someone.
We were lovers now we can't be friends
I still remember the sound of your voice that night.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train sometimes
You may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong reason, but the mistakes help us find the right person.
Some of the above may reflect how I've felt, feel, or will feel in the coming months. You figure out which is which.....................
P.S. the title of this blog in no way reflects how I feel about any of my ex's so please don't read more into it than there is...just got a kick out of the FB site and some of the sayings is all
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