Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!!!

Tuesday, December 31st, 2019

So tonight marks the end of one decade and the start of another.

I'm not really big on reflecting back on the year just ending nor am I big on declaring resolutions for the new year opening up at midnight.

2019 saw the first real breakdown in my body I've ever really experienced. The left knee injury, followed by tendinitis in my right shoulder, and second back surgery in 3 years sort of had me questioning just what was going on with me health-wise. The bottom line is that I'm getting older and need to do a better job of exercising and eating right if I want to be around for a long time, and I do want to be around to see my grandkids graduate university.

Both the x-ray and MRI came back negative on my left knee but luckily my doctor remembered that was the same situation with my right meniscus back in 2009 and surgery did prove there was a tear that needed to be repaired as it wasn't healing on its own.  Because of that, I'm now scheduled to see a sports injury doctor, the same one who recommended my meniscus surgery, on February 10th and could have surgery sometime this summer, depending on if I'm even still in Canada lol

The past year has seen me start a new job, the aforementioned health issues, lots of time with my amazing grandson, the announcement that he has a little sister coming next year, and a quiet return to the dating pool.

It has also seen me continue to try and stay on an even keel emotionally, to appreciate the life I've been afforded, to share things with my children and grandson so they know that as long as I'm around they'll never walk alone.

It's seen me think about those who have had a positive impact on my life, whether our interaction was recent or years ago, and appreciate them for it, to miss them, and to wish for nothing but the best for each person.

Things happen and we can't always control them so we better just be able to roll with the punches and try like hell to see the good even when there might have been some deep hurt at the time.

I hope 2020 finds me making new friends, whether in person or through this blog, that I grow as a person, always striving to improve my self, body, mind, and soul. That I don't lose that inner child that sees me marvel at the things around me, that maybe get lucky and meet someone who thinks I'm as imperfectly perfect for her as I think she is imperfectly perfect for me, that maybe we share our last first kiss.

My name is Marcus and I wish each of you happiness, peace, good health, and the love of family and friends. May 2020 be your most awesome year as I hope it's mine!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!


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